Gauge QML Type

A straight gauge that displays a value within a range. More...

Import Statement: import QtQuick.Extras 1.4
Since: Qt 5.5


Detailed Description


The Gauge control displays a value within some range along a horizontal or vertical axis. It can be thought of as an extension of ProgressBar, providing tickmarks and labels to provide a visual measurement of the progress.

The minimum and maximum values displayable by the gauge can be set with the minimumValue and maximumValue properties.


  Gauge {
      minimumValue: 0
      value: 50
      maximumValue: 100
      anchors.centerIn: parent

You can create a custom appearance for a Gauge by assigning a GaugeStyle.

Property Documentation

font : font

The font to use for the tickmark text.

formatValue : var

This property accepts a function that formats the given value for display in tickmarkLabel.

For example, to provide a custom format that displays all values with 3 decimal places:

  formatValue: function(value) {
      return value.toFixed(3);

The default function does no formatting.

maximumValue : alias

This property holds the largest value displayed by the gauge.

The default value is 100.

minimumValue : alias

This property holds the smallest value displayed by the gauge.

The default value is 0.

minorTickmarkCount : int

This property determines the amount of minor tickmarks drawn between each regular tickmark.

The default value is 4.

orientation : int

This property determines the orientation of the gauge.

The default value is Qt.Vertical.

style : Component

tickmarkAlignment : int

This property determines the alignment of each tickmark within the gauge. When orientation is Qt.Vertical, the valid values are:

  • Qt.AlignLeft
  • Qt.AlignRight

Any other value will cause Qt.AlignLeft to be used, which is also the default value for this orientation.

When orientation is Qt.Horizontal, the valid values are:

  • Qt.AlignTop
  • Qt.AlignBottom

Any other value will cause Qt.AlignBottom to be used, which is also the default value for this orientation.

tickmarkStepSize : real

This property determines the rate at which tickmarks are drawn on the gauge. The lower the value, the more often tickmarks are drawn.

The default value is 10.

value : alias

This property holds the value displayed by the gauge.

The default value is 0.