QAbstract3DGraph Class

The QAbstract3DGraph class provides a window and render loop for graphs. More...

Header: #include <QAbstract3DGraph>
Since: QtDataVisualization 1.0
Inherits: QWindow and QOpenGLFunctions (protected)
Inherited By:

Q3DBars, Q3DScatter, and Q3DSurface

Public Types

enum ElementType { ElementNone, ElementSeries, ElementAxisXLabel, ElementAxisYLabel, ElementAxisZLabel, ElementCustomItem }
enum OptimizationHint { OptimizationDefault, OptimizationStatic }
flags OptimizationHints
enum SelectionFlag { SelectionNone, SelectionItem, SelectionRow, SelectionItemAndRow, ..., SelectionMultiSeries }
flags SelectionFlags
enum ShadowQuality { ShadowQualityNone, ShadowQualityLow, ShadowQualityMedium, ShadowQualityHigh, ..., ShadowQualitySoftHigh }


  • 16 properties inherited from QWindow

Public Functions

virtual ~QAbstract3DGraph()
QAbstract3DInputHandler *activeInputHandler() const
Q3DTheme *activeTheme() const
int addCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)
void addInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)
void addTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)
qreal aspectRatio() const
void clearSelection()
qreal currentFps() const
QList<QCustom3DItem *> customItems() const
bool hasContext() const
qreal horizontalAspectRatio() const
QList<QAbstract3DInputHandler *> inputHandlers() const
bool isOrthoProjection() const
bool isPolar() const
bool isReflection() const
QLocale locale() const
qreal margin() const
bool measureFps() const
OptimizationHints optimizationHints() const
QVector3D queriedGraphPosition() const
float radialLabelOffset() const
qreal reflectivity() const
void releaseCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)
void releaseInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)
void releaseTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)
void removeCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)
void removeCustomItemAt(const QVector3D &position)
void removeCustomItems()
QImage renderToImage(int msaaSamples = 0, const QSize &imageSize = QSize())
Q3DScene *scene() const
QAbstract3DAxis *selectedAxis() const
QCustom3DItem *selectedCustomItem() const
int selectedCustomItemIndex() const
ElementType selectedElement() const
int selectedLabelIndex() const
SelectionFlags selectionMode() const
void setActiveInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)
void setActiveTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)
void setAspectRatio(qreal ratio)
void setHorizontalAspectRatio(qreal ratio)
void setLocale(const QLocale &locale)
void setMargin(qreal margin)
void setMeasureFps(bool enable)
void setOptimizationHints(OptimizationHints hints)
void setOrthoProjection(bool enable)
void setPolar(bool enable)
void setRadialLabelOffset(float offset)
void setReflection(bool enable)
void setReflectivity(qreal reflectivity)
void setSelectionMode(SelectionFlags mode)
void setShadowQuality(ShadowQuality quality)
ShadowQuality shadowQuality() const
virtual bool shadowsSupported() const
QList<Q3DTheme *> themes() const


void activeInputHandlerChanged(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)
void activeThemeChanged(Q3DTheme *theme)
void aspectRatioChanged(qreal ratio)
void currentFpsChanged(qreal fps)
void horizontalAspectRatioChanged(qreal ratio)
void localeChanged(const QLocale &locale)
void marginChanged(qreal margin)
void measureFpsChanged(bool enabled)
void optimizationHintsChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationHints hints)
void orthoProjectionChanged(bool enabled)
void polarChanged(bool enabled)
void queriedGraphPositionChanged(const QVector3D &data)
void radialLabelOffsetChanged(float offset)
void reflectionChanged(bool enabled)
void reflectivityChanged(qreal reflectivity)
void selectedElementChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::ElementType type)
void selectionModeChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionFlags mode)
void shadowQualityChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQuality quality)
  • 18 signals inherited from QWindow
QSurfaceFormat qDefaultSurfaceFormat(bool antialias = true)

Additional Inherited Members

  • 22 public slots inherited from QWindow
  • 1 static public member inherited from QWindow
  • 18 protected functions inherited from QWindow
  • 1 protected type inherited from QOpenGLFunctions
  • 2 protected variables inherited from QSurface

Detailed Description

The QAbstract3DGraph class provides a window and render loop for graphs.

This class subclasses a QWindow and provides render loop for graphs inheriting it.

You should not need to use this class directly, but one of its subclasses instead.

Anti-aliasing is turned on by default on C++, except in OpenGL ES2 environments, where anti-aliasing is not supported by Qt Data Visualization. To specify non-default anti-aliasing for a graph, give a custom surface format as a constructor parameter. You can use the convenience function QtDataVisualization::qDefaultSurfaceFormat() to create the surface format object.

