
gtk.RecentChooser — an interface implemented by gtk.RecentChooserWidget, gtk.RecentChooserMenu and gtk.RecentChooserDialog (new in PyGTK 2.10)


class gtk.RecentChooser:
    def set_show_private(show_private)
def get_show_private()
def set_show_not_found(show_not_found)
def get_show_not_found()
def set_select_multiple(select_multiple)
def get_select_multiple()
def set_limit(limit)
def get_limit()
def set_local_only(local_only)
def get_local_only()
def set_show_tips(show_tips)
def get_show_tips()
def set_show_numbers(show_numbers)
def get_show_numbers()
def set_show_icons(show_icons)
def get_show_icons()
def set_sort_type(sort_type)
def get_sort_type()
def set_sort_func(sort_func, sort_data=None)
def set_current_uri(uri)
def get_current_uri()
def get_current_item()
def select_uri(uri)
def unselect_uri(uri)
def select_all()
def unselect_all()
def get_items()
def get_uris()
def add_filter(filter)
def remove_filter(filter)
def list_filters()
def set_filter(filter)
def get_filter()


+-- gtk.RecentChooser

gtk.RecentChooser Properties

"filter"Read-WriteThe current gtk.RecentFilter for selecting which resources are displayed
"limit"Read-WriteThe maximum number of items to be displayed
"local-only"Read-Writeif True the selected resource(s) should be limited to local file: URIs
"recent-manager"Write-Construct OnlyThe RecentManager object to use
"select-multiple"Read-Writeif True allow multiple items to be selected
"show-icons"Read-Writeif True there should be an icon near the item
"show-not-found"Read-Writeif True the items pointing to unavailable resources should be displayed
"show-private"Read-Writeif True the private items should be displayed
"show-tips"Read-Writeif True there should be a tooltip on the item
"sort-type"Read-WriteThe sorting order of the items displayed - one of the GTK Recent Sort Type Constants

gtk.RecentChooser Signal Prototypes


def callback(chooser, user_param1, ...)


def callback(chooser, user_param1, ...)


gtk.RecentChooser is an interface that can be implemented by widgets displaying the list of recently used files. In PyGTK, the main objects that implement this interface are gtk.RecentChooserWidget, gtk.RecentChooserDialog and gtk.RecentChooserMenu.

Recently used files are supported since GTK+ 2.10.



    def set_show_private(show_private)

show_private :

if True show private items


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "show-private" property to the value of show_private. If show_private is True show recently used resources marked registered as private.


    def get_show_private()

Returns :

True if the recent chooser should show private items.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if recently used resources registered as private should be displayed.


    def set_show_not_found(show_not_found)

show_not_found :

if True show the local items we didn't find


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "show-not'found" property to the value specified by show_not_found. If show_not_found is True, display the recently used resources that it didn't find. This only applies to local resources.


    def get_show_not_found()

Returns :

True if the resources not found should be displayed.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if the recently used resources that were not found shoudl be shown.


    def set_select_multiple(select_multiple)

select_multiple :

if True more than one item can be selected


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "select-multiple" property to the value of select_multiple. If select_mulitple is True multiple items can be selected.


    def get_select_multiple()

Returns :

True if more than one item can be selected.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if multiple items can be selected.


    def set_limit(limit)

limit :

a positive integer, or -1 for all items


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the number of items that should be returned by the gtk.RecentChooser.get_items() and gtk.RecentChooser.get_uris() methods.


    def get_limit()

Returns :

A positive integer, or -1 meaning that all items are returned.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the number of items that can be returned by the gtk.RecentChooser.get_items() and gtk.RecentChooser.get_uris() methods.


    def set_local_only(local_only)

local_only :

if True only local files can be shown


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "local-only" property to the value of local_only. If local_only is True only local resources, that is resources using the file:// URI scheme, should be shown in the recently used resources selector. If local_only is True (the default) then the resources shown are guaranteed to be accessible through the operating system native file system.


    def get_local_only()

Returns :

True if only local resources should be shown.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if only local resources should be shown in the recently used resources selector. See the gtk.RecentChooser.set_local_only() method.


    def set_show_tips(show_tips)

show_tips :

if True tooltips should be shown


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "show-tips" property to the value of show_tips. If show_tips is True, show a tooltips on the widget.


