
       import com.sleepycat.db.*;

       public DbInfo();
       public DbInfo(DbInfo that);

       public int get_lorder();
       public void set_lorder(int lorder);

       public long get_cachesize();
       public void set_cachesize(long cachesize);

       public long get_pagesize();
       public void set_pagesize(long pagesize);

       public int get_bt_maxkey();
       public void set_bt_maxkey(int bt_maxkey);

       public int get_bt_minkey();
       public void set_bt_minkey(int bt_minkey);

       public int get_h_ffactor();
       public void set_h_ffactor(int h_ffactor);

       public int get_h_nelem();
       public void set_h_nelem(int h_nelem);

       public int get_re_pad();
       public void set_re_pad(int re_pad);

       public int get_re_delim();
       public void set_re_delim(int re_delim);

       public int get_re_len();
       public void set_re_len(int re_len);

       public String get_re_source();
       public void set_re_source(String re_source);

       public int get_flags();
       public void set_flags(int flags);


       The  DB  library  is  a  family of classes that provides a
       modular programming interface to transactions and  record-
       oriented  file  access.   The library includes support for
       transactions, locking, logging and file page  caching,  as
       well  as  various  indexed  access  methods.   Many of the
       classes (e.g., the file page  caching  class)  are  useful
       independent of the other DB classes, although some classes
       are explicitly based on other classes (e.g.,  transactions
       and  logging).   For  a  general  description  of  the  DB
       package, see db_intro(3).

       This manual page describes the  DbInfo  class.   A  DbInfo
       object is used in conjunction with the Db.open method (see
       Db(3)) to specify particular configuration options for the
       open.   The  DbInfo  class  provides  simple  access to an
       underlying data structure, whose elements can be  examined
       or  changed using the set_ or get_ methods.  The remainder
       of the manual page refers  to  these  accesses  using  the
       underlying  name, e.g., cachesize instead of get_cachesize
       and  set_cachesize.   The  default  constructor  sets  all
       elements of the underlying structure to zero.  Some of the
       fields are specific to a  type  of  file  format  (one  of
       btree,  hashed  and  recno)  and  are  thus  named with an
       underscore separated string,  ``bt'',  ``h''  and  ``re'',
       respectively.   For example, the method set_bt_maxkey sets
       the underlying bt_maxkey field, and  this  field  is  only
       used when opening a btree file.

       The  fields  that  are  common  to  all access methods are
       listed here; those specific to an individual access method
       are described below.

       If  possible, defaults appropriate for the system are used
       for the DbInfo fields if dbinfo is null or any  fields  of
       the  DbInfo  object are not explicitly set.  The following
       DbInfo fields may be initialized before calling Db.open:

       long cachesize;
            A suggested maximum size of the memory pool cache, in
            bytes.   If  cachesize  is  not  explicitly  set,  an
            appropriate default is used.  If the mp_info field is
            also specified, this field is ignored.

            Note, the minimum number of pages in the cache should
            be no less than 10, and the access methods will  fail
            if  an  insufficiently  large cache is specified.  In
            addition,  for  applications  that   exhibit   strong
            locality  in  their  data access patterns, increasing
            the size  of  the  cache  can  significantly  improve
            application performance.

       int lorder;
            The  byte  order  for integers in the stored database
            metadata.  The number should represent the  order  as
            an  integer,  for  example,  big  endian order is the
            number 4,321, and little endian order is  the  number
            1,234.   If  lorder  is  not explicitly set, the host
            order  of  the  machine  where  the  Db  library  was
            compiled is used.

            The  value of lorder is ignored except when databases
            are being created.  If a database already exists, the
            byte  order  it  uses  is determined when the file is

            The access methods provide no  guarantees  about  the
            byte  ordering  of the application data stored in the
            database,  and  applications  are   responsible   for
            maintaining any necessary ordering.

       long pagesize;
            The  size  of  the  pages  used  to hold items in the
            database, in bytes.  The minimum  page  size  is  512
            bytes  and  the  maximum  page size is 64K bytes.  If
            pagesize is  not  explicitly  set,  a  page  size  is
            selected based on the underlying filesystem I/O block
            size.  The selected size has a  lower  limit  of  512
            bytes and an upper limit of 16K bytes.


       The  btree  data  structure  is  a  sorted,  balanced tree
       structure storing associated  key/data  pairs.   Searches,
       insertions,  and  deletions in the btree will all complete
       in O (lg base N) where base is the average number of  keys
       per  page.   Often,  inserting  ordered  data  into btrees
       results in pages that are half-full.  This  implementation
       has  been  modified  to  make ordered (or inverse ordered)
       insertion the best case, resulting in nearly perfect  page
       space utilization.

       Space  freed  by deleting key/data pairs from the database
       is never reclaimed from the  filesystem,  although  it  is
       reused  where possible.  This means that the btree storage
       structure is grow-only.  If  sufficiently  many  keys  are
       deleted from a tree that shrinking the underlying database
       file is desirable, this can be accomplished by creating  a
       new tree from a scan of the existing one.

