Kawa, the Java-based Scheme system

Kawa is a Scheme environment, written in Java, and that compiles Scheme code into Java byte-codes.

This documents version 1.6.1, updated 11 March 1998.

See the summary of @uref{http://www.cygnus.com/~bothner/kawa/News.txt,recent changes}.

The author of Kawa is Per Bothner <bothner@cygnus.com>. It is a re-write of Kawa 0.2, which was written by R. Alexander Milowski <alex@copsol.com>.

This is the Kawa home-page. @uref{http://www.copsol.com/sgmlimpl/tools/kawa/index.html,Copsol's Kawa home-page} is not maintained by me and so may not be as current.

The @uref{http://www.cs.indiana.edu/scheme-repository/home.html,Scheme repository} has various useful information on Scheme, including a pointer to an online copy of @uref{http://www-swiss.ai.mit.edu/~jaffer/r4rs_toc.html,R4RS}.

Javadoc generated @uref{http://www.cygnus.com/~bothner/kawa/api/packages.html,documentation of the Kawa classes} is now available online.

For copyright information on the software and documentation, see section License.

This package has nothing to do with the @uref{http://www.tek-tools.com/kawa/,Kawa commercial Java IDE}.

The two packages @uref{http:../gnu.bytecode/,gnu.bytecode} and @uref{http:../gnu.math/,gnu.math} are used by Kawa, and distributed with it, but may be independently useful.


Kawa is a full Scheme implementation. It implements almost all of R5RS (for exceptions see section Features of R5RS not implemented), plus some extensions. By default, symbols are case sensitive.

It is completely written in Java. Scheme functions and files are automatically compiled into Java byte-codes, providing reasonable speed. (However, Kawa is not an optimizing compiler, and does not perform major transformations on the code.)

Kawa provides the usual read-eval-print loop, as well as batch modes.

Kawa is written in an object-oriented style.

Kawa implements most of the features of the expression language of DSSSL, the Scheme-derived ISO-standard Document Style Semantics and Specification Language for SGML. Of the core expression language, the only features missing are character properties, external-procedure, the time-relationed procedures, and character name escapes in string literals. Also, Kawa is not generally tail-recursive. From the full expression language, Kawa additionally is missing format-number, format-number-list, and language objects. Quantities, keyword values, and the expanded lambda form (with optional and keyword parameters) are supported.

Getting Kawa

The current sources release is in here.

A ready-to-run .zip archive of the pre-compiled classes is in here.

A snapshot of the development tree is in here.

These are all in the @uref{ftp://ftp.cygnus.com/pub/bothner,Kawa ftp site}, which includes other versions and files, including a .deb Debian package file of Kawa.

Building and installing Kawa

Before installing Kawa, you must have Java working on your system.

You can compile Kawa from the source distribution. Alternatively, you can install the pre-compiled binary distribution.

Getting and running Java

You will need a working Java system. The discussion below assumes you are using the Java Developer's Kit (JDK) version 1.1.x from JavaSoft (Sun). (Kawa has also been reported to work with Kaffe, Symantec Cafe, J++, and JDK 1.2beta.) You can download free copies of JDK 1.1.x for various platforms.

The program java is the Java interpreter. The program javac is the Java compiler, and is needed if you want to compile the source release yourself. Both programs must be in your PATH.

You also need to set CLASSPATH so it includes both the current directory, and the standard Java library. After you have installed Kawa, the CLASSPATH needs to include wherever you installed Kawa.

If you have the JDK in directory $JDK, and you are using a Bourne-shell compatible shell (/bin/sh, ksh, bash, and some others) you can set both variables thus:


Installing and using the binary distribution

The binary release includes only the binary compiled `.class' versions of the same `.java' source files in the source release. It does not include any documentation, so you probably want the source release in addition to the binary release. The purpose of the binary release is just to save you time and trouble of compiling the sources.

The binary release comes as a .zip archive `kawa-1.6.1-compiled.zip'.

You can unzip the archive, or you can use it as is. Assuming the latter, copy the archive to some suitable location, such as /usr/local/lib/kawa-compiled.zip.