    def get_show_tips()

Returns :

True if the recent chooser should show tooltips.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if tooltips should be displayed.


    def set_show_numbers(show_numbers)

show_numbers :

if True show numbers


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "show-number" property to the value of show_numbers. If show_numbers is True, show recently used resources prepended by a unique number.


    def get_show_numbers()

Returns :

True if the recent chooser should show display numbers.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if recently used resources should be displayed prepended by a unique number.


    def set_show_icons(show_icons)

show_icons :

if True show an icon near the resource


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the "show-icon" property to the value of show_icon. If show_icon is True, show an icon near the resource when displaying it.


    def get_show_icons()

Returns :

True if the icons should be displayed.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns True if an icon should be shown near the resource.


    def set_sort_type(sort_type)

sort_type :

the sort order that the chooser should use - one of the GTK Recent Sort Type Constants


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the sorting order of the recently used resources list to the value specified by sort_type which must be one of the GTK Recent Sort Type Constants.


    def get_sort_type()

Returns :

the sorting order - one of the GTK Recent Sort Type Constants.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the value set by the gtk.RecentChooser.set_sort_type() method..


    def set_sort_func(sort_func, sort_data=None)

sort_func :

the comparison function

sort_data :

user data to pass to sort_func, or None


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets the comparison function specified by sort_func to be used when sorting. If the "sort-type" property is set to gtk.RECENT_SORT_CUSTOM, the chooser will sort using this function.

The signature of the comparison function is:

  def sort_func(a, b, data):

where a and b are two gtk.RecentInfo objects and data is sort_data. sort_func should return a positive integer if the first item comes before the second, zero if the two items are equal and a negative integer if the first item comes after the second.


    def set_current_uri(uri)

uri :


Returns :

True if the URI was found.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets uri as the current URI. Raises the gobject.GError exception when an error occurs.


    def get_current_uri()

Returns :

a URI.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the currently selected URI.


    def get_current_item()

Returns :

a gtk.RecentInfo object.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the gtk.RecentInfo for the currently selected item.


    def select_uri(uri)

uri :


Returns :

True if uri was found.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Selects uri. Raises the gobject.GError exception when an error occurs.


    def unselect_uri(uri)

uri :



This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Unselects uri.


    def select_all()


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Selects all the items inside chooser, if the "select-multiple" property is True.


    def unselect_all()


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Unselects all the items.


    def get_items()

Returns :

A list of gtk.RecentInfo objects.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the list of recently used resources in form of gtk.RecentInfo objects.

The return value of this function is affected by the "sort-type" and "limit" properties.


    def get_uris()

Returns :

A list of strings.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns a list of the URIs of the recently used resources.

The return value of this function is affected by the "sort-type" and "limit" properties>.


    def add_filter(filter)

filter :

a gtk.RecentFilter


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Adds filter to the list of gtk.RecentFilter objects.

If no previous filter objects were defined, this method will call the gtk.RecentChooser.set_filter() method.


    def remove_filter(filter)

filter :

a gtk.RecentFilter


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Removes filter from the list of gtk.RecentFilter objects.


    def list_filters()

Returns :

A list of gtk.RecentFilter objects..


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns a list of the gtk.RecentFilter objects.


    def set_filter(filter)

filter :

a gtk.RecentFilter


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Sets filter as the current gtk.RecentFilter object used by the recent chooser to filter the displayed recently used resources.


    def get_filter()

Returns :

a gtk.RecentFilter object.


This method is available in PyGTK 2.10 and above.

Returns the currently used gtk.RecentFilter object.


The "item-activated" gtk.RecentChooser Signal

    def callback(chooser, user_param1, ...)

chooser :

the object which received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)


This signal is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.

This signal is emitted when the user "activates" a recent item in the recent chooser. This can happen by double-clicking on an item in the recently used resources list, or by pressing Enter.

The "selection-changed" gtk.RecentChooser Signal

    def callback(chooser, user_param1, ...)

chooser :

the object which received the signal

user_param1 :

the first user parameter (if any) specified with the connect() method

... :

additional user parameters (if any)


This signal is available in GTK+ 2.10 and above.

This signal is emitted when there is a change in the set of selected recently used resources. This can happen when a user modifies the selection with the mouse or the keyboard, or when explicitly calling methods to change the selection.