       The   following   additional   fields  and  flags  may  be
       initialized in the DbInfo object before  calling  Db.open,
       when using the btree access method:

       int bt_minkey;
            The minimum number of keys that will be stored on any
            single page.  This value is used to  determine  which
            keys  will be stored on overflow pages, i.e. if a key
            or data item is larger than the pagesize  divided  by
            the  bt_minkey  value,  it will be stored on overflow
            pages instead of in the page itself.   The  bt_minkey
            value  specified  must be at least 2; if bt_minkey is
            not explicitly set, a value of 2 is used.

       unsigned long flags;
            The following additional flags may be specified:

                 Permit  duplicate  keys  in   the   tree,   i.e.
                 insertion  when  the  key  of  the key/data pair
                 being inserted already exists in the  tree  will
                 be  successful.   The  ordering of duplicates in
                 the  tree  is  determined  by   the   order   of
                 insertion,  unless  the  ordering  is  otherwise
                 specified by use of a  cursor  (see  Dbc(3)  for
                 more  information.)   It  is an error to specify
                 both DB_DUP and DB_RECNUM.

                 Support  retrieval  from  btrees  using   record
                 numbers.    For   more   information,   see  the
                 DB_GET_RECNO flag to the db.get method  (below),
                 and the cursor Dbc.get method (in Dbc(3)).

                 Logical  record numbers in btrees are mutable in
                 the face of record insertion or  deletion.   See
                 the  DB_RENUMBER flag in the RECNO section below
                 for further discussion.

                 Maintaining  record  counts   within   a   btree
                 introduces a serious point of contention, namely
                 the page locations where the record  counts  are
                 stored.   In  addition,  the entire tree must be
                 locked during  both  insertions  and  deletions,
                 effectively  single-threading the tree for those
                 operations.  Specifying DB_RECNUM can result  in
                 serious   performance   degradation   for   some
                 applications and data sets.

                 It is  an  error  to  specify  both  DB_DUP  and


       The  hash data structure is an extensible, dynamic hashing
       scheme.  Backward compatible interfaces to  the  functions
       described  in dbm(3), ndbm(3) and hsearch(3) are provided,
       however these interfaces are not compatible with  previous
       file formats.

       The   following   additional   fields  and  flags  may  be
       initialized in the DbInfo object before  calling  Db.open,
       when using the hash access method:

       unsigned int h_ffactor;
            The  desired density within the hash table.  It is an
            approximation  of  the  number  of  keys  allowed  to
            accumulate  in  any  one bucket, determining when the
            hash table grows or shrinks.  The default value is 0,
            indicating  that  the  fill  factor  will be selected
            dynamically as pages are filled.

       unsigned int h_nelem;
            An estimate of the final size of the hash table.   If
            not  set  or  set  too  low,  hash tables will expand
            gracefully as keys are  entered,  although  a  slight
            performance  degradation may be noticed.  The default
            value is 1.

       unsigned long flags;
            The following additional flags may  be  specified  by
            or'ing together one or more of the following values:

                 Permit   duplicate   keys   in  the  tree,  i.e.
                 insertion when the  key  of  the  key/data  pair
                 being  inserted  already exists in the tree will
                 be successful.  The ordering  of  duplicates  in
                 the   tree   is   determined  by  the  order  of
                 insertion,  unless  the  ordering  is  otherwise
                 specified  by  use  of  a cursor (see Dbc(3) for
                 more information.)


       The recno access method provides  support  for  fixed  and
       variable  length records, optionally backed by a flat text
       (byte  stream)  file.   Both  fixed  and  variable  length
       records are accessed by their logical record number.

       It is valid to create a record whose record number is more
       than one greater than the last  record  currently  in  the
       database.   For  example, the creation of record number 8,
       when records 6 and 7 do not yet exist, is  not  an  error.
       However,  any  attempt  to  retrieve  such  records (e.g.,
       records 6 and 7) will return DB_KEYEMPTY.

       Deleting a record will not, by default,  renumber  records
       following  the  deleted  record (see DB_RENUMBER below for
       more  information).   Any  attempt  to  retrieve   deleted
       records will return DB_KEYEMPTY.

       The   following   additional   fields  and  flags  may  be
       initialized in the DbInfo object before  calling  Db.open,
       when using the recno access method:

       int re_delim;
            For variable length records, if the re_source file is
            specified and  the  DB_DELIMITER  flag  is  set,  the
            delimiting  byte  used to mark the end of a record in
            the source file.  If the re_source file is  specified
            and  the  DB_DELIMITER  flag  is  not  set, <newline>
            characters (i.e. ``\n'',  0x0a)  are  interpreted  as
            end-of-record markers.

       int re_len;
            The length of a fixed-length record.

       int re_pad;
            For  fixed length records, if the DB_PAD flag is set,
            the pad character for short records.  If  the  DB_PAD
            flag is not explicitly set, <space> characters (i.e.,
            0x20) are used for padding.

