
       import com.sleepycat.db.*;

       public void close()
            throws DbException;

       public void sync()
            throws DbException;

       public static DbMpoolFile open(DbMpool mp, String file,
            int ftype, int flags, int mode,
            long pagesize, int lsn_offset,
            Dbt pgcookie, byte[] uid)
            throws DbException;


       The  DB  library  is  a  family of classes that provides a
       modular programming interface to transactions and  record-
       oriented  file  access.   The library includes support for
       transactions, locking, logging and file page  caching,  as
       well  as  various  indexed  access  methods.   Many of the
       classes (e.g., the file page  caching  class)  are  useful
       independent of the other DB classes, although some classes
       are explicitly based on other classes (e.g.,  transactions
       and  logging).   For  a  general  description  of  the  DB
       package, see db_intro(3).

       This manual page describes the  specific  details  of  the
       per-file memory pool interface.

       The  DbMpool(3) and DbMpoolFile(3) classes are the library
       interface  intended  to  provide  general-purpose,   page-
       oriented  buffer  management  of  one  or more files.  The
       semantics of Mpool  files  (as  used  in  the  C  and  C++
       interfaces)  are a little hard to reconcile with Java, and
       they are not often used directly.  For now, this class  is
       rather limited.


       db_archive(1), db_checkpoint(1), db_deadlock(1), db_dump(1),
       db_load(1), db_recover(1), db_stat(1), db_intro(3),
       db_internal(3), db_thread(3), Db(3), Dbc(3), DbEnv(3),
       DbException(3), DbInfo(3), DbLock(3), DbLockTab(3), DbLog(3),
       DbLsn(3), DbMpool(3), DbMpoolFile(3), Dbt(3), DbTxn(3),

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