Hangman.qml Example File


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  ** This file is part of the Purchasing module of the Qt Toolkit.
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  import QtQuick 2.2

  Rectangle {
      id: hangman
      color: "transparent"

      property int errorCount: applicationData.errorCount
      property var game: Item

      Rectangle {
          id: base
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          anchors.left: parent.left
          anchors.right: parent.right
          height: parent.height / 20

          opacity: errorCount > 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0
          Behavior on opacity {
              NumberAnimation {
                  duration: 300

      Rectangle {
          id: pole
          anchors.top: parent.top
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          anchors.left: parent.left
          width: parent.width / 20

          opacity: errorCount > 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0
          visible: opacity > 0.0
          Behavior on opacity {
              NumberAnimation {
                  duration: 300

          color: "white"

      Rectangle {
          id: horizontalPole
          anchors.top: pole.top
          anchors.left: pole.right
          anchors.right: parent.horizontalCenter
          anchors.rightMargin:  -parent.width / 40
          height: parent.height / 20
          color: "white"
          opacity: errorCount > 2 ? 1.0 : 0.0
          visible: opacity > 0.0
          Behavior on opacity {
              NumberAnimation {
                  duration: 300

      Rectangle {
          id: rope
          anchors.top: horizontalPole.bottom
          anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
          width: parent.width / 20
          height: parent.height / 5
          opacity: errorCount > 2 ? 1.0 : 0.0
          visible: opacity > 0.0
          Behavior on opacity {
              NumberAnimation {
                  duration: 300
          color: "white"

      Item {
          id: dude
          anchors.top: rope.bottom
          anchors.horizontalCenter: rope.horizontalCenter
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          anchors.bottomMargin: parent.height / 10

          Rectangle {
              id: head
              anchors.top: parent.top
              anchors.topMargin: -head.height * 0.25
              anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
              height: parent.height * 0.15
              width: height

              radius: width * 0.5
              color: "white"
              opacity: errorCount > 3 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300

          Rectangle {
              id: body
              anchors.top: head.bottom
              anchors.topMargin: hangman.height / 40
              anchors.horizontalCenter: head.horizontalCenter
              height: width * 1.8
              width: head.width * 1.4
              opacity: errorCount > 4 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              radius: 5
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300
          Rectangle {
              id: armTop1
              anchors.top: body.top
              anchors.right: body.horizontalCenter
              width: (body.width * 1.85) * 0.5
              height: head.height * 0.7
              radius: height
              opacity: errorCount > 5 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300
          Rectangle {
              id: armTop2
              anchors.top: body.top
              anchors.left: body.horizontalCenter
              width: (body.width * 1.85) * 0.5
              height: head.height * 0.7
              radius: height
              opacity: errorCount > 6 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300

          Rectangle {
              id: arm1
              anchors.top: armTop1.bottom
              anchors.topMargin: -armTop1.height * 0.5 - radius
              anchors.left: armTop1.left
              anchors.bottom: body.bottom
              radius: width * 0.5
              width: head.width * 0.35
              opacity: errorCount > 5 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300

          Rectangle {
              id: arm2
              anchors.top: armTop2.bottom
              anchors.topMargin: -armTop2.height * 0.5 - radius
              anchors.right: armTop2.right
              anchors.bottom: body.bottom
              radius: width * 0.5
              width: head.width * 0.35
              opacity: errorCount > 6 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300

          Rectangle {
              id: leg1
              anchors.top: body.bottom
              anchors.topMargin: -radius
              anchors.left: body.left
              height: body.height + radius
              width: body.width * 0.42857
              radius: width

              opacity: errorCount > 7 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300

          Rectangle {
              id: leg2
              anchors.top: body.bottom
              anchors.topMargin: -radius
              anchors.right: body.right
              height: body.height + radius
              width: body.width * 0.42857
              radius: width

              opacity: errorCount > 8 ? 1.0 : 0.0
              visible: opacity > 0.0
              Behavior on opacity {
                  NumberAnimation {
                      duration: 300