       String re_source;
            The purpose of the re_source field is to provide fast
            access   and   modification  to  databases  that  are
            normally stored as flat text files.

            If  the  re_source  field  is  explicitly   set,   it
            specifies  an underlying flat text database file that
            is read  to  initialize  a  transient  record  number
            index.   In  the case of variable length records, the
            records are separated by  the  byte  value  re_delim.
            For  example,  standard UNIX byte stream files can be
            interpreted as a sequence of variable length  records
            separated by <newline> characters.

            In  addition,  when  cached  data  would  normally be
            written back to the underlying database  file  (e.g.,
            the  close or sync methods are called), the in-memory
            copy of the database will  be  written  back  to  the
            re_source file.

            By  default,  the backing source file is read lazily,
            i.e., records are not read from the file  until  they
            are   requested  by  the  application.   If  multiple
            processes  (not  threads)  are  accessing   a   recno
            database   concurrently   and   either  inserting  or
            deleting records, the backing  source  file  must  be
            read  in  its  entirety  before  more  than  a single
            process accesses the database, and only that  process
            should specify the backing source file as part of the
            Db.open call.  See the  DB_SNAPSHOT  flag  below  for
            more information.

            Reading and writing the backing source file specified
            by  re_source  cannot  be  transactionally  protected
            because  it  involves  filesystem operations that are
            not part of the Db transaction methodology.  For this
            reason,  if  a temporary database is used to hold the
            records, i.e., a  null  was  specified  as  the  file
            argument  to  Db.open,  it  is  possible  to lose the
            contents of the re_source file, e.g., if  the  system
            crashes  at  the right instant.  If a file is used to
            hold the database, i.e., a file name was specified as
            the   file   argument  to  Db.open,  normal  database
            recovery  on  that  file  can  be  used  to   prevent
            information  loss, although it is still possible that
            the contents of re_source will be lost if the  system

            The  re_source  file  must  already exist (but may be
            zero-length) when Db.open is called.

            For all of the above reasons, the re_source field  is
            generally  used  to  specify databases that are read-
            only  for  Db  applications,  and  that  are   either
            generated  on  the fly by software tools, or modified
            using a different mechanism, e.g., a text editor.

       unsigned long flags;
            The following additional flags may  be  specified  by
            or'ing together one or more of the following values:

                 The re_delim field is set.

                 The   records   are   fixed-length,   not   byte
                 delimited.   The  re_len  value  specifies   the
                 length  of  the  record, and the re_pad value is
                 used as the pad character.

                 Any records added to the database that are  less
                 than re_len bytes long are automatically padded.
                 Any attempt to insert records into the  database
                 that  are  greater  than  re_len bytes long will
                 cause the call to fail immediately and return an

                 The re_pad field is set.

                 Specifying   the  DB_RENUMBER  flag  causes  the
                 logical record numbers to be mutable, and change
                 as  records  are  added  to and deleted from the
                 database.  For example, the deletion  of  record
                 number  4  causes records numbered 5 and greater
                 to be renumbered downward by 1.  If a cursor was
                 positioned   to   record  number  4  before  the
                 deletion,  it  will  reference  the  new  record
                 number  4,  if any such record exists, after the
                 deletion.  If  a  cursor  was  positioned  after
                 record  number 4 before the deletion, it will be
                 shifted downward 1 logical record, continuing to
                 reference the same record as it did before.

                 Using  the  Dbc.put  or put interfaces to create
                 new records will cause the creation of  multiple
                 records  if  the  record number is more than one
                 greater than the largest record currently in the
                 database.  For example, creating record 28, when
                 record 25 was previously the last record in  the
                 database,  will create records 26 and 27 as well
                 as 28.  Attempts to retrieve records  that  were
                 created  in  this manner will result in an error
                 return of DB_KEYEMPTY.

                 If a created record is not at  the  end  of  the
                 database,  all  records following the new record
                 will be automatically renumbered  upward  by  1.
                 For  example,  the  creation  of  a  new  record
                 numbered 8 causes records numbered 8 and greater
                 to  be  renumbered upward by 1.  If a cursor was
                 positioned to record number 8 or greater  before
                 the  insertion,  it  will  be  shifted  upward 1
                 logical record, continuing to reference the same
                 record as it did before.

                 For  these reasons, concurrent access to a recno
                 database with the DB_RENUMBER flag specified may
                 be   largely   meaningless,   although   it   is

                 This flag specifies that any specified re_source
                 file  be  read  in  its entirety when Db.open is
                 called.  If this  flag  is  not  specified,  the
                 re_source file may be read lazily.


       db_archive(1), db_checkpoint(1), db_deadlock(1), db_dump(1),
       db_load(1), db_recover(1), db_stat(1), db_intro(3),
       db_internal(3), db_thread(3), Db(3), Dbc(3), DbEnv(3),
       DbException(3), DbInfo(3), DbLock(3), DbLockTab(3), DbLog(3),
       DbLsn(3), DbMpool(3), DbMpoolFile(3), Dbt(3), DbTxn(3),

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