ShaderProgram QML Type

Encapsulates a Shader Program. More...

Import Statement: import Qt3D.Render 2.0
Since: Qt 5.5
Instantiates: QShaderProgram



Detailed Description

ShaderProgram class encapsulates a shader program. A shader program consists of several different shaders, such as vertex and fragment shaders.

Property Documentation

computeShaderCode : string

Holds the compute shader code used by this shader program.

fragmentShaderCode : string

Holds the fragment shader code used by this shader program.

geometryShaderCode : string

Holds the geometry shader code used by this shader program.

tessellationControlShaderCode : string

Holds the tesselation control shader code used by this shader program.

tessellationEvaluationShaderCode : string

Holds the tesselation evaluation shader code used by this shader program.

vertexShaderCode : string

Holds the vertex shader code used by this shader program.

Method Documentation

string loadSource(url sourceUrl)

Returns the shader code loaded from sourceUrl.