QAbstractBarSeries Class
Series for creating a bar chart. More...
Header: | #include <QAbstractBarSeries> |
Instantiated By: | AbstractBarSeries |
Inherits: | QAbstractSeries |
Inherited By: | QBarSeries, QHorizontalBarSeries, QHorizontalPercentBarSeries, QHorizontalStackedBarSeries, QPercentBarSeries, and QStackedBarSeries |
Public Types
enum | LabelsPosition { LabelsCenter, LabelsInsideEnd, LabelsInsideBase, LabelsOutsideEnd } |
- 5 properties inherited from QAbstractSeries
- 1 property inherited from QObject
Public Functions
virtual | ~QAbstractBarSeries() |
bool | append(QBarSet *set) |
bool | append(QList<QBarSet *> sets) |
QList<QBarSet *> | barSets() const |
qreal | barWidth() const |
void | clear() |
int | count() const |
bool | insert(int index, QBarSet *set) |
bool | isLabelsVisible() const |
qreal | labelsAngle() const |
QString | labelsFormat() const |
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition | labelsPosition() const |
bool | remove(QBarSet *set) |
void | setBarWidth(qreal width) |
void | setLabelsAngle(qreal angle) |
void | setLabelsFormat(const QString &format) |
void | setLabelsPosition(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position) |
void | setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true) |
bool | take(QBarSet *set) |
- 15 public functions inherited from QAbstractSeries
- 31 public functions inherited from QObject
void | barsetsAdded(QList<QBarSet *> sets) |
void | barsetsRemoved(QList<QBarSet *> sets) |
void | clicked(int index, QBarSet *barset) |
void | countChanged() |
void | doubleClicked(int index, QBarSet *barset) |
void | hovered(bool status, int index, QBarSet *barset) |
void | labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle) |
void | labelsFormatChanged(const QString &format) |
void | labelsPositionChanged(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position) |
void | labelsVisibleChanged() |
void | pressed(int index, QBarSet *barset) |
void | released(int index, QBarSet *barset) |
- 4 signals inherited from QAbstractSeries
- 2 signals inherited from QObject
Additional Inherited Members
- 1 public slot inherited from QObject
- 1 public variable inherited from QObject
- 10 static public members inherited from QObject
- 9 protected functions inherited from QObject
- 2 protected variables inherited from QObject
Detailed Description
Series for creating a bar chart.
QAbstractBarSeries represents a series of data shown as bars. The purpose of this class is to draw bars to the position defined by data. Single bar is defined by QPointF, where x value is the x-coordinate of the bar and y-value is the height of the bar. The category names are ignored with this series and x-axis shows the x-values.
See the bar chart example to learn how to create a simple bar chart.
See also QBarSet, QStackedBarSeries, and QPercentBarSeries.
Member Type Documentation
enum QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition
This enum describes the position of the data value labels.
Constant | Value | Description |
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsCenter | 0 | Label is in the center of the bar. |
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideEnd | 1 | Label is inside the bar at the high end of it. |
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsInsideBase | 2 | Label is inside the bar at the low end of it. |
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsOutsideEnd | 3 | Label is outside the bar at the high end of it. |
Property Documentation
barWidth : qreal
The width of the bars of the series. The unit of width is the unit of x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero and negative values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that width of the bar on screen is one pixel no matter what the scale of x-axis is. Bars wider than zero are scaled with x-axis. Note that with QBarSeries this value means the width of one group of bars instead of just one bar.
Access functions:
qreal | barWidth() const |
void | setBarWidth(qreal width) |
See also QBarSeries.
count : const int
Holds the number of sets in series.
Access functions:
int | count() const |
Notifier signal:
void | countChanged() |
labelsAngle : qreal
The angle of the value labels in degrees.
Access functions:
qreal | labelsAngle() const |
void | setLabelsAngle(qreal angle) |
Notifier signal:
void | labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle) |
labelsFormat : QString
The format used for showing labels in series.
QAbstractBarSeries supports the following format tag:
@value | The value of the bar |
For example, the following usage of the format tags would produce labels that show the value followed by unit ('u'):
series->setLabelsFormat("@value u");
By default, the labels shows the value of the bar. For percent bar series '%' is added after the value. The labels are shown on the plot area, labels on the edge of the plot area are cut. If the bars are close to each other the labels may overlap.
Access functions:
QString | labelsFormat() const |
void | setLabelsFormat(const QString &format) |
Notifier signal:
void | labelsFormatChanged(const QString &format) |
See also QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible and QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPosition.
labelsPosition : LabelsPosition
Defines the position of value labels.