Note: QAbstract3DGraph sets window flag Qt::FramelessWindowHint on by default. If you want to display graph windows as standalone windows with regular window frame, clear this flag after constructing the graph. For example:

  Q3DBars *graphWindow = new Q3DBars;
  graphWindow->setFlags(graphWindow->flags() ^ Qt::FramelessWindowHint);

See also Q3DBars, Q3DScatter, Q3DSurface, and Qt Data Visualization C++ Classes.

Member Type Documentation

enum QAbstract3DGraph::ElementType

Type of an element in the graph.

QAbstract3DGraph::ElementNone0No defined element.
QAbstract3DGraph::ElementSeries1A series (i.e. an item in a series).
QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisXLabel2X axis label.
QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisYLabel3Y axis label.
QAbstract3DGraph::ElementAxisZLabel4Z axis label.
QAbstract3DGraph::ElementCustomItem5Custom item.

This enum was introduced or modified in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

enum QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationHint
flags QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationHints

The optimization hint for rendering.

QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationDefault0Provides the full feature set at a reasonable performance.
QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationStatic1Optimizes the rendering of static data sets at the expense of some features.

This enum was introduced or modified in Qt Data Visualization 1.1.

The OptimizationHints type is a typedef for QFlags<OptimizationHint>. It stores an OR combination of OptimizationHint values.

enum QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionFlag
flags QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionFlags

Item selection modes. Values of this enumeration can be combined with OR operator.

QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionNone0Selection mode disabled.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItem1Selection highlights a single item.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRow2Selection highlights a single row.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItemAndRowSelectionItem | SelectionRowCombination flag for highlighting both item and row with different colors.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionColumn4Selection highlights a single column.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItemAndColumnSelectionItem | SelectionColumnCombination flag for highlighting both item and column with different colors.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionRowAndColumnSelectionRow | SelectionColumnCombination flag for highlighting both row and column.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionItemRowAndColumnSelectionItem | SelectionRow | SelectionColumnCombination flag for highlighting item, row, and column.
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionSlice8Setting this mode flag indicates that the graph should take care of the slice view handling automatically. If you wish to control the slice view yourself via Q3DScene, do not set this flag. When setting this mode flag, either SelectionRow or SelectionColumn must also be set, but not both. Slicing is supported by Q3DBars and Q3DSurface only. When this flag is set, slice mode is entered in the following situations:
  • When selection is changed explicitly via series API to a visible item
  • When selection is changed by clicking on the graph
  • When the selection mode changes and the selected item is visible
QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionMultiSeries16Setting this mode means that items for all series at same position are highlighted, instead of just the selected item. The actual selection in the other series doesn't change. Multi-series selection is not supported for Q3DScatter.

The SelectionFlags type is a typedef for QFlags<SelectionFlag>. It stores an OR combination of SelectionFlag values.

enum QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQuality

Quality of shadows.

QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityNone0Shadows are disabled.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityLow1Shadows are rendered in low quality.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityMedium2Shadows are rendered in medium quality.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualityHigh3Shadows are rendered in high quality.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftLow4Shadows are rendered in low quality with softened edges.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftMedium5Shadows are rendered in medium quality with softened edges.
QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQualitySoftHigh6Shadows are rendered in high quality with softened edges.

Property Documentation

activeInputHandler : QAbstract3DInputHandler *

The active inputHandler used in the graph. Implicitly calls addInputHandler() to transfer ownership of the inputHandler to this graph.

If the inputHandler is null, no input handler will be active after this call.

Access functions:

QAbstract3DInputHandler *activeInputHandler() const
void setActiveInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)

Notifier signal:

void activeInputHandlerChanged(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)

See also addInputHandler() and releaseInputHandler().

activeTheme : Q3DTheme *

The active theme to be used for the graph. Implicitly calls addTheme() to transfer ownership of the theme to this graph. If the theme is null, a temporary default theme is created. This temporary theme is destroyed if any theme is explicitly set later. Properties of the theme can be modified even after setting it, and the modifications take effect immediately.

Access functions:

Q3DTheme *activeTheme() const
void setActiveTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)

Notifier signal:

void activeThemeChanged(Q3DTheme *theme)

aspectRatio : qreal

The aspect ratio is the ratio of the graph scaling between the longest axis on the horizontal plane and the Y-axis. Defaults to 2.0.