Then, before you can actually run Kawa, you need to set CLASSPATH so it includes the Kawa archive. On Unix, using a Bourne-style shell:


On Windows95/WindowsNT, you need to set classpath in a DOS console. For example:

set classpath=\kawa\kawa-compiled.zip

Then to run Kawa do:

java kawa.repl

Installing and using the source distribution

The Kawa release normally comes as a gzip-compressed tar file named `kawa-1.6.1.tar.gz'.

In your build directory do:

tar xzf kawa-1.6.1.tar.gz
cd kawa-1.6.1

Then you must configure the sources. This you can do the same way you configure most other GNU software. Normally you can just run the configure script with no arguments:


This will specify that a later make install will install the compiled `.class' files into /usr/local/share/java. If you want them to be installed someplace else, such as $PREFIX/share/java, then specify that when you run configure:

./configure --prefix $PREFIX

Thus you need to compile all the .java source files. Just run make:

This assume that `java' and `javac' are the java interpreter and compiler, respectively. If you are using the Kaffe free Java interpreter, you need to instead say:
make JAVA=kaffe

You can now test the system by running Kawa in place:

java kawa.repl

or you can run the test suite:

(cd testsuite;  make check)

or you can install the compiled files:

make install

This will install your classes into $PREFIX/share/java (and its sub-directories). Here $PREFIX is the directory you specified to configure with the --prefix option, or /usr/local if you did not specify a --prefix option.

To use the installed files, you need to set CLASSPATH so that $PREFIX/share/java is on the path:

This is done automatically if you use the `kawa' script.

I have not yet tried to build Kawa from source on Windows95, though I understand others have done so. (If you know how, let me know!)

How to start up and run Kawa

The easiest way to start up Kawa is to run the `kawa' script. This finds your java interpreter, and sets up `CLASSPATH' correctly. If you have installed Kawa such $PREFIX/bin is in your $PATH, just do:

However, `kawa' only works if you have a Unix-like environment.

To run Kawa manually, you must start a Java interpreter. How you do this depends on the Java interpreter. For JavaSoft's JDK, you must have the Java interpreter in your PATH. You must also make sure that the kawa/repl.class file, the rest of the Kawa packages, and the standard Java packages can be found by searching CLASSPATH. See section Getting and running Java.

Then you do:

java kawa.repl

In either case, you will then get the `#|kawa:1|#' prompt, which means you are in the Kawa read-eval-print-loop. If you type a Scheme expression, Kawa will evaluate it. Kawa will then print the result (if there is a non-"void" result).

Command-line arguments

You can pass various flags to Kawa, for example:

kawa -e '(display (+ 12 4))(newline)'
java kawa.repl -e '(display (+ 12 4))(newline)'
Either causes Kawa to print `16', and then exit.

At startup, Kawa executes an init file from the user's home directory. The init file is named .kawarc.scm on Unix-like systems (those for which the file separator is '/'), and kawarc.scm on other systems. This is done before the read-eval-print loop or before the first -f or -c argument. (It is not run for a -e command, to allow you to set options to override the defaults.)

`-e expr'
Kawa evaluates expr, which contains one or more Scheme expressions. Does not cause the ~/.kawarc.scm init file to be run.
`-c expr'
Same as `-e expr', except that it does cause the ~/.kawarc.scm init file to be run.
`-f filename'
Kawa reads and evaluates expressions from the file named by filename. If filename is `-', standard input is read (with no prompting).
The global variable `command-line-arguments' is set to the remaining arguments (if any), and an interactive read-eval-print loop is started. This uses the same "console" as where you started up Kawa; use `-w' to get a new window.
Creates a new top-level window, and runs an interactive read-eval-print in the new window. See section Running a Command Interpreter in a new Window. Same as -e (scheme-window #t). You can specify multiple `-w' options, and also use `-s'.
Prints out the Kawa version number, and then exits.

The options `-C', `-d', `-T', `-P', and `--main' are used to compile a Scheme file; see section Compiling Scheme to a set of .class files.

If there are further command-line arguments after the options have been processed, then the first remaining argument names a file that is read and evaluated. If there is no such argument, then Kawa enters an interactive read-eval-print loop, but only if none of the `-c', `-e', `-f', `-s', `-C', or `--' options were specified.