Access functions:
QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition | labelsPosition() const |
void | setLabelsPosition(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position) |
Notifier signal:
void | labelsPositionChanged(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position) |
See also QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisible and QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormat.
labelsVisible : bool
Defines the visibility of the labels in series
Access functions:
bool | isLabelsVisible() const |
void | setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true) |
Notifier signal:
void | labelsVisibleChanged() |
Member Function Documentation
Destructs abstractbarseries and owned barsets.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QBarSet *set)
Adds a set of bars to series. Takes ownership of set. If the set is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if appending succeeded.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::append(QList<QBarSet *> sets)
Adds a list of barsets to series. Takes ownership of sets. Returns true, if all sets were appended successfully. If any of the sets is null or is already appended to series, nothing is appended and function returns false. If any of the sets is in list more than once, nothing is appended and function returns false.
QList<QBarSet *> QAbstractBarSeries::barSets() const
Returns a list of sets in series. Keeps ownership of sets.
qreal QAbstractBarSeries::barWidth() const
Returns the width of the bars of the series.
Note: Getter function for property barWidth.
See also setBarWidth().
void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsAdded(QList<QBarSet *> sets)
This signal is emitted when sets have been added to the series.
See also append() and insert().
void QAbstractBarSeries::barsetsRemoved(QList<QBarSet *> sets)
This signal is emitted when sets have been removed from the series.
See also remove().
void QAbstractBarSeries::clear()
Removes all barsets from the series. Deletes removed sets.
void QAbstractBarSeries::clicked(int index, QBarSet *barset)
The signal is emitted if the user clicks with a mouse on top of QBarSet barset. Clicked bar inside set is indexed by index
int QAbstractBarSeries::count() const
Returns number of sets in series.
Note: Getter function for property count.
void QAbstractBarSeries::countChanged()
This signal is emitted when barset count has been changed, for example by append or remove.
Note: Notifier signal for property count.
void QAbstractBarSeries::doubleClicked(int index, QBarSet *barset)
The signal is emitted if the user doubleclicks with a mouse on top of QBarSet barset. DoubleClicked bar inside set is indexed by index
void QAbstractBarSeries::hovered(bool status, int index, QBarSet *barset)
The signal is emitted if mouse is hovered on top of series. Parameter barset is the pointer of barset, where hover happened. Parameter status is true, if mouse entered on top of series, false if mouse left from top of series. Hovered bar inside the set is indexed by index.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::insert(int index, QBarSet *set)
Insert a set of bars to series at index postion. Takes ownership of set. If the set is null or is already in series, it won't be appended. Returns true, if inserting succeeded.
bool QAbstractBarSeries::isLabelsVisible() const
Returns the visibility of labels
Note: Getter function for property labelsVisible.
void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsAngleChanged(qreal angle)
Signal is emitted when the angle of the value labels is changed.
Note: Notifier signal for property labelsAngle.
void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsFormatChanged(const QString &format)
Signal is emitted when the format of data value labels is changed.
Note: Notifier signal for property labelsFormat.
void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsPositionChanged(QAbstractBarSeries::LabelsPosition position)
Signal is emitted when the position of value labels is changed.
Note: Notifier signal for property labelsPosition.
void QAbstractBarSeries::labelsVisibleChanged()
This signal is emitted when labels visibility have changed.
Note: Notifier signal for property labelsVisible.
See also isLabelsVisible() and setLabelsVisible().
void QAbstractBarSeries::pressed(int index, QBarSet *barset)
The signal is emitted if the user presses with a mouse on top of QBarSet barset. Pressed bar inside set is indexed by index
void QAbstractBarSeries::released(int index, QBarSet *barset)
The signal is emitted if the user releases with a mouse on top of QBarSet barset. Released bar inside set is indexed by index
bool QAbstractBarSeries::remove(QBarSet *set)
Removes barset from series. Releases ownership of set. Deletes the set, if remove was successful. Returns true, if set was removed.
void QAbstractBarSeries::setBarWidth(qreal width)
Sets the width of the bars of the series. The unit of width is the unit of x-axis. The minimum width for bars is zero and negative values are treated as zero. Setting the width to zero means that width of the bar on screen is one pixel no matter what the scale of x-axis is. Bars wider than zero are scaled with x-axis. Note that with this value means the width of one group of bars instead of just one bar.
Note: Setter function for property barWidth.
See also barWidth().
void QAbstractBarSeries::setLabelsVisible(bool visible = true)
Sets the visibility of labels in series to visible
Note: Setter function for property labelsVisible.
See also isLabelsVisible().
bool QAbstractBarSeries::take(QBarSet *set)
Takes a single set from the series. Does not delete the barset object.
NOTE: The series remains as the barset's parent object. You must set the parent object to take full ownership.
Returns true if take was successful.