Ashvini Thammaiah
Co-Founder, Co-President
Class of 2006
The Network of Sloan Undergraduate Women (NSUW) was co-founded in the Spring of 2005 by Ashvini Thammaiah and Stephanie Wu. Inspired by a conference they attended for women in business, they sought to provide similar opportunities for women at MIT. The idea was developed by an inaugural executive board of nine members. NSUW received full recognition as a student group by the MIT Association of Student Activities (ASA) in December of 2005.

NSUW's Mission Statement: "NSUW establishes a network of women undergraduates, faculty, alumnae and professionals to empower women in their business endeavors and support them in the development of their careers. We support our members in their personal and professional pursuits during and after their years at MIT."

Stephanie Wu
Co-Founder, Co-President
Class of 2007