Loader Class


The Loader class is a URI resolver and resource loader for an SCXML parser. More...

Header: #include <Loader>
qmake: QT += scxml
Since: Qt 5.7

Public Functions

Loader(QScxmlParser *parser)
virtual ~Loader()
virtual QByteArray load(const QString &name, const QString &baseDir, bool *ok) = 0

Protected Functions

QScxmlParser *parser() const

Detailed Description

The Loader class is a URI resolver and resource loader for an SCXML parser.

Member Function Documentation

Loader::Loader(QScxmlParser *parser)

Creates a new loader for the specified parser.

[virtual] Loader::~Loader()

Destroys the loader.

[pure virtual] QByteArray Loader::load(const QString &name, const QString &baseDir, bool *ok)

Resolves the URI name and loads an SCXML file from the directory specified by baseDir. The boolean parameter ok indicates whether the loading was successful.

Returns a QByteArray that stores the contents of the file.

[protected] QScxmlParser *Loader::parser() const

Returns the parser that is associated with this loader.