DayOfWeekRow QML Type

A row of names for the days in a week. More...

Import Statement: import Qt.labs.calendar 1.0



Detailed Description

DayOfWeekRow presents day of week names in a row. The names of the days are ordered and formatted using the specified locale.

  DayOfWeekRow {
      locale: Qt.locale("en_US")

DayOfWeekRow can be used as a standalone control, but it is most often used in conjunction with MonthGrid. Regardless of the use case, positioning of the row is left to the user.

  ColumnLayout {
      DayOfWeekRow {
          locale: grid.locale
          Layout.fillWidth: true

      MonthGrid {
          id: grid
          month: Calendar.December
          year: 2015
          locale: Qt.locale("en_US")
          Layout.fillWidth: true

The visual appearance of DayOfWeekRow can be changed by implementing a custom delegate.

Note: Types in Qt.labs modules are not guaranteed to remain compatible in future versions.

See also MonthGrid and WeekNumberColumn.

Property Documentation

delegate : Component

This property holds the item delegate that visualizes each day of the week.

In addition to the index property, a list of model data roles are available in the context of each delegate: : intThe day of week (Qt::DayOfWeek)
model.longName : stringThe long version of the day name; for example, "Monday" (QLocale::LongFormat)
model.shortName : stringThe short version of the day name; for example, "Mon" (QLocale::ShortFormat)
model.narrowName : stringA special version of the day name for use when space is limited; for example, "M" (QLocale::NarrowFormat)

The following snippet presents the default implementation of the item delegate. It can be used as a starting point for implementing custom delegates.

  delegate: Text {
      text: model.shortName
      font: control.font
      horizontalAlignment: Text.AlignHCenter
      verticalAlignment: Text.AlignVCenter