9 Syntax for Path Specifications

A path is a series of straight and curved line segments. It is specified following a \path command and the specification must follow a special syntax, which is described in the subsections of the present section.


This command is available only inside a {tikzpicture} environment.

The <specification> is a long stream of path operations. Most of these path operations tell TikZ how the path is build. For example, when you write --(0,0), you use a line-to operation and it means “continue the path from wherever you are to the origin.”

At any point where TikZ expects a path operation, you can also give some graphic options, which is a list of options in brackets, such as [rounded corners]. These options can have different effects:

  1. Some options take “immediate” effect and apply to all subsequent path operations on the path. For example, the rounded corners option will round all following corners, but not the corners “before” and if the sharp corners is given later on the path (in a new set of brackets), the rounding effect will end.


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    \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
               [rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)
               [sharp corners] -- (3,0) -- (2,1);

    Another example are the transformation options, which also apply only to subsequent coordinates.

  2. The options that have immediate effect can be “scoped” by putting part of a path in curly braces. For example, the above example could also be written as follows:


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    \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
               {[rounded corners] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)}
               -- (3,0) -- (2,1);
  3. Some options only apply to the path as a whole. For example, the color= option for determining the color used for, say, drawing the path always applies to all parts of the path. If several different colors are given for different parts of the path, only the last one (on the outermost scope) “wins”:


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    \tikz \draw (0,0) -- (1,1)
               [color=red] -- (2,0) -- (3,1)
               [color=blue] -- (3,0) -- (2,1);

    Most options are of this type. In the above example, we would have had to “split up” the path into several \path commands:


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    \tikz{\draw (0,0) -- (1,1);
          \draw [color=red] (2,0) -- (3,1);
          \draw [color=blue] (3,0) -- (2,1);}

By default, the \path command does “nothing” with the path, it just “throws it away.” Thus, if you write \path(0,0)--(1,1);, nothing is drawn in your picture. The only effect is that the area occupied by the picture is (possibly) enlarged so that the path fits inside the area. To actually “do” something with the path, an option like draw or fill must be given somewhere on the path. Commands like \draw do this implicitly.

Finally, it is also possible to give node specifications on a path. Such specifications can come at different locations, but they are always allowed when a normal path operation could follow. A node specification starts with node. Basically, the effect is to typeset the node’s text as normal TEX text and to place it at the “current location” on the path. The details are explained in Section 11.

Note, however, that the nodes are not part of the path in any way. Rather, after everything has been done with the path what is specified by the path options (like filling and drawing the path due to a fill and a draw option somewhere in the <specification>), the nodes are added in a post-processing step.

The following style influences scopes:

9.1 The Move-To Operation

The perhaps simplest operation is the move-to operation, which is specified by just giving a coordinate where a path operation is expected.

\path  ... <coordinate> ...;

The move-to operation normally starts a path at a certain point. This does not cause a line segment to be created, but it specifies the starting point of the next segment. If a path is already under construction, that is, if several segments have already been created, a move-to operation will start a new part of the path that is not connected to any of the previous segments.


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  \draw (0,0) --(2,0) (0,1) --(2,1);

In the specification (0,0) --(2,0) (0,1) --(2,1) two move-to operations are specified: (0,0) and (0,1). The other two operations, namely --(2,0) and --(2,1) are line-to operations, described next.

9.2 The Line-To Operation

9.2.1 Straight Lines

\path  ... --<coordinate> ...;

The line-to operation extends the current path from the current point in a straight line to the given coordinate. The “current point” is the endpoint of the previous drawing operation or the point specified by a prior move-to operation.

You use two minus signs followed by a coordinate in round brackets. You can add spaces before and after the --.

When a line-to operation is used and some path segment has just been constructed, for example by another line-to operation, the two line segments become joined. This means that if they are drawn, the point where they meet is “joined” smoothly. To appreciate the difference, consider the following two examples: In the left example, the path consists of two path segments that are not joined, but that happen to share a point, while in the right example a smooth join is shown.

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\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=10pt]
  \draw (0,0) --(1,1)  (1,1) --(2,0);
  \draw (3,0) -- (4,1) -- (5,0);
  \useasboundingbox (0,1.5); % make bounding box higher

9.2.2 Horizontal and Vertical Lines

Sometimes you want to connect two points via straight lines that are only horizontal and vertical. For this, you can use two path construction operations.