Running a Command Interpreter in a new Window

An alternative interface runs the Java read-eval-print-loop inside a new window. This is in some ways nicer. One reason is that it provides better editing. You can also create new windows. They can either have different top-level environments or they can share environments. To try it, do:

java kawa.repl -w

Exiting Kawa

Kawa normally keeps running as long as there is an active read-eval-print loop still awaiting input or there is an unfinished other computation (such as requested by a `-e' of `-f' option).

To close a read-eval-print-loop, you can type the special literal #!eof at top level. This is recognized as end-of-file. Unfortunately, due to thread-related complications, just typing an end-of-file character (normally ctrl/D until Unix), will not work.

If the read-eval-print-loop is in a new window, you can select `Close' from the `File' menu.

To exit the entire Kawa session, call the exit procedure (with 0 or 1 integer arguments).

Features of R5RS not implemented

Kawa implements all the required and optional features of R5RS, with the following exceptions.

The entire "numeric tower" is implemented. However, some transcendental function only work on reals. Integral function do not necessarily work on inexact (floating-point) integers. (The whole idea of "inexact integer" in R5RS seems rather pointless ...)

Also, call-with-current-continuation is only "upwards" (?). I.e. once a continuation has been exited, it cannot be invoked. These restricted continuations can be used to implement catch/throw (such as the examples in R4RS), but not co-routines or backtracking.

Kawa does not do general tail-call elimination. However, if the compiler can prove that the procedure being called is the current function, then the tail call will be replaced by a jump. This means the procedure must be defined using a letrec, not a define (because the compiler does not know if someone might re-define a global definition), and there must be no assignments (using set!) to the procedure binding.

The define-syntax primitive is provided, but has some bugs making it not properly hygienic. Neither let-syntax nor letrec-syntax are implemented.


Multiple values

The multiple-value feature will be in R5RS.

Function: values object ...

Delivers all of its arguments to its continuation.

Function: call-with-values thunk receiver

Call its thunk argument with a continuation that, when passed some values, calls the receiver procedure with those values as arguments.

Special named constants

Constant: #!optional

Special self-evaluating literal used in lambda parameter lists before optional parameters.

Constant: #!rest

Special self-evaluating literal used in lambda parameter lists before the rest parameter.

Constant: #!key

Special self-evaluating literal used in lambda parameter lists before keyword parameters.

Constant: #!eof

The end-of-file object.

Note that if the Scheme reader sees this literal at top-level, it is returned literally. This is indistinguishable from coming to the end of the input file. If you do not want to end reading, but want the actual value of #!eof, you should quote it.

Constant: #!void

The void value. Same as (values). If this is the value of an expression in a read-eval-print loop, nothing is printed.

Constant: #!null

The Java null value. This is not really a Scheme value, but is useful when interfacing to low-level Java code.


Keywords are similar to symbols. The main difference is that keywords are self-evaluating and therefore do not need to be quoted in expressions. They are used mainly for specifying keyword arguments.

keyword = identifier:

A keyword is a single token; therefore no whitespace is allowed between the identifier and the colon (which is not considered part of the name of the keyword).

Function: keyword? obj

Return #t if obj is a keyword, and otherwise returns #f.

Function: keyword->string keyword

Returns the name of keyword as a string. The name does not include the final #\:.

Function: string->keyword string

Returns the keyword whose name is string. (The string does not include a final #\:.)

Optional and keyword lambda parameters

Kawa borrows the extended formal argument list of DSSSL:

lambda-expression = (lambda (formal-arguments) body)
You can of course also use the extended format in a define:
(define (name formal-arguments) body)

formal-arguments =
req-opt-args . rest-arg or:
req-opt-args rest-key-args
req-opt-args = req-arg* (#!optional opt-arg*)?
rest-key-args = (#!rest rest-arg)? (#!key key-arg*)?
opt-arg = variable | (variable initializer)
req-arg = variable
key-arg = variable | (variable initializer)
rest-arg = variable

When the procedure is applied to a list of actual arguments, the formal and actual arguments are processed from left to right as follows:

Logical Number Operations

These functions operate on the 2's complement binary representation of an exact integer.

Function: logand i ...

Returns the bit-wise logical "and" of the arguments. If no argument is given, the result is -1.

Function: logior i ...

Returns the bit-wise logical "(inclusive) or" of the arguments. If no argument is given, the result is 0.

Function: logxor i ...

Returns the bit-wise logical "exclusive or" of the arguments. If no argument is given, the result is 0.