Note: Has no effect on Q3DBars.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

Access functions:

qreal aspectRatio() const
void setAspectRatio(qreal ratio)

Notifier signal:

void aspectRatioChanged(qreal ratio)

See also horizontalAspectRatio.

currentFps : const qreal

When fps measuring is enabled, the results for the last second are stored in this read-only property. It takes at least a second before this value updates after measurement is activated.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

Access functions:

qreal currentFps() const

Notifier signal:

void currentFpsChanged(qreal fps)

See also measureFps.

horizontalAspectRatio : qreal

The horizontal aspect ratio is the ratio of the graph scaling between the X and Z axes. Value of 0.0 indicates automatic scaling according to axis ranges. Defaults to 0.0.

Note: Has no effect on Q3DBars, which handles scaling on the horizontal plane via barThickness and barSpacing properties. Polar graphs also ignore this property.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

qreal horizontalAspectRatio() const
void setHorizontalAspectRatio(qreal ratio)

Notifier signal:

void horizontalAspectRatioChanged(qreal ratio)

See also aspectRatio, polar, Q3DBars::barThickness, and Q3DBars::barSpacing.

locale : QLocale

Sets the locale used for formatting various numeric labels. Defaults to "C" locale.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

QLocale locale() const
void setLocale(const QLocale &locale)

Notifier signal:

void localeChanged(const QLocale &locale)

See also QValue3DAxis::labelFormat.

margin : qreal

This property contains the absolute value used for graph margin. The graph margin is the space left between the edge of the plottable graph area and the edge of the graph background. If the margin value is negative, the margins are determined automatically and can vary according to size of the items in the series and the type of the graph. The value is interpreted as a fraction of Y-axis range, provided the graph aspect ratios have not beed changed from the defaults. Defaults to -1.0.

Note: Having smaller than the automatically determined margin on scatter graph can cause the scatter items at the edges of the graph to overlap with the graph background.

Note: On scatter and surface graphs, if the margin is comparatively small to the axis label size, the positions of the edge labels of the axes are adjusted to avoid overlap with the edge labels of the neighboring axes.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

qreal margin() const
void setMargin(qreal margin)

Notifier signal:

void marginChanged(qreal margin)

measureFps : bool

If true, the rendering is done continuously instead of on demand, and currentFps property is updated. Defaults to false.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

Access functions:

bool measureFps() const
void setMeasureFps(bool enable)

Notifier signal:

void measureFpsChanged(bool enabled)

See also currentFps.

optimizationHints : OptimizationHints

Defines if the rendering optimization is default or static. Default mode provides the full feature set at reasonable performance. Static mode optimizes graph rendering and is ideal for large non-changing data sets. It is slower with dynamic data changes and item rotations. Selection is not optimized, so using it with massive data sets is not advisable. Static works only on the Scatter graph. Defaults to OptimizationDefault.

Note: On some environments, large graphs using static optimization may not render, because all of the items are rendered using a single draw call, and different graphics drivers have different maximum vertice counts per call that they support. This is mostly an issue on 32bit and/or OpenGL ES2 platforms. To work around this issue, choose an item mesh with low vertex count or use the point mesh.

Access functions:

OptimizationHints optimizationHints() const
void setOptimizationHints(OptimizationHints hints)

Notifier signal:

void optimizationHintsChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::OptimizationHints hints)

See also QAbstract3DSeries::mesh.

orthoProjection : bool

If true, orthographic projection will be used for displaying the graph.

Note: Orthographic projection can be used to create 2D graphs by replacing the default input handler with one that doesn't allow rotating the graph and setting the camera to view the graph directly from the side or from the top. Also, axis labels typically need to be rotated when viewing the graph from the sides. Defaults to false.

Note: Shadows will be disabled when set to true.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

Access functions:

bool isOrthoProjection() const
void setOrthoProjection(bool enable)

Notifier signal:

void orthoProjectionChanged(bool enabled)

See also QAbstract3DAxis::labelAutoRotation and Q3DCamera::cameraPreset.

polar : bool

If true, the horizontal axes are changed into polar axes. The X axis becomes the angular axis and the Z axis becomes the radial axis. Polar mode is not available for bar graphs.

Defaults to false.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

bool isPolar() const
void setPolar(bool enable)

Notifier signal:

void polarChanged(bool enabled)

See also orthoProjection and radialLabelOffset.

queriedGraphPosition : const QVector3D

This read-only property contains the latest graph position values along each axis queried using Q3DScene::graphPositionQuery. The values are normalized to range [-1, 1]. If the queried position was outside the graph bounds, the values will not reflect the real position, but will instead be some undefined position outside the range [-1, 1]. The value will be undefined before any queries are made.