\path  ... -|<coordinate> ...;

This operation means “first horizontal, then vertical.”


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  \draw (0,0) node(a) [draw] {A}  (1,1) node(b) [draw] {B};
  \draw (a.north) |- (b.west);
  \draw[color=red] (a.east) -| (2,1.5) -| (b.north);

\path  ... |-<coordinate> ...;

This operations means “first vertical, then horizontal.”

9.2.3 Snaked Lines

The line-to operation can not only be used to append straight lines to the path, but also “snaked” lines (called thus because they look a little bit like snakes seen from above).

TikZ and PGF use a concept that I termed snakes for appending such “squiggly” lines. A snake specifies a way of extending a path between two points in a “fancy manner.”

Normally, a snake will just connect the start point to the end point without starting new subpaths. Thus, a path containing a snaked line can, nevetheless, still be used for filling. However, this is not always the case. Some snakes consist of numerous unconnected segments. “Lines” consisting of such snakes cannot be used as the borders of enclosed areas.

Here are some examples of snakes in action:


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  \draw                                        (0,3)   -- (3,3);
  \draw[snake=zigzag]                          (0,2.5) -- (3,2.5);
  \draw[snake=brace]                           (0,2)   -- (3,2);
  \draw[snake=triangles]                       (0,1.5) -- (3,1.5);
  \draw[snake=coil,segment length=4pt]         (0,1)   -- (3,1);
  \draw[snake=coil,segment aspect=0]           (0,.5)  -- (3,.5);
  \draw[snake=expanding waves,segment angle=7] (0,0)   -- (3,0);


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  \filldraw[fill=red!20,snake=bumps] (0,0) rectangle (3,2);


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  \filldraw[fill=blue!20]              (0,3)
  [snake=saw]                       -- (3,3)
  [snake=coil,segment aspect=0]     -- (2,1)
  [snake=bumps]                     -| (0,3);

No special path operation is needed to use a snake. Instead, you use the following option to “switch on” snaking:

Most snakes can be configured. For example, for a snake that looks like a sine curve, you might wish to change the amplitude or the frequency. There are numerous options that influence these parameters. Not all options apply to all snakes, see Section 14.2 once more for details.

It is possible to define new snakes, but this cannot be done inside TikZ. You need to use the command \pgfdeclaresnake from the basic level directly, see Section 22.

The following styles define combinations of segment settings that may be useful:

9.3 The Curve-To Operation

The curve-to operation allows you to extend a path using a Bézier curve.

\path  ... ..controls<c>and<d>..<y> ...;

This operation extends the current path from the current point, let us call it x, via a curve to a the current point y. The curve is a cubic Bézier curve. For such a curve, apart from y, you also specify two control points c and d. The idea is that the curve starts at x, “heading” in the direction of c. Mathematically spoken, the tangent of the curve at x goes through c. Similarly, the curve ends at y, “coming from” the other control point, d. The larger the distance between x and c and between d and y, the larger the curve will be.

If the “and<d>” part is not given, d is assumed to be equal to c.

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  \draw[line width=10pt] (0,0) .. controls (1,1) .. (4,0)
                               .. controls (5,0) and (5,1) .. (4,1);
  \draw[color=gray] (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (4,0) -- (5,0) -- (5,1) -- (4,1);

As with the line-to operation, it makes a difference whether two curves are joined because they resulted from consecutive curve-to or line-to operations, or whether they just happen to have the same ending:

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\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=10pt]
  \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) (1,1) .. controls (1,0) and (2,0) .. (2,0);
  \draw (3,0) -- (4,1) .. controls (4,0) and (5,0) .. (5,0);
  \useasboundingbox (0,1.5); % make bounding box higher

9.4 The Cycle Operation

\path  ... --cycle ...;

This operation adds a straight line from the current point to the last point specified by a move-to operation. Note that this need not be the beginning of the path. Furthermore, a smooth join is created between the first segment created after the last move-to operation and the straight line appended by the cycle operation.

Consider the following example. In the left example, two triangles are created using three straight lines, but they are not joined at the ends. In the second example cycle operations are used.

