ObjectPicker QML Type

The ObjectPicker class instantiates a component that can be used to interact with an Entity by a process known as picking. More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.0
Instantiates: QObjectPicker



Detailed Description

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Property Documentation

containsMouse : bool

Specifies if the object picker currently contains the mouse

dragEnabled : bool

hoverEnabled : bool

Specifies if hover is enabled

pressed : bool

Specifies if the object picker is currently pressed

Signal Documentation

void clicked()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on a mouse click.

void entered()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on the mouse entering the volume.

void exited()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on the ray exiting the volume.

void moved()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on a mouse move with a button pressed.

void pressed()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on a mouse press.

void released()

This signal is emitted when the bounding volume defined by the pickAttribute property intersects with a ray on a mouse release.