QScxmlEventFilter Class

The QScxmlEventFilter class is an event filter for an SCXML state machine. More...

Header: #include <QScxmlEventFilter>
qmake: QT += scxml
Since: Qt 5.7

Public Functions

virtual ~QScxmlEventFilter()
virtual bool handle(QScxmlEvent *event, QScxmlStateMachine *stateMachine) = 0

Detailed Description

The QScxmlEventFilter class is an event filter for an SCXML state machine.

An event filter can be used to intercept events generated by an SCXML state machine. By default, the QScxmlStateMachine will have an event filter that will intercept events that are marked as external and that have the type qt:signal to emit signals.

See also QScxmlStateMachine.

Member Function Documentation

[virtual] QScxmlEventFilter::~QScxmlEventFilter()

Destroys the SCXML event filter.

[pure virtual] bool QScxmlEventFilter::handle(QScxmlEvent *event, QScxmlStateMachine *stateMachine)

Returns true if the event should be submitted to the stateMachine and it was not intercepted inside the event filter, false otherwise.