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\begin{tikzpicture}[line width=10pt]
  \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) -- (1,0) -- (0,0) (2,0) -- (3,1) -- (3,0) -- (2,0);
  \draw (5,0) -- (6,1) -- (6,0) -- cycle (7,0) -- (8,1) -- (8,0) -- cycle;
  \useasboundingbox (0,1.5); % make bounding box higher

9.5 The Rectangle Operation

A rectangle can obviously be created using four straight lines and a cycle operation. However, since rectangles are needed so often, a special syntax is available for them.

\path  ... rectangle<corner> ...;

When this operation is used, one corner will be the current point, another corner is given by <corner>, which becomes the new current point.


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  \draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1);
  \draw (.5,1) rectangle (2,0.5) (3,0) rectangle (3.5,1.5) -- (2,0);

9.6 Rounding Corners

All of the path construction operations mentioned up to now are influenced by the following option:

9.7 The Circle and Ellipse Operations

A circle can be approximated well using four Bézier curves. However, it is difficult to do so correctly. For this reason, a special syntax is available for adding such an approximation of a circle to the current path.

\path  ... circle(<radius>) ...;

The center of the circle is given by the current point. The new current point of the path will remain to be the center of the circle.

\path  ... ellipse(<half width> and <half height>) ...;

Note that you can add spaces after ellipse, but you have to place spaces around and.

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  \draw (1,0) circle (.5cm);
  \draw (3,0) ellipse (1cm and .5cm) -- ++(3,0) circle (.5cm)
    -- ++(2,-.5) circle (.25cm);

9.8 The Arc Operation

The arc operation allows you to add an arc to the current path.

\path  ... arc(<start angle>:<end angle>:<radius>/<half height>) ...;

The arc operation adds a part of a circle of the given radius between the given angles. The arc will start at the current point and will end at the end of the arc.

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  \draw (0,0) arc (180:90:1cm) -- (2,.5) arc (90:0:1cm);
  \draw (4,0) -- +(30:1cm) arc (30:60:1cm) -- cycle;
  \draw (8,0) arc (0:270:1cm/.5cm) -- cycle;


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  \draw (-1,0) -- +(3.5,0);
  \draw (1,0) ++(210:2cm) -- +(30:4cm);
  \draw (1,0) +(0:1cm) arc (0:30:1cm);
  \draw (1,0) +(180:1cm) arc (180:210:1cm);
  \path (1,0) ++(15:.75cm) node{$\alpha$};
  \path (1,0) ++(15:-.75cm) node{$\beta$};

9.9 The Grid Operation

You can add a grid to the current path using the grid path operation.

\path  ... grid[<options>]<corner> ...;

This operations adss a grid filling a rectangle whose two corners are given by <corner> and by the previous coordinate. Thus, the typical way in which a grid is drawn is \draw (1,1) grid (3,3);, which yields a grid filling the rectangle whose corners are at (1,1) and (3,3). All coordinate transformations apply to the grid.


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\tikz[rotate=30] \draw[step=1mm] (0,0) grid (2,2);

The stepping of the grid is governed by the following options:

It is important to note that the grid is always “phased” such that it contains the point (0,0) if that point happens to be inside the rectangle. Thus, the grid does not always have an intersection at the corner points; this occurs only if the corner points are multiples of the stepping. Note that due to rounding errors, the “last” lines of a grid may be omitted. In this case, you have to add an epsilon to the corner points.

The following style is useful for drawing grids:

9.10 The Parabola Operation

The parabola path operation continues the current path with a parabola. A parabola is a (shifted and scaled) curve defined by the equation f(x) = x2 and looks like this:

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\path  ... parabola[<options>]bend<bend coordinate><coordinate> ...;

This operation adds a parabola through the current point and the given <coordinate>. If the bend is given, it specifies where the bend should go; the <options> can also be used to specify where the bend is. By default, the bend is at the old current point.


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  \draw               (0,0) rectangle                (1,1.5)
                      (0,0) parabola                 (1,1.5);
  \draw[xshift=1.5cm] (0,0) rectangle                (1,1.5)
                      (0,0) parabola[bend at end]    (1,1.5);
  \draw[xshift=3cm]   (0,0) rectangle                (1,1.5)
                      (0,0) parabola bend (.75,1.75) (1,1.5);

The following options influence parabolas:

The following styles are useful shortcuts:

9.11 The Sine and Cosine Operation

The sin and cos operations are similar to the parabola operation. They, too, can be used to draw (parts of) a sine or cosine curve.