There isn't a single correct 3D coordinate to match to each specific screen position, so to be consistent, the queries are always done against the inner sides of an invisible box surrounding the graph.

Note: Bar graphs only allow querying graph position at the graph floor level, so the Y-value is always zero for bar graphs and the valid queries can be only made at screen positions that contain the floor of the graph.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

QVector3D queriedGraphPosition() const

Notifier signal:

void queriedGraphPositionChanged(const QVector3D &data)

See also Q3DScene::graphPositionQuery.

radialLabelOffset : float

This property specifies the normalized horizontal offset for the axis labels of the radial polar axis. The value 0.0 indicates the labels should be drawn next to the 0-angle angular axis grid line. The value 1.0 indicates the labels are drawn on their normal place at the edge of the graph background. This property is ignored if polar property value is false. Defaults to 1.0.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

float radialLabelOffset() const
void setRadialLabelOffset(float offset)

Notifier signal:

void radialLabelOffsetChanged(float offset)

See also polar.

reflection : bool

Sets floor reflections on or off. Defaults to false.

Note: Affects only Q3DBars.

Note: In Q3DBars graphs holding both positive and negative values, reflections are not supported for custom items that intersect the floor plane. In that case, reflections should be turned off to avoid incorrect rendering.

Note: If using custom surface format, stencil buffer needs to be defined (QSurfaceFormat::setStencilBufferSize()) for reflections to work.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

bool isReflection() const
void setReflection(bool enable)

Notifier signal:

void reflectionChanged(bool enabled)

See also reflectivity.

reflectivity : qreal

Adjusts floor reflectivity, larger number being more reflective. Valid range is [0...1]. Defaults to 0.5.

Note: Affects only Q3DBars.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

Access functions:

qreal reflectivity() const
void setReflectivity(qreal reflectivity)

Notifier signal:

void reflectivityChanged(qreal reflectivity)

See also reflection.

scene : Q3DScene * const

This property is read-only and contains the Q3DScene pointer that can be used to manipulate the scene and access the scene elements, such as the active camera.

Access functions:

Q3DScene *scene() const

selectedElement : const ElementType

Can be used to query the selected element type. Type is valid until the next selectedElementChanged signal.

selectedElementChanged signal is emitted when a selection is made in the graph.

Signal can be used for example for implementing custom input handlers, as demonstrated in this example.

This property was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

Access functions:

ElementType selectedElement() const

Notifier signal:

void selectedElementChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::ElementType type)

See also selectedLabelIndex(), selectedAxis(), selectedCustomItemIndex(), selectedCustomItem(), Q3DBars::selectedSeries(), Q3DScatter::selectedSeries(), Q3DSurface::selectedSeries(), and Q3DScene::setSelectionQueryPosition().

selectionMode : SelectionFlags

Sets selection mode to a combination of SelectionFlags. It is preset to SelectionItem by default. Different graph types support different selection modes. See SelectionFlags documentation for details.

Access functions:

SelectionFlags selectionMode() const
void setSelectionMode(SelectionFlags mode)

Notifier signal:

void selectionModeChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::SelectionFlags mode)

shadowQuality : ShadowQuality

Sets the shadow quality to one of the ShadowQuality enum values. It is preset to ShadowQualityMedium by default.

Note: If setting the shadow quality to a certain level fails, the level is lowered until it is successfully set. The shadowQualityChanged signal is emitted for each time a change is done.

Access functions:

ShadowQuality shadowQuality() const
void setShadowQuality(ShadowQuality quality)

Notifier signal:

void shadowQualityChanged(QAbstract3DGraph::ShadowQuality quality)

Member Function Documentation

[virtual] QAbstract3DGraph::~QAbstract3DGraph()

Destroys QAbstract3DGraph.

int QAbstract3DGraph::addCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)

Adds a QCustom3DItem item to the graph. Graph takes ownership of the added item.

Returns index to the added item if add was successful, -1 if trying to add a null item, and index of the item if trying to add an already added item.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also removeCustomItems(), removeCustomItem(), removeCustomItemAt(), and customItems().

void QAbstract3DGraph::addInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)

Adds the given inputHandler to the graph. The input handlers added via addInputHandler are not taken in to use directly. Only the ownership of the inputHandler is given to the graph. The inputHandler must not be null or already added to another graph.

See also releaseInputHandler() and setActiveInputHandler().

void QAbstract3DGraph::addTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)

Adds the given theme to the graph. The themes added via addTheme are not taken in to use directly. Only the ownership of the a theme is given to the graph. The theme must not be null or already added to another graph.

See also releaseTheme() and setActiveTheme().

void QAbstract3DGraph::clearSelection()

Clears selection from all attached series.

