Class PrintTraceListener


public class PrintTraceListener
extends java.lang.Object
implements TraceListener

**For advanced use only** Implementation of the TraceListener interface that prints each event to standard out as it occurs.

See Also:

Field Summary
 boolean m_traceElements
          **For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print events that occur as each node is 'executed' in the stylesheet.
 boolean m_traceGeneration
          **For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print information after each result-tree generation event.
 boolean m_traceSelection
          **For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print information after each selection event.
 boolean m_traceTemplates
          **For advanced use only** This needs to be set to true if the listener is to print an event whenever a template is invoked.
Constructor Summary
PrintTraceListener( pw)
          **For advanced use only** Construct a trace listener.
Method Summary
 void generated(GenerateEvent ev)
          **For advanced use only** Print information about a Generate event.
 void selected(SelectionEvent ev)
          **For advanced use only** Method that is called just after the formatter listener is called.
 void trace(TracerEvent ev)
          **For advanced use only** Print information about a TracerEvent.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public boolean m_traceTemplates
**For advanced use only** This needs to be set to true if the listener is to print an event whenever a template is invoked.


public boolean m_traceElements
**For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print events that occur as each node is 'executed' in the stylesheet.


public boolean m_traceGeneration
**For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print information after each result-tree generation event.


public boolean m_traceSelection
**For advanced use only** Set to true if the listener is to print information after each selection event.
Constructor Detail


public PrintTraceListener( pw)
**For advanced use only** Construct a trace listener.
Method Detail


public void trace(TracerEvent ev)
**For advanced use only** Print information about a TracerEvent.
Specified by:
trace in interface TraceListener
ev - the trace event.


public void selected(SelectionEvent ev)
              throws org.xml.sax.SAXException
**For advanced use only** Method that is called just after the formatter listener is called.
Specified by:
selected in interface TraceListener
ev - the generate event.


public void generated(GenerateEvent ev)
**For advanced use only** Print information about a Generate event.
Specified by:
generated in interface TraceListener
ev - the trace event.