Function: lognot i

Returns the bit-wise logical inverse of the argument.

Function: logop op x y

Perform one of the 16 bitwise operations of x and y, depending on op.

Function: bittest i j

Returns true if the arguments have any bits in common. Same as (not (zero? (logand i j))), but is more efficient.

Function: logbit? i pos

Returns #t iff the bit numbered pos in i is one.

Function: arithmetic-shift i j

Shifts i by j. It is a "left" shift if j>0, and a "right" shift if j<0.

The result is equal to (floor (* i (expt 2 j))).

Function: ash i j

Alias for arithmetic-shift.

Function: logcount i

Count the number of 1-bits in i, if it is non-negative. If i is negative, count number of 0-bits.

Function: integer-length i

Return number of bits needed to represent i in an unsigned field. Regardless of the sign of i, return one less than the number of bits needed for a field that can represent i as a two's complement integer.

Function: bit-extract n start end

Return the integer formed from the (unsigned) bit-field starting at start and ending just before end. Same as (arithmetic-shift (bitand n (bitnot (arithmetic-shift -1 end))) (- start)).


The Record package provides a facility for user to define their own record data types. A record type is implemented as Java Class object, and records are extensions of the class Record. These procedures use the Java 1.1 reflection facility.

Function: make-record-type type-name field-names

Returns a record-type descriptor, a value representing a new data type disjoint from all others. The type-name argument must be a string, but is only used for debugging purposes (such as the printed representation of a record of the new type). The field-names argument is a list of symbols naming the fields of a record of the new type. It is an error if the list contains any duplicates.

In Kawa, returns a newly-created Class object that extends the Record class. Each record field is implemented as a public Java instance field.

Function: record-constructor rtd [field-names]

Returns a procedure for constructing new members of the type represented by rtd. The returned procedure accepts exactly as many arguments as there are symbols in the given list, field-names; these are used, in order, as the initial values of those fields in a new record, which is returned by the constructor procedure. The values of any fields not named in that list are unspecified. The field-names argument defaults to the list of field names in the call to make-record-type that created the type represented by rtd; if the field-names argument is provided, it is an error if it contains any duplicates or any symbols not in the default list.

In Kawa, rtd may be any Class that has a public default constructor, as long as the field-names are public instance fields. (The fields should have type Object -- unless you know what you are doing!)

Function: record-predicate rtd

Returns a procedure for testing membership in the type represented by rtd. The returned procedure accepts exactly one argument and returns a true value if the argument is a member of the indicated record type; it returns a false value otherwise.

In Kawa, the returned procedure checks if the argument is an instance of rtd or one of its sub-classes.

Function: record-accessor rtd field-name

Returns a procedure for reading the value of a particular field of a member of the type represented by rtd. The returned procedure accepts exactly one argument which must be a record of the appropriate type; it returns the current value of the field named by the symbol field-name in that record. The symbol field-name must be a member of the list of field-names in the call to make-record-type that created the type represented by rtd. (In Kawa, the field-name can be any public non-final Object field of the Class rtd.)

Function: record-modifier rtd field-name

Returns a procedure for writing the value of a particular field of a member of the type represented by rtd. The returned procedure accepts exactly two arguments: first, a record of the appropriate type, and second, an arbitrary Scheme value; it modifies the field named by the symbol field-name in that record to contain the given value. The returned value of the modifier procedure is unspecified. The symbol field-name must be a member of the list of field-names in the call to make-record-type that created the type represented by rtd. (In Kawa, the field-name can be any public non-final Object field of the Class rtd.)

Function: record? obj

Returns a true value if obj is a record of any type and a false value otherwise.

In Kawa, this is true if obj is an instance of kawa.lang.Record.

Function: record-type-descriptor record

Returns a record-type descriptor representing the type of the given record. That is, for example, if the returned descriptor were passed to record-predicate, the resulting predicate would return a true value when passed the given record. In Kawa, record may be any object, and the value returned is the class of the object.

Function: record-type-name rtd

Returns the type-name associated with the type represented by rtd. The returned value is eqv? to the type-name argument given in the call to make-record-type that created the type represented by rtd.

Function: record-type-field-names rtd

Returns a list of the symbols naming the fields in members of the type represented by rtd. The returned value is equal? to the field-names argument given in the call to make-record-type that created the type represented by rtd.

