QGL Namespace

The QGL namespace specifies miscellaneous identifiers used in the Qt OpenGL module. More...

Header: #include <QGL>
qmake: QT += opengl


enum FormatOption { DoubleBuffer, DepthBuffer, Rgba, AlphaChannel, ..., NoDeprecatedFunctions }
flags FormatOptions

Detailed Description

The QGL namespace specifies miscellaneous identifiers used in the Qt OpenGL module.

Type Documentation

enum QGL::FormatOption
flags QGL::FormatOptions

This enum specifies the format options that can be used to configure an OpenGL context. These are set using QGLFormat::setOption().

QGL::DoubleBuffer0x0001Specifies the use of double buffering.
QGL::DepthBuffer0x0002Enables the use of a depth buffer.
QGL::Rgba0x0004Specifies that the context should use RGBA as its pixel format.
QGL::AlphaChannel0x0008Enables the use of an alpha channel.
QGL::AccumBuffer0x0010Enables the use of an accumulation buffer.
QGL::StencilBuffer0x0020Enables the use of a stencil buffer.
QGL::StereoBuffers0x0040Enables the use of a stereo buffers for use with visualization hardware.
QGL::DirectRendering0x0080Specifies that the context is used for direct rendering to a display.
QGL::HasOverlay0x0100Enables the use of an overlay.
QGL::SampleBuffers0x0200Enables the use of sample buffers.
QGL::DeprecatedFunctions0x0400Enables the use of deprecated functionality for OpenGL 3.x contexts. A context with deprecated functionality enabled is called a full context in the OpenGL specification.
QGL::SingleBufferDoubleBuffer<<16Specifies the use of a single buffer, as opposed to double buffers.
QGL::NoDepthBufferDepthBuffer<<16Disables the use of a depth buffer.
QGL::ColorIndexRgba<<16Specifies that the context should use a color index as its pixel format.
QGL::NoAlphaChannelAlphaChannel<<16Disables the use of an alpha channel.
QGL::NoAccumBufferAccumBuffer<<16Disables the use of an accumulation buffer.
QGL::NoStencilBufferStencilBuffer<<16Disables the use of a stencil buffer.
QGL::NoStereoBuffersStereoBuffers<<16Disables the use of stereo buffers.
QGL::IndirectRenderingDirectRendering<<16Specifies that the context is used for indirect rendering to a buffer.
QGL::NoOverlayHasOverlay<<16Disables the use of an overlay.
QGL::NoSampleBuffersSampleBuffers<<16Disables the use of sample buffers.
QGL::NoDeprecatedFunctionsDeprecatedFunctions<<16Disables the use of deprecated functionality for OpenGL 3.x contexts. A context with deprecated functionality disabled is called a forward compatible context in the OpenGL specification.

The FormatOptions type is a typedef for QFlags<FormatOption>. It stores an OR combination of FormatOption values.