Package org.apache.xalan.xpath

Infrastructure for processing XPATH expressions


Interface Summary
MutableNodeList **For advanced use only** Interface for a modifiable NodeList.
NodeCallback **For advanced use only** This interface describes a callback that may be executed when a node is found, if the XPath query can be done in document order.
XLocator **For advanced use only** This interface provides services for processing a XPath LocationPath.
XPathEnvSupport **For advanced use only** This class provides services that must be implemented by the hosting environment, in other words, stuff that is external to XPath.
XPathFactory **For advanced use only** Factory class for creating an XPath.
XPathProcessor An object that implements the XPathProcessor interface responsibilities include initializing the XPath expression from an XPath string.
XPathSupport **For advanced use only** Provides basic support for independent use of XPath.

Class Summary
DataProviderAssociation **For internal use only** Key to XLocator association class.
ExtensionFunctionHandler **For internal use only** Class handling an extension namespace for XPath.
FuncBoolean **For advanced use only** Execute the Boolean() function.
FuncCeiling **For advanced use only** Execute the Ceiling() function.
FuncConcat **For advanced use only** Execute the Concat() function.
FuncContains **For advanced use only** Execute the Contains() function.
FuncCount **For advanced use only** Execute the Count() function.
FuncCurrent **For advanced use only** Execute the current() function.
FuncDoc **For advanced use only** Execute the Doc() function.
FuncDoclocation **For advanced use only** Execute the proprietary document-location() function, which returns a node set of documents.
FuncExtElementAvailable **For advanced use only** Execute the ExtElementAvailable() function.
FuncExtFunctionAvailable **For advanced use only** Execute the ExtFunctionAvailable() function.
FuncFalse **For advanced use only** Execute the False() function.
FuncFloor **For advanced use only** Execute the Floor() function.
FuncFormatNumber **For advanced use only** Execute the FormatNumber() function.
FuncGenerateId **For advanced use only** Execute the GenerateId() function.
FuncId **For advanced use only** Execute the Id() function.
FuncKey **For advanced use only** Execute the Key() function.
FuncLang **For advanced use only** Execute the Lang() function.
FuncLast **For advanced use only** Execute the Last() function.
FuncLoader **For advanced use only** Load functions in function table as needed
FuncLocalPart Execute the LocalPart() function.
FuncNamespace **For advanced use only** Execute the Namespace() function.
FuncNormalize **For advanced use only** Execute the Normalize() function.
FuncNormalizeSpace **For advanced use only** Execute the Normalize-space() function.
FuncNot **For advanced use only** Execute the Not() function.
FuncNumber **For advanced use only** Execute the Number() function.
FuncPosition **For advanced use only** Execute the Position() function.
FuncQname **For advanced use only** Execute the Qname() function.
FuncRound **For advanced use only** Execute the Round() function.
FuncStartsWith **For advanced use only** Execute the StartsWith() function.
FuncString **For advanced use only** Execute the String() function.
FuncStringLength **For advanced use only** Execute the StringLength() function.
FuncSubstring **For advanced use only** Execute the Substring() function.
FuncSubstringAfter **For advanced use only** Execute the SubstringAfter() function.
FuncSubstringBefore **For advanced use only** Execute the SubstringBefore() function.
FuncSum **For advanced use only** Execute the Sum() function.
FuncSystemProperty **For advanced use only** Execute the SystemProperty() function.
Function **For advanced use only** This is a superclass of all XPath functions.
FuncTranslate **For advanced use only** Execute the Translate() function.
FuncTrue **For advanced use only** Execute the True() function.
FuncUnparsedEntityURI **For advanced use only** Execute the True() function.
KeyDeclaration **For internal use only** Holds the attribute declarations for the xsl:keys element.
MutableNodeListImpl **For advanced use only** Implementation of MutableNodeList.
NodeListImpl **For advanced use only** Local implementation of NodeList.
Process Provides command-line interface to the XPath processor
SimpleNodeLocator **For advanced use only** SimpleNodeLocator implements a search of one or more DOM trees.
XBoolean **For advanced use only** This class represents an XPath boolean object, and is capable of converting the boolean to other types, such as a string.
XBooleanStatic **For internal use only** This class doesn't have any XPathSupport, so override whatever to ensure it works OK.
XNodeSet This class represents an XPath nodeset object, and is capable of converting the nodeset to other types, such as a string.
XNull This class represents an XPath null object, and is capable of converting the null to other types, such as a string.
XNumber This class represents an XPath number, and is capable of converting the number to other types, such as a string.
XObject This class represents an XPath object, and is capable of converting the object to various types, such as a string.
XPath The XPath class represents the semantic parse tree of the XPath pattern.
XPathProcessorImpl Tokenizes and parses XPath expressions.
XPathSupportDefault **For advanced use only** Default class for execution context when XPath is used by itself.
XRTreeFrag This class represents an XPath result tree fragment object, and is capable of converting the RTF to other types, such as a string.
XSLTJavaClassEngine **For internal use only** This is a custom scripting engine for the XSLT processor's needs of calling into Java objects.
XString This class represents an XPath string object, and is capable of converting the string to other types, such as a number.

Exception Summary
XPathException This class implements an exception object that all XPath classes will throw in case of an error.
XPathProcessorException Derived from XPathException in order that XPath processor exceptions may be specifically caught.

Package org.apache.xalan.xpath Description

Infrastructure for processing XPATH expressions