File System Interface

Function: file-exists? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists.

Function: file-directory? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and is a directory.

Function: file-readable? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and can be read from.

Function: file-writable? filename

Returns true iff the file named filename actually exists and can be writen to. (Undefined if the filename does not exist, but the file can be created in the directory.)

Function: delete-file filename

Delete the file named filename.

Function: rename-file oldname newname

Renames the file named oldname to newname.

Function: copy-file oldname newname-from path-to

Copy the file named oldname to newname. The return value is unspecified.

Function: create-directory dirname

Create a new directory named dirname. Unspecified what happens on error (such as exiting file with the same name). (Currently returns #f on error, but may change to be more compatible with scsh.)


Function: call-with-input-string string proc

Create an input port that gets its data from string, call proc with that port as its one argument, and return the result from the call of proc

Function: call-with-output-string proc

Create an output port that writes its data to a string, and call proc with that port as its one argument. Return a string consisting of the data written to the port.

Function: force-output [port]

Forces any pending output on port to be delivered to the output device and returns an unspecified value. If the port argument is omitted it defaults to the value returned by (current-output-port).

An interactive input port has a prompt procedure associated with it. The prompt procedure is called before a new line is read. It is passed the port as an argument, and returns a string, which gets printed as a prompt.

Function: input-port-prompter port

Get the prompt procedure associated with port.

Function: set-input-port-prompter! port prompter

Set the prompt procedure associated with port to prompter, which must be a one-argument procedure taking an input port, and returning a string.

Function: default-prompter port

The default prompt procedure. It returns "#|kawa:L|# ", where L is the current line number of port. When reading a continuation line, the result is "#|C---:L|# ", where C is the character returned by (input-port-read-state port). The prompt has the form of a comment to make it easier to cut-and-paste.

Function: input-port-line-number port

Get the line number of the current line of port, which must be a (non-binary) input port. The initial line is line 1.

Function: set-input-port-line-number! port num

Set line number of the current line of port to num.

Function: input-port-column-number port

Get the column number of the current line of port, which must be a (non-binary) input port. The initial column is column 1.

Function: input-port-read-state port

Returns a character indicating the current read state of the port. Returns #\Return if not current doing a read, #\" if reading a string; #\| if reading a comment; #\( if inside a list; and #\Space when otherwise in a read. The result is intended for use by prompt prcedures, and is not necessarily correct except when reading a new-line.

Variable: symbol-read-case

A symbol that controls how read handles letters when reading a symbol. If the first letter is `U', then letters in symbols are upper-cased. If the first letter is `D' or `L', then letters in symbols are down-cased. If the first letter is `I', then the case of letters in symbols is inverted. Otherwise (the default), the letter is not changed. (Letters following a `\' are always unchanged.)

Variable: port-char-encoding

Controls how bytes in external files are converted to/from internal Unicode characters. Can be either a symbol or a boolean. If port-char-encoding is #f, the file is assumed to be a binary file and no conversion is done. Otherwise, the file is a text file. The default is #t, which uses a locale-dependent conversion. If port-char-encoding is a symbol, it must be the name of a character encoding known to Java. For all text files (that is if port-char-encoding is not #f), on input a #\Return character or a #\Return followed by #\Newline are converted into plain #\Newline.

This variable is checked when the file is opened; not when actually reading or writing. Here is an example of how you can safely change the encoding temporarily:

(define (open-binary-input-file name)
  (fluid-let ((port-char-encoding #f)) (open-input-file name)))

Signalling and recovering from exceptions

Function: catch key thunk handler

Invoke thunk in the dynamic context of handler for exceptions matching key. If thunk throws to the symbol key, then handler is invoked this way:

(handler key args ...)

key may be a symbol. The thunk takes no arguments. If thunk returns normally, that is the return value of catch.

Handler is invoked outside the scope of its own catch. If handler again throws to the same key, a new handler from further up the call chain is invoked.

If the key is #t, then a throw to any symbol will match this call to catch.

Function: throw key &rest args ...

Invoke the catch form matching key, passing args to the handler.

If the key is a symbol it will match catches of the same symbol or of #t.

If there is no handler at all, an error is signaled.

procedure: error message args ...