QList<QCustom3DItem *> QAbstract3DGraph::customItems() const

Returns list of all added custom items.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.2.

See also addCustomItem().

bool QAbstract3DGraph::hasContext() const

Returns true if the OpenGL context of the graph has been successfully initialized. Trying to use a graph when the context initialization has failed typically results in a crash. A common reason for a context initialization failure is lack of sufficient platform support for OpenGL.

QList<QAbstract3DInputHandler *> QAbstract3DGraph::inputHandlers() const

Returns list of all added input handlers.

See also addInputHandler().

void QAbstract3DGraph::releaseCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)

Gets ownership of given item back and removes the item from the graph.

Note: If the same item is added back to the graph, the texture or the texture file needs to be re-set.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also QCustom3DItem::setTextureImage() and QCustom3DItem::setTextureFile().

void QAbstract3DGraph::releaseInputHandler(QAbstract3DInputHandler *inputHandler)

Releases the ownership of the inputHandler back to the caller, if it was added to this graph. If the released inputHandler is in use there will be no input handler active after this call.

If the default input handler is released and added back later, it behaves as any other input handler would.

See also addInputHandler() and setActiveInputHandler().

void QAbstract3DGraph::releaseTheme(Q3DTheme *theme)

Releases the ownership of the theme back to the caller, if it was added to this graph. If the released theme is in use, a new default theme will be created and set active.

If the default theme is released and added back later, it behaves as any other theme would.

See also addTheme() and setActiveTheme().

void QAbstract3DGraph::removeCustomItem(QCustom3DItem *item)

Removes the custom item. Deletes the resources allocated to it.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

void QAbstract3DGraph::removeCustomItemAt(const QVector3D &position)

Removes all custom items at position. Deletes the resources allocated to them.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

void QAbstract3DGraph::removeCustomItems()

Removes all custom items. Deletes the resources allocated to them.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

QImage QAbstract3DGraph::renderToImage(int msaaSamples = 0, const QSize &imageSize = QSize())

Renders current frame to an image of imageSize. Default size is the window size. Image is rendered with antialiasing level given in msaaSamples. Default level is 0.

Returns rendered image.

Note: OpenGL ES2 does not support anitialiasing, so msaaSamples is always forced to 0.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

QAbstract3DAxis *QAbstract3DGraph::selectedAxis() const

Can be used to get the selected axis after receiving selectedElementChanged signal with any label type. Selection is valid until the next selectedElementChanged signal.

Returns pointer to the selected axis, or null.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also selectedElement.

QCustom3DItem *QAbstract3DGraph::selectedCustomItem() const

Can be used to get the selected custom item after receiving selectedElementChanged signal with QAbstract3DGraph::ElementCustomItem type. Ownership of the item remains with the graph. Selection is valid until the next selectedElementChanged signal.

Returns pointer to the selected custom item, or null.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also selectedElement.

int QAbstract3DGraph::selectedCustomItemIndex() const

Can be used to query the index of the selected custom item after receiving selectedElementChanged signal with QAbstract3DGraph::ElementCustomItem type. Selection is valid until the next selectedElementChanged signal.

Returns index of the selected custom item, or -1.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also selectedElement.

int QAbstract3DGraph::selectedLabelIndex() const

Can be used to query the index of the selected label after receiving selectedElementChanged signal with any label type. Selection is valid until the next selectedElementChanged signal.

Returns index of the selected label, or -1.

This function was introduced in QtDataVisualization 1.1.

See also selectedElement.

[virtual] bool QAbstract3DGraph::shadowsSupported() const

Returns true if shadows are supported with the current configuration. OpenGL ES2 configurations do not support shadows.

QList<Q3DTheme *> QAbstract3DGraph::themes() const

Returns list of all added themes.

See also addTheme().

Related Non-Members

[static] QSurfaceFormat QtDataVisualization::qDefaultSurfaceFormat(bool antialias = true)

This convenience function can be used to create a custom surface format suitable for use by Qt Data Visualization graphs.

The antialias parameter specifies whether or not antialiasing is activated.

Give the surface format returned by this function to the graph constructor (C++) or set it as the window format for QQuickView (QML) before calling show on it.

For example, disable antialiasing on C++ application:

  #include <QtDataVisualization/qutils.h>

  // ...

  Q3DBars *graph = new Q3DBars(QtDataVisualization::qDefaultSurfaceFormat(false));

For example, enable antialiasing for direct rendering modes on QML application:

  #include <QtDataVisualization/qutils.h>

  // ...

  QQuickView viewer;

Note: Antialiasing is not supported in OpenGL ES2 environments.