QLogValue3DAxisFormatter Class

QLogValue3DAxisFormatter implements logarithmic value axis formatter. More...

Header: #include <QLogValue3DAxisFormatter>
Since: QtDataVisualization 1.1
Instantiated By: LogValueAxis3DFormatter
Inherits: QValue3DAxisFormatter


  • 1 property inherited from QObject

Public Functions

QLogValue3DAxisFormatter(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)
virtual ~QLogValue3DAxisFormatter()
bool autoSubGrid() const
qreal base() const
void setAutoSubGrid(bool enabled)
void setBase(qreal base)
void setShowEdgeLabels(bool enabled)
bool showEdgeLabels() const
  • 31 public functions inherited from QObject


void autoSubGridChanged(bool enabled)
void baseChanged(qreal base)
void showEdgeLabelsChanged(bool enabled)

Additional Inherited Members

Detailed Description

QLogValue3DAxisFormatter implements logarithmic value axis formatter.

This class provides formatting rules for a logarithmic QValue3DAxis.

When a QLogValue3DAxisFormatter is attached to a QValue3DAxis, the axis range cannot include negative values or the zero.

See also QValue3DAxisFormatter.

Property Documentation

autoSubGrid : bool

If this property value is set to true, the parent axis sub-segment count is ignored when calculating sub-grid line positions. The sub-grid positions are generated automatically according to the base property value. The number of sub-grid lines is set to base value minus one, rounded down. This property is ignored when base property value is zero. Defaults to true.

Access functions:

bool autoSubGrid() const
void setAutoSubGrid(bool enabled)

Notifier signal:

void autoSubGridChanged(bool enabled)

See also base and QValue3DAxis::subSegmentCount.

base : qreal

The base of the logarithm used to map axis values. If the base is non-zero, the parent axis segment count will be ignored when the grid line and label positions are calculated. If you want the range to be divided into equal segments like normal value axis, set this property value to zero.

The base has to be zero or positive value and not equal to one. Defaults to ten.

Access functions:

qreal base() const
void setBase(qreal base)

Notifier signal:

void baseChanged(qreal base)

See also QValue3DAxis::segmentCount.

showEdgeLabels : bool

When the base property value is non-zero, the whole axis range is often not equally divided into segments. The first and last segments are often smaller than the other segments. In extreme cases this can lead to overlapping labels on the first and last two grid lines. By setting this property to false, you can suppress showing the minimum and maximum labels for the axis in cases where the segments do not exactly fit the axis. Defaults to true.

Access functions:

bool showEdgeLabels() const
void setShowEdgeLabels(bool enabled)

Notifier signal:

void showEdgeLabelsChanged(bool enabled)

See also base and QAbstract3DAxis::labels.

Member Function Documentation

QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::QLogValue3DAxisFormatter(QObject *parent = Q_NULLPTR)

Constructs a new QLogValue3DAxisFormatter instance with optional parent.

[virtual] QLogValue3DAxisFormatter::~QLogValue3DAxisFormatter()

Destroys QLogValue3DAxisFormatter.