Raise an error with key misc-error and a message constructed by displaying msg and writing args. This normally prints a stack trace, and brings you back to the top level, or exits kawa if you are not running interactively.

Function: primitive-throw exception

Throws the exception, which must be an instance of a sub-class of <java.lang.Throwable>.

Syntax: try-finally body handler

Evaluate body, and return its result. However, before it returns, evaluate handler. Even if body returns abnormally (by throwing an exception), handler is evaluated.

(This is implemented just like Java's try-finally.)

Syntax: try-catch body handler ...

Evaluate body, in the conect of the given handler-specs. Each handler has the form:

var type exp ...
If an exception is thrown in body, the first handle-spec is selected such that the thrown exception is an instance of the handler's type. If no handler is selected, the exception is propagated through the dynamic execution context until a matching handler is found. (If no matching handler is found, then an error message is printed, and the computation terminated.)

Once a handler is selected, the var is bound to the thrown exception, and the exp in the handler are executed. The result of the try-catch is the result of body if no exception is thrown, or the value of the last exp in the selected handler if an exception is thrown.

(This is implemented just like Java's try-catch.)

Function: dynamic-wind in-guard thunk out-guard

All three arguments must be 0-argument procedures. First calls in-guard, then thunk, then out-guard. The result of the expression is that of thunk. If thunk is exited abnormally (by throwing an exception or invoking a continuation), out-guard is called.

If the continuation of the dynamic-wind is re-entered (which is not yet possible in Kawa), the in-guard is called again.

This function will be in R5RS.

Eval and Environments

Function: eval expression [environment]

eval evaluates expression in the environment indicated by environment.

The default for environment is the result of (interaction-environment).

Function: null-environment

This procedure returns an environment that contains no variable bindings, but contains (syntactic) bindings for all the syntactic keywords.

The effect of assigning to a variable in this environment (such as let) is undefined.

Function: scheme-report-environment version

The version must be an exact non-negative inetger corresponding to a version of one of the Revisedversion Reports on Scheme. The procedure returns an environment that contains exactly the set of bindings specified in the corresponding report.

This implementation supports version that is 4 or 5.

The effect of assigning to a variable in this environment (such as car) is undefined.

Function: interaction-environment

This procedure return an environment that contains implementation-defined bindings, as well as top-level user bindings.

Function: environment-bound? environment symbol

Return true #t if there is a binding for symbol in environment; otherwise returns #f.

Syntax: fluid-let ((variable init) ...) body ...

Evaluate the init expressions. Then modify the dynamic bindings for the variables to the values of the init expressions, and evaluate the body expressions. Return the result of the last expression in body. Before returning, restore the original bindings. The temporary bindings are only visible in the current thread, and its descendent threads.


As a super-class of numbers, Kawa also provides quantities. A quantity is a product of a unit and a pure number. The number part can be an arbitrary complex number. The unit is a product of integer powers of base units, such as meter or second.

Kawa quantities are a generalization of the quantities in DSSSL, which only has length-derived quantities.

The precise syntax of quantity literals may change, but some examples are 10pt (10 points), 5s (5 seconds), and 4cm2 (4 square centimeters).

Function: quantity? object

True iff object is a quantity. Note that all numbers are quantities, but not the other way round.

Function: quantity->number q

Returns the pure number part of the quantity q, relative to primitive (base) units. If q is a number, returns q. If q is a unit, yields the magitude of q relative to base units.

Function: quantity->unit q

Returns the unit of the quantity q. If q is a number, returns the empty unit.

Function: make-quantity x unit

Returns the product of x (a pure number) and unit. You can specify a string instead of unit, such as "cm" or "s" (seconds).

Syntax: define-unit unit-name expression

Define unit-name as a unit (that can be used in literals) equal to the quantity expression.


There is a very preliminary interface to create parallel threads. The interface is similar to the standard delay/force, where a thread is basically the same as a promise, except that evaluation may be in parallel.

So far, little or no effort has been made into making Kawa thread-safe. There are no per-thread bindings, and the current input and output parts are global. That needs to change.

Syntax: future expression

Creates a new thread that evaluates expression.

Function: force thread

The standard force function has generalized to also work on threads. If waits for the thread's expression to finish executing, and returns the result.

Function: sleep time

Suspends the current thread for the specified time. The time can be either a pure number (in secords), or a quantity whose unit is a time unit (such as 10s).