\path  ... sin<coordinate> ...;

The effect of sin is to draw a scaled and shifted version of a sine curve in the interval [0,p/2]. The scaling and shifting is done in such a way that the start of the sine curve in the interval is at the old current point and that the end of the curve in the interval is at <coordinate>. Here is an example that should clarify this:


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\tikz \draw (0,0) rectangle (1,1)     (0,0) sin (1,1)
            (2,0) rectangle +(1.57,1) (2,0) sin +(1.57,1);

\path  ... cos<coordinate> ...;

This operation works similarly, only a cosine in the interval [0,p/2] is drawn. By correctly alternating sin and cos operations, you can create a complete sine or cosine curve:

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  \draw (0,0) sin (1,1) cos (2,0) sin (3,-1) cos (4,0) sin (5,1);
  \draw[color=red] (0,1.5) cos (1,0) sin (2,-1.5) cos (3,0) sin (4,1.5) cos (5,0);

Note that there is no way to (conveniently) draw an interval on a sine or cosine curve whose end points are not multiples of p/2.

9.12 The Plot Operation

The plot operation can be used to append a line or curve to the path that goes through a large number of coordinates. These coordinates are either given in a simple list of coordinates or they are read from some file.

The syntax of the plot comes in different versions.

\path  ... --plot<further arguments> ...;

This operation plots the curve through the coordinates specified in the <further arguments>. The current (sub)path is simply continued, that is, a line-to operation to the first point of the curve is implicitly added. The details of the <further arguments> will be explained in a moment.

\path  ... plot<further arguments> ...;

This operation plots the curve through the coordinates specified in the <further arguments> by first “moving” to the first coordinate of the curve.

The <further arguments> are used in three different ways to specifying the coordinates of the points to be plotted:

  1. --plot[<local options>]coordinates{<coordinate 1><coordinate 2>...<coordinate n>}
  2. --plot[<local options>]file{<filename>}
  3. --plot[<local options>]function{<gnuplot formula>}

These different ways are explained in the following.

9.12.1 Plotting Points Given Inline

In the first two cases, the points are given directly in the TEX-file as in the following example:


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\tikz \draw plot coordinates {(0,0) (1,1) (2,0) (3,1) (2,1) (10:2cm)};

Here is an example showing the difference between plot and --plot:

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  \draw (0,0) -- (1,1) plot coordinates {(2,0)  (4,0)};
        (0,0) -- (1,1) -- plot coordinates {(2,0)  (4,0)};

9.12.2 Plotting Points Read From an External File

The second way of specifying points is to put them in an external file named <filename>. Currently, the only file format that TikZ allows is the following: Each line of the <filename> should contain one line starting with two numbers, separated by a space. Anything following the two numbers on the line is ignored. Also, lines starting with a % or a # are ignored as well as empty lines. (This is exactly the format that GNUPLOT produces when you say set terminal table.) If necessary, more formats will be supported in the future, but it is usually easy to produce a file containing data in this form.

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\tikz \draw plot[mark=x,smooth] file {plots/pgfmanual-sine.table};

The file plots/pgfmanual-sine.table reads:

#Curve 0, 20 points
#x y type
0.00000 0.00000  i
0.52632 0.50235  i
1.05263 0.86873  i
1.57895 0.99997  i
9.47368 -0.04889  i
10.00000 -0.54402  i

It was produced from the following source, using gnuplot:

set terminal table
set output "../plots/pgfmanual-sine.table"
set format "%.5f"
set samples 20
plot [x=0:10] sin(x)

The <local options> of the plot operation are local to each plot and do not affect other plots “on the same path.” For example, plot[yshift=1cm] will locally shift the plot 1cm upward. Remember, however, that most options can only be applied to paths as a whole. For example, plot[red] does not have the effect of making the plot red. After all, you are trying to “locally” make part of the path red, which is not possible.

9.12.3 Plotting a Function

Often, you will want to plot points that are given via a function like f(x) = xsinx. Unfortunately, TEX does not really have enough computational power to generate the points on such a function efficiently (it is a text processing program, after all). However, if you allow it, TEX can try to call external programs that can easily produce the necessary points. Currently, TikZ knows how to call GNUPLOT.

