InputEngine QML Type
Maps the user input to the input methods. More...
Import Statement: | import QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0 |
Instantiates: | InputEngine |
- activeKey : int
- inputMethod : InputMethod
- inputMode : int
- inputModes : list<int>
- patternRecognitionModes : list<int>
- previousKey : int
- wordCandidateListModel : SelectionListModel
- wordCandidateListVisibleHint : bool
- void activeKeyChanged(int key)
- void inputMethodChanged()
- void inputMethodReset()
- void inputMethodUpdate()
- void inputModeChanged()
- void inputModesChanged()
- void patternRecognitionModesChanged()
- void previousKeyChanged(int key)
- void virtualKeyClicked(int key, string text, int modifiers)
- Trace traceBegin(int traceId, int patternRecognitionMode, var traceCaptureDeviceInfo, var traceScreenInfo)
- bool traceEnd(Trace trace)
- void virtualKeyCancel()
- bool virtualKeyClick(int key, string text, int modifiers)
- bool virtualKeyPress(int key, string text, int modifiers, bool repeat)
- bool virtualKeyRelease(int key, string text, int modifiers)
Detailed Description
The input engine is responsible for routing input events to input methods. The actual input logic is implemented by the input methods.
The input engine also includes the default input method, which takes care of default processing if the active input method does not handle the event.
Property Documentation
inputMethod : InputMethod |
Use this property to set the active input method, or to monitor when the active input method changes.
Use this property to get or set the current input mode. The InputEngine::inputModes property provides the list of valid input modes for the current input method and locale.
The predefined input modes are:
The default input mode for latin text.InputEngine.Numeric
Only numeric input is allowed.InputEngine.Dialable
Only dialable input is allowed.InputEngine.Pinyin
Pinyin input mode for Chinese.InputEngine.Cangjie
Cangjie input mode for Chinese.InputEngine.Zhuyin
Zhuyin input mode for Chinese.InputEngine.Hangul
Hangul input mode for Korean.InputEngine.Hiragana
Hiragana input mode for Japanese.InputEngine.Katakana
Katakana input mode for Japanese.InputEngine.FullwidthLatin
Fullwidth latin input mode for East Asian languages.
The list of available input modes is dependent on the input method and locale. This property is updated when either of the dependencies change.
The list of available pattern recognition modes.
This QML property was introduced in QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0.
wordCandidateListModel : SelectionListModel |
Use this property to access the list model for the word candidate list.
Use this property to check if the word candidate list should be visible in the UI.
Signal Documentation
Emitted when the input method needs to be reset.
Note: This signal is automatically connected to AbstractInputMethod::reset() and InputMethod::reset() when the input method is activated.
Note: This signal is automatically connected to AbstractInputMethod::update() and InputMethod::update() when the input method is activated.
Indicates that the available pattern recognition modes have changed.
The predefined pattern recognition modes are:
Pattern recognition is not available.InputEngine.HandwritingRecoginition
Pattern recognition mode for handwriting recognition.
This QML signal was introduced in QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0.
Indicates that the virtual key was clicked with the given text and modifiers. This signal is emitted after the input method has processed the key event.
Method Documentation
Trace traceBegin(int traceId, int patternRecognitionMode, var traceCaptureDeviceInfo, var traceScreenInfo) |
Starts a trace interaction with the input engine.
The trace is uniquely identified by the traceId. The input engine will assign the id to the Trace object if the input method accepts the event.
The patternRecognitionMode specifies the recognition mode used for the pattern.
If the current input method accepts the event it returns a Trace object associated with this interaction. If the input method discards the event, it returns a null value.
The traceCaptureDeviceInfo provides information about the source device and the traceScreenInfo provides information about the screen context.
By definition, the Trace object remains valid until the traceEnd() method is called.
The trace interaction is ended by calling the InputEngine.traceEnd() method.
This QML method was introduced in QtQuick.VirtualKeyboard 2.0.
bool traceEnd(Trace trace) |
Ends the trace interaction with the input engine.
The trace object may be discarded at any point after calling this function.
The function returns true if the trace interaction was accepted (i.e. the touch events should not be used for anything else).
Reverts the active key state without emitting the key event. This method is useful when the user discards the current key and the key state needs to be restored.
Emits a key click event for the given key, text and modifiers. Returns true
if the key event was accepted by the input engine.
Called by the keyboard layer to indicate that key was pressed, with the given text and modifiers.
The key is set as an active key (down key). The actual key event is triggered when the key is released by the virtualKeyRelease() method. The key press event can be discarded by calling virtualKeyCancel().
The key press also initiates the key repeat timer if repeat is true
Returns true
if the key was accepted by this input engine.
See also virtualKeyCancel() and virtualKeyRelease().
Releases the key at key. The method emits a key event for the input method if the event has not been generated by a repeating timer. The text and modifiers are passed to the input method.
Returns true
if the key was accepted by the input engine.