Standard Types

Kawa has first-class types, that you can use in various ways. Currently, these are mainly useful for interfacing with primitive Java methods (such as primitive-virtual-function, but they will be useful for other purposes (such as declarating variables) later.

These types are bound to identifiers having the form <TYPENAME>. (This syntax and most of the names are as in RScheme.)

To find which Java classes these types map into, look in kawa/lang/PrimProcedure.java.

Note that the value of these variables are instances of gnu.bytecode.Type, not (as you might at first expect) java.lang.Class.

Variable: <object>

An arbitrary Scheme value - and hence an arbitrary Java object.

Variable: <number>

The type of Scheme numbers.

Variable: <integer>

The type of Scheme integers.

Variable: <symbol>

The type of Scheme symbols.

Variable: <keyword>

The type of keyword values. See section Keywords.

Variable: <list>

The type of Scheme lists (pure and impure, including the empty list).

Variable: <pair>

The type of Scheme pairs. This is a sub-type of <list>.

Variable: <string>

The type of (mutable) Scheme strings. This is not the same as (non-mutable) Java strings (which happen to be the same as <symbol>).

Variable: <vector>

The type of Scheme vectors.

Variable: <function>

The type of Scheme procedures.

Variable: <input-port>

The type of Scheme input ports.

Variable: <output-port>

The type of Scheme output ports.

More will be added later.

In addition, any Java type can be named using this syntax. For example <java.lang.StringBuffer[]> represents an array of references to java.lang.StringBuffer objects.


Function: make-process command envp

Creates a <java.lang.Process> object, using the specified command and envp. The command is converted to an array of Java strings (that is an object that has type <java.lang.String[]>. It can be a Scheme vector or list (whose elements should be Java strings or Scheme strings); a Java array of Java strings; or a Scheme string. In the latter case, the command is converted using command-parse. The envp is process environment; it should be either a Java array of Java strings, or the special #!null value.

Function: system command

Runs the specified command, and waits for it to finish. Returns the return code from the command. The return code is an integer, where 0 conventionally means successful completion. The command can be any of the types handled by make-process.

Variable: command-parse

The value of this variable should be a one-argument procedure. It is used to convert a command from a Scheme string to a Java array of the constituent "words". The default binding, on Unix-like systems, returns a new command to invoke "/bin/sh" "-c" concatenated with the command string; on non-Unix-systems, it is bound to tokenize-string-to-string-array.

Function: tokenize-string-to-string-array command

Uses a java.util.StringTokenizer to parse the command string into an array of words. This splits the command using spaces to delimit words; there is no special processing for quotes or other special characters. (This is the same as what java.lang.Runtime.exec(String) does.)


Function: scheme-implementation-version

Returns the Kawa version number as a string.

Function: gentemp

Returns a new (interned) symbol each time it is called. The symbol names are implementation-dependent.

Syntax: defmacro name lambda-list form ...

Defines an old-style macro a la Common Lisp, and installs (lambda lambda-list form ...) as the expansion function for name. When the translator sees an application of name, the expansion function is called with the rest of the application as the actual arguments. The resulting object must be a Scheme source form that is futher processed (it may be repeatedly macro-expanded).

If you define a macro with defmacro, you (currently) cannot use the macro in the same compilation as the definition. This restriction does not apply to macros defined by define-syntax.

Variable: command-line-arguments

Any command-line arguments (following flags processed by Kawa itself) are assigned to the global variable `command-line-arguments', which is a vector of strings.

Variable: home-directory

A string containing the home directory of the user.

Function: exit [code]

Exits the Kawa interpreter, and ends the Java session. The integer value code is returned to the operating system. If code is not specified, zero is returned, indicating normal (non-error) termination.

Function: scheme-window [shared]

Create a read-eval-print-loop in a new top-level window. If shared is true, it uses the same environment as the current (interaction-environment); if not (the default), a new top-level environment is created.

You can create multiple top-level window that can co-exist. They run in separate threads.

Function: apply proc [arg1 ...] args

Args must be a sequence (list, vector, or string) or a primitive Java array. (This is an extension over standard Scheme, which requires that args be a list.) Calls the proc (which must be a procedure), using as arguments the arg1... values plus all the elements of args.

Syntax: constant-fold proc arg1 ...

