BarDataProxy QML Type

Base proxy type for Bars3D. More...

Import Statement: import QtDataVisualization 1.2
Since: QtDataVisualization 1.0
Instantiates: QBarDataProxy


Inherited By:



Detailed Description

This type handles adding, inserting, changing, and removing rows of data with Qt Quick 2.

This type is uncreatable, but contains properties that are exposed via subtypes.

For more complete description, see QBarDataProxy.

See also ItemModelBarDataProxy and Qt Data Visualization Data Handling.

Property Documentation

columnLabels : list

Optional column labels for the array. Indexes in this array match column indexes in rows. If the list is shorter than the longest row, all columns will not get labels.

rowCount : int

Row count in the array.

rowLabels : list

Optional row labels for the array. Indexes in this array match row indexes in data array. If the list is shorter than row count, all rows will not get labels.

series : Bar3DSeries

The series this proxy is attached to.