AbstractAxis QML Type
The AbstractAxis is a base element used for specialized axis elements. More...
Import Statement: | import QtCharts 2.1 |
Instantiates: | QAbstractAxis |
Inherited By: | BarCategoryAxis, CategoryAxis, DateTimeAxis, LogValueAxis, and ValueAxis |
- alignment : alignment
- color : color
- gridVisible : bool
- labelsAngle : int
- labelsColor : color
- labelsFont : Font
- labelsVisible : bool
- lineVisible : bool
- minorGridVisible : bool
- orientation : Qt.Orientation
- reverse : alignment
- shadesBorderColor : color
- shadesColor : color
- shadesVisible : bool
- titleFont : Font
- titleText : String
- titleVisible : bool
- visible : bool
- onBorderColorChanged(QColor color)
- onColorChanged(QColor color)
- onGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onLabelsAngleChanged(int angle)
- onLabelsColorChanged(QColor color)
- onLabelsFontChanged(Font font)
- onLabelsVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onLineVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onMinorGridVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onShadesColorChanged(QColor color)
- onShadesVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onTitleFontChanged(Font font)
- onTitleTextChanged(String text)
- onTitleVisibleChanged(bool visible)
- onVisibleChanged(bool visible)
Detailed Description
Each series can be bound to only one horizontal and vertical axis.
Properties and visibility of various axis elements such as axis line, title, labels, grid lines, and shades can be individually controlled.
Property Documentation
alignment : alignment |
The alignment of the axis. Can be Qt.AlignLeft, Qt.AlignRight, Qt.AlignBottom, or Qt.AlignTop.
The visibility of the minor grid lines. Applies only to QValueAxis.
orientation : Qt.Orientation |
The orientation of the axis. Fixed to either Qt.Horizontal or Qt.Vertical when the axis is set to a series.
reverse : alignment |
The reverse property defines if reverse axis is used. By default the value is false.
Reverse axis is supported with line, spline, scatter and area series with cartesian chart. All axes of the same orientation attached to same series must be reversed if one is reversed or the behavior is undefined.
titleText : String |
The title of the axis. Empty by default. Axis titles support html formatting.
Signal Documentation
Visibility of the minor grid lines of the axis has changed to visible.
Emitted if the visibility of the axis shades is changed to visible.
onTitleTextChanged(String text) |
The text of the axis title has changed to text.
Visibility of the title text of the axis has changed to visible.