HowToView.qml Example File


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  import QtQuick 2.2

  Item {
      PageHeader {
          id: header
          title: "How to Play"

      Flickable {
          id: helpFlickable
          anchors.bottom: parent.bottom
          anchors.right: parent.right
          anchors.left: parent.left
          anchors.margins: topLevel.globalMargin
          clip: true

          contentHeight: helpContent.height + (topLevel.globalMargin * 2)

          Item {
              id: helpContent
              width: parent.width
              height: contentColumn.height
              Column {
                  id: contentColumn
                  anchors.right: parent.right
                  anchors.left: parent.left
                  anchors.margins: topLevel.globalMargin
                  spacing: topLevel.globalMargin
                  Text {
                      height: contentHeight
                      width: parent.width
                      wrapMode: Text.Wrap
             ".Helvetica Neue Interface -M3"
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: helpFlickable.height * 0.04
                      text: "\
  Hangman is a classic word game where the objective is to guess a given word \
  before you make too many mistakes and the hangman gets hung.\n"

                  Word {
                      anchors.margins: topLevel.globalMargin
                      height: topLevel.buttonHeight
                      width: parent.width * .8
                      text: "HANGMAN"

                  Text {
                      height: contentHeight
                      width: parent.width
                      wrapMode: Text.Wrap
             ".Helvetica Neue Interface -M3"
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: helpFlickable.height * 0.04
                      text: "\
  \nYou play by guessing letters. If you guess a letter that is part of the word \
  it will be shown in any locations in the word it is located. If however it is \
  not part of the word, another piece will be added and the hangman will be one \
  step closer to death. \n"

                  Hangman {
                      height: width
                      width: parent.width / 2
                      errorCount: 9

                  Text {
                      height: contentHeight
                      width: parent.width
                      wrapMode: Text.Wrap
             ".Helvetica Neue Interface -M3"
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: helpFlickable.height * 0.04
                      text: "\
  \nVowels must be purchased, unlocked or earned to be used.  If you guess a word, \
  any vowels that have not been guess already will be added to your vowel pool."

                  ScoreItem {
                      anchors.margins: topLevel.globalMargin
                      height: topLevel.buttonHeight

                  Text {
                      height: contentHeight
                      width: parent.width
                      wrapMode: Text.Wrap
             ".Helvetica Neue Interface -M3"
                      color: "white"
                      font.pixelSize: helpFlickable.height * 0.04
                      text: "\
  When you guess a word you are rewarded points.  You receive a point for each \
  consonant that was guessed as well as a point for any remaining parts of the \
  hangman.  You can not do anything with points, they just show how awesome you are.