When TikZ encounters your operation plot[id=<id>] function{x*sin(x)} for the first time, it will create a file called <prefix><id>.gnuplot, where <prefix> is \jobname. by default, that is, the name of you main .tex file. If no <id> is given, it will be empty, which is alright, but it is better when each plot has a unique <id> for reasons explained in a moment. Next, TikZ writes some initialization code into this file followed by plot x*sin(x). The initialization code sets up things such that the plot operation will write the coordinates into another file called <prefix><id>.table. Finally, this table file is read as if you had said plot file{<prefix><id>.table}.

For the plotting mechanism to work, two conditions must be met:

  1. You must have allowed TEX to call external programs. This is often switched off by default since this is a security risk (you might, without knowing, run a TEX file that calls all sorts of “bad” commands). To enable this “calling external programs” a command line option must be given to the TEX program. Usually, it is called something like shell-escape or enable-write18. For example, for my pdflatex the option --shell-escape can be given.
  2. You must have installed the gnuplot program and TEX must find it when compiling your file.

Unfortunately, these conditions will not always be met. Especially if you pass some source to a coauthor and the coauthor does not have GNUPLOT installed, he or she will have trouble compiling your files.

For this reason, TikZ behaves differently when you compile your graphic for the second time: If upon reaching plot[id=<id>] function{...} the file <prefix><id>.table already exists and if the <prefix><id>.gnuplot file contains what TikZ thinks that it “should” contain, the .table file is immediately read without trying to call a gnuplot program. This approach has the following advantages:

  1. If you pass a bundle of your .tex file and all .gnuplot and .table files to someone else, that person can TEX the .tex file without having to have gnuplot installed.
  2. If the \write18 feature is switched off for security reasons (a good idea), then, upon the first compilation of the .tex file, the .gnuplot will still be generated, but not the .table file. You can then simply call gnuplot “by hand” for each .gnuplot file, which will produce all necessary .table files.
  3. If you change the function that you wish to plot or its domain, TikZ will automatically try to regenerate the .table file.
  4. If, out of laziness, you do not provide an id, the same .gnuplot will be used for different plots, but this is not a problem since the .table will automatically be regenerated for each plot on-the-fly. Note: If you intend to share your files with someone else, always use an id, so that the file can by typeset without having GNUPLOT installed. Also, having unique ids for each plot will improve compilation speed since no external programs need to be called, unless it is really necessary.

When you use plot function{<gnuplot formula>}, the <gnuplot formula> must be given in the gnuplot syntax, whose details are beyond the scope of this manual. Here is the ultra-condensed essence: Use x as the variable and use the C-syntax for normal plots, use t as the variable for parametric plots. Here are some examples:

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  \draw[very thin,color=gray] (-0.1,-1.1) grid (3.9,3.9);

  \draw[->] (-0.2,0) -- (4.2,0) node[right] {$x$};
  \draw[->] (0,-1.2) -- (0,4.2) node[above] {$f(x)$};

  \draw[color=red]    plot[id=x]   function{x}           node[right] {$f(x) =x$};
  \draw[color=blue]   plot[id=sin] function{sin(x)}      node[right] {$f(x) = \sin x$};
  \draw[color=orange] plot[id=exp] function{0.05*exp(x)} node[right] {$f(x) = \frac{1}{20} \mathrm e^x$};

The following options influence the plot:

The following styles influence the plot:

9.12.4 Placing Marks on the Plot

As we saw already, it is possible to add marks to a plot using the mark option. When this option is used, a copy of the plot mark is placed on each point of the plot. Note that the marks are placed after the whole path has been drawn/filled/shaded. In this respect, they are handled like text nodes.

In detail, the following options govern how marks are drawn:

9.12.5 Smooth Plots, Sharp Plots, and Comb Plots

There are different things the plot operation can do with the points it reads from a file or from the inlined list of points. By default, it will connect these points by straight lines. However, you can also use options to change the behavior of plot.

9.13 The Scoping Operation

When TikZ encounters and opening or a closing brace ({ or }) at some point where a path operation should come, it will open or close a scope. All options that can be applied “locally” will be scoped inside the scope. For example, if you apply a transformation like [xshift=1cm] inside the scoped area, the shifting only applies to the scope. On the other hand, an option like color=red does not have any effect inside a scope since it can only be applied to the path as a whole.

9.14 The Node Operation

You can add nodes to a path using the node operation. Since this operation is quite complex and since the nodes are not really part of the path itself, there is a separate section dealing with nodes, see Section 11.