List of All Members for PathView
This is the complete list of members for PathView, including inherited members.
- cacheItemCount : int
- count : int
- currentIndex : int
- currentItem : Item
- delegate : Component
- dragMargin : real
- dragging : bool
- flickDeceleration : real
- flicking : bool
- highlight : Component
- highlightItem : Item
- highlightMoveDuration : int
- highlightRangeMode : enumeration
- interactive : bool
- isCurrentItem : bool [attached]
- maximumFlickVelocity : real
- model : model
- movementDirection : enumeration
- moving : bool
- offset : real
- onPath : bool [attached]
- path : Path
- pathItemCount : int
- preferredHighlightBegin : real
- preferredHighlightEnd : real
- snapMode : enumeration
- view : PathView [attached]
- decrementCurrentIndex()
- dragEnded()
- dragStarted()
- flickEnded()
- flickStarted()
- incrementCurrentIndex()
- int indexAt(real x, real y)
- Item itemAt(real x, real y)
- movementEnded()
- movementStarted()
- positionViewAtIndex(int index, PositionMode mode)
The following members are inherited from Item.
- activeFocus : bool
- activeFocusOnTab : bool
- anchors.alignWhenCentered : bool
- anchors.baseline : AnchorLine
- anchors.baselineOffset : real
- anchors.bottom : AnchorLine
- anchors.bottomMargin : real
- anchors.centerIn : Item
- anchors.fill : Item
- anchors.horizontalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.horizontalCenterOffset : real
- anchors.left : AnchorLine
- anchors.leftMargin : real
- anchors.margins : real
- anchors.right : AnchorLine
- anchors.rightMargin : real
- : AnchorLine
- anchors.topMargin : real
- anchors.verticalCenter : AnchorLine
- anchors.verticalCenterOffset : real
- antialiasing : bool
- baselineOffset : int
- children : list<Item>
- childrenRect.height : real
- childrenRect.width : real
- childrenRect.x : real
- childrenRect.y : real
- clip : bool
- data : list<Object>
- enabled : bool
- focus : bool
- height : real
- implicitHeight : real
- implicitWidth : real
- layer.effect : Component
- layer.enabled : bool
- layer.format : enumeration
- layer.mipmap : bool
- layer.samplerName : string
- layer.smooth : bool
- layer.sourceRect : rect
- layer.textureMirroring : enumeration
- layer.textureSize : size
- layer.wrapMode : enumeration
- opacity : real
- parent : Item
- resources : list<Object>
- rotation : real
- scale : real
- smooth : bool
- state : string
- states : list<State>
- transform : list<Transform>
- transformOrigin : enumeration
- transitions : list<Transition>
- visible : bool
- visibleChildren : list<Item>
- width : real
- x : real
- y : real
- z : real
- childAt(real x, real y)
- bool contains(point point)
- forceActiveFocus(Qt::FocusReason reason)
- forceActiveFocus()
- bool grabToImage(callback, targetSize)
- object mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- object mapFromItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- object mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y, real width, real height)
- object mapToItem(Item item, real x, real y)
- nextItemInFocusChain(bool forward)
The following members are inherited from QtObject.
- objectName : string