Cholesky {Matrix}R Documentation

Cholesky Decomposition of a Sparse Matrix


Computes the Cholesky (aka “Choleski”) decomposition of a sparse, symmetric, positive-definite matrix. However, typically chol() should rather be used unless you are interested in the different kinds of sparse Cholesky decompositions.


Cholesky(A, perm = TRUE, LDL = !super, super = FALSE, Imult = 0, ...)



sparse symmetric matrix. No missing values or IEEE special values are allowed.


logical scalar indicating if a fill-reducing permutation should be computed and applied to the rows and columns of A. Default is TRUE.


logical scalar indicating if the decomposition should be computed as LDL' where L is a unit lower triangular matrix. The alternative is LL' where L is lower triangular with arbitrary diagonal elements. Default is TRUE. Setting it to NA leaves the choice to a CHOLMOD-internal heuristic.


logical scalar indicating if a supernodal decomposition should be created. The alternative is a simplicial decomposition. Default is FALSE. Setting it to NA leaves the choice to a CHOLMOD-internal heuristic.


numeric scalar which defaults to zero. The matrix that is decomposed is A+m*I where m is the value of Imult and I is the identity matrix of order ncol(A).


further arguments passed to or from other methods.


This is a generic function with special methods for different types of matrices. Use showMethods("Cholesky") to list all the methods for the Cholesky generic.

The method for class dsCMatrix of sparse matrices — the only one available currently — is based on functions from the CHOLMOD library.

Again: If you just want the Cholesky decomposition of a matrix in a straightforward way, you should probably rather use chol(.).

Note that if perm=TRUE (default), the decomposition is

A = P' L~ D L~' P = P' L L' P,

where L can be extracted by as(*, "Matrix"), P by as(*, "pMatrix") and both by expand(*), see the class CHMfactor documentation.

Note that consequently, you cannot easily get the “traditional” cholesky factor R, from this decomposition, as

R'R = A = P'LL'P = P' R~' R~ P = (R~ P)' (R~ P),

but R~ P is not triangular even though R~ is.


an object inheriting from either "CHMsuper", or "CHMsimpl", depending on the super argument; both classes extend "CHMfactor" which extends "MatrixFactorization".

In other words, the result of Cholesky() is not a matrix, and if you want one, you should probably rather use chol(), see Details.


Yanqing Chen, Timothy A. Davis, William W. Hager, and Sivasankaran Rajamanickam (2008) Algorithm 887: CHOLMOD, Supernodal Sparse Cholesky Factorization and Update/Downdate. ACM Trans. Math. Softw. 35, 3, Article 22, 14 pages.

Timothy A. Davis (2006) Direct Methods for Sparse Linear Systems, SIAM Series “Fundamentals of Algorithms”.

See Also

Class definitions CHMfactor and dsCMatrix and function expand. Note the extra solve(*, system = . ) options in CHMfactor.

Note that chol() returns matrices (inheriting from "Matrix") whereas Cholesky() returns a "CHMfactor" object, and hence a typical user will rather use chol(A).


mtm <- with(KNex, crossprod(mm))
str(mtm@factors) # empty list()
(C1 <- Cholesky(mtm))             # uses show(<MatrixFactorization>)
str(mtm@factors) # 'sPDCholesky' (simpl)
(Cm <- Cholesky(mtm, super = TRUE))
c(C1 = isLDL(C1), Cm = isLDL(Cm))
str(mtm@factors) # 'sPDCholesky'  *and* 'SPdCholesky'
str(cm1  <- as(C1, "sparseMatrix"))
str(cmat <- as(Cm, "sparseMatrix"))# hmm: super is *less* sparse here
cm1[1:20, 1:20]

b <- matrix(c(rep(0, 711), 1), nc = 1)
## solve(Cm, b) by default solves  Ax = b, where A = Cm'Cm (= mtm)!
## hence, the identical() check *should* work, but fails on some GOTOblas:
x <- solve(Cm, b)
stopifnot(identical(x, solve(Cm, b, system = "A")),
          all.equal(x, solve(mtm, b)))

Cn <- Cholesky(mtm, perm = FALSE)# no permutation -- much worse:
sizes <- c(simple = object.size(C1),
           super  = object.size(Cm),
           noPerm = object.size(Cn))
## simple is 100, super= 137, noPerm= 812 :
noquote(cbind(format(100 * sizes / sizes[1], digits=4)))

## Visualize the sparseness:
dq <- function(ch) paste('"',ch,'"', sep="") ## dQuote(<UTF-8>) gives bad plots
image(mtm, main=paste("crossprod(mm) : Sparse", dq(class(mtm))))
image(cm1, main= paste("as(Cholesky(crossprod(mm)),\"sparseMatrix\"):",

## Smaller example, with same matrix as in  help(chol) :
(mm <- Matrix(toeplitz(c(10, 0, 1, 0, 3)), sparse = TRUE)) # 5 x 5
(opts <- expand.grid(perm = c(TRUE,FALSE), LDL = c(TRUE,FALSE), super = c(FALSE,TRUE)))
rr <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(opts)), function(i)
   , c(list(A = mm), opts[i,])))
nn <-, c(attr(opts, "out.attr")$dimnames,
names(rr) <- apply(nn, 1, function(r)
                   paste(sub("(=.).*","\\1", r), collapse=","))
str(rr, max=1)

str(re <- lapply(rr, expand), max=2) ## each has a 'P' and a 'L' matrix

R0 <- chol(mm, pivot=FALSE)
R1 <- chol(mm, pivot=TRUE )
stopifnot(all.equal(t(R1), re[[1]]$L),
          all.equal(t(R0), re[[2]]$L),
          identical(as(1:5, "pMatrix"), re[[2]]$P), # no pivoting

# Version of the underlying SuiteSparse library by Tim Davis :

[Package Matrix version 1.2-8 Index]