hangmangame.h Example File


  ** Copyright (C) 2015 The Qt Company Ltd.
  ** Contact: http://www.qt.io/licensing/
  ** This file is part of the Purchasing module of the Qt Toolkit.
  ** Commercial License Usage
  ** Licensees holding valid commercial Qt licenses may use this file in
  ** accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the
  ** Software or, alternatively, in accordance with the terms contained in
  ** a written agreement between you and The Qt Company. For licensing terms
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  ** GNU Lesser General Public License Usage
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  #include <QObject>
  #include <QStringList>
  #include <QMutex>
  #include <QtPurchasing>
  #include <QSettings>

  class HangmanGame : public QObject
      Q_PROPERTY(QString word READ word NOTIFY wordChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(QString lettersOwned READ lettersOwned NOTIFY lettersOwnedChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(QString vowels READ vowels CONSTANT)
      Q_PROPERTY(QString consonants READ consonants CONSTANT)
      Q_PROPERTY(int errorCount READ errorCount NOTIFY errorCountChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(bool vowelsUnlocked READ vowelsUnlocked WRITE setVowelsUnlocked NOTIFY vowelsUnlockedChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(int vowelsAvailable READ vowelsAvailable WRITE setVowelsAvailable NOTIFY vowelsAvailableChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(int wordsGiven READ wordsGiven WRITE setWordsGiven NOTIFY wordsGivenChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(int  wordsGuessedCorrectly READ wordsGuessedCorrectly WRITE setWordsGuessedCorrectly NOTIFY wordsGuessedCorrectlyChanged)
      Q_PROPERTY(int score READ score WRITE setScore NOTIFY scoreChanged)

      explicit HangmanGame(QObject *parent = 0);
      Q_INVOKABLE void reset();
      Q_INVOKABLE void reveal();
      Q_INVOKABLE void gameOverReveal();
      Q_INVOKABLE void requestLetter(const QString &letterString);
      Q_INVOKABLE void guessWord(const QString &word);
      Q_INVOKABLE bool isVowel(const QString &letter);
      Q_INVOKABLE void setVowelsAvailable(int count);
      Q_INVOKABLE void setWordsGiven(int count);
      Q_INVOKABLE void setWordsGuessedCorrectly(int count);
      Q_INVOKABLE void setScore(int score);

      QString word() const { return m_word; }
      QString lettersOwned() const { return m_lettersOwned; }
      QString vowels() const;
      QString consonants() const;
      int errorCount() const;
      bool vowelsUnlocked() const;
      void setVowelsUnlocked(bool vowelsUnlocked);
      int vowelsAvailable() const;
      int wordsGiven() const;
      int wordsGuessedCorrectly() const;
      int score() const;

      void wordChanged();
      void lettersOwnedChanged();
      void errorCountChanged();
      void vowelBought(const QChar &vowel);
      void purchaseWasSuccessful(bool wasSuccessful);
      void vowelsUnlockedChanged(bool unlocked);
      void vowelsAvailableChanged(int arg);
      void wordsGivenChanged(int arg);
      void wordsGuessedCorrectlyChanged(int arg);
      void scoreChanged(int arg);

  private slots:
      void registerLetterBought(const QChar &letter);

      void chooseRandomWord();
      void initWordList();
      int calculateEarnedVowels();
      int calculateEarnedPoints();

      QString m_word;
      QString m_lettersOwned;
      QStringList m_wordList;
      QMutex m_lock;
      bool m_vowelsUnlocked;
      QSettings m_persistentSettings;
      int m_vowelsAvailable;
      int m_wordsGiven;
      int m_wordsGuessedCorrectly;
      int m_score;

  #endif // HANGMANGAME_H