Same as (proc arg1 ...), unless proc and all the following arguments are compile-time constants. (That is: They are either constant, or symbols that have a global binding and no lexical binding.) In that case, proc is applied to the arguments at compile-time, and the result replaces the constant-fold form. If the application raises an exception, a compile-time error is reported. For example:

(constant-fold vector 'a 'b 'c)
is equivalent to (quote #(a b c)), assuming vector has not been re-bound.

Syntax: when condition form...

If condition is true, evaluate each form in order, returning the value of the last one.

Syntax: unless condition form...

If condition is false, evaluate each form in order, returning the value of the last one.

Function: vector-append arg...

Creates a new vector, containing the elements from all the args appended together. Each arg may be a vector or a list.

Function: instance? value type

Returns #t iff value is an instance of type type. (Undefined if type is a primitive type, such as <int>.)

Function: as type value

Converts or coerces value to a value of type type. Throws an exception if that cannot be done. Not supported for type to be a primitive type such as <int>.

Compiling Scheme code to byte-codes

All Scheme functions and source files are invisibly compiled into internal Java byte-codes. A traditional evaluator is only used for top-level directly entered expressions outside a lambda. (It would have been simpler to also byte-compile top-level expressions by surrounding them by a dummy lambda. However, this would create a new Class object in the Java VM for every top-level expression. This is undesirable unless you have a VM that can garbage collect Class objects.)

To save speed when loading large Scheme source files, you probably want to pre-compile them and save them on your local disk. There are two ways to do this.

You can compile a Scheme source file to a single archive file. You do this using the compile-file function. The result is a single file that you can move around and load just like the .scm source file. You just specify the name of the archive file to the load procedure. Currently, the archive is a "zip" archive and has extension ".zip"; a future release will probably use "Java Archive" (jar) files. The advantage of compiling to an archive is that it is simple and transparent. A minor disadvantage is that it causes the Java "verifier" to be run when functions are loaded from it, which takes a little extra time.

Alternatively, you can compile a Scheme source file to a collection of `.class' files. You then use the standard Java class loading mechanism to load the code. The Java "verifier" does not need to get run, which makes loading a little faster. The compiled class files do have to be installed be installed somewhere in the CLASSPATH.

Compiling Scheme to an archive file

To byte-compile a file `foo.scm' do:

(compile-file "foo.scm" "foo")

This will create `foo.zip', which contains byte-compiled "j-code" that implements `foo.scm'.

You can later do:

(load "foo")

This will load `foo.zip', which should have the same effect as loading `foo.scm', except you will get the byte-compiled versions.

Compiling Scheme to a set of .class files

Invoking `kawa' (or `java kawa.repl') with the `-C' flag will compile a `.scm' source file into one or more `.class' files.

You run it as follows:

kawa [-d outdirectory] [-P prefix] [-T topname] [--main] -C infile

Note the `-C' must come last, because `Kawa' processes the arguments and options in order,


`-C infile'
The Scheme source file we want to compile.
`-d outdirectory'
The directory under which the resulting `.class' files will be. The default is the current directory.
`-P prefix'
A string to prepend to the generated class names. The default is the empty string.
`-T topname'
The name of the "top" class - i.e. the one that contains the code for the top-level expressions and definitions. The default is generated from the infile and prefix.
Generate a main method so that the resulting "top" class can be used as a stand-alone application. See section Compiling Scheme to a standalone application.

When you actually want to load the classes, the outdirectory must be in your `CLASSPATH'. You can use the standard load function to load the code, by specifying the top-level class, either as a file name (relative to outdirectory) or a class name. E.g. if you did:

kawa -d /usr/local/share/java -P my.lib. -T foo -C foosrc.scm
you can use either:
(load "my.lib.foo")
(load "my/lib/foo.class")

If you are compiling a Scheme source file (say `foosrc.scm') that uses macros defined in some other file (say `macs.scm'), you need to make sure the definitions are visible to the compiler. One way to do that is with the `-f':

kawa -f macs.scm -C foosrc.scm

Compiling Scheme to a standalone application

A Java application is a Java class with a special method (whose name is main). The application can be invoked directly by naming it in the Java command. If you want to generate an application from a Scheme program, create a Scheme source file with the definitions you need, plus the top-level actions that you want the application to execute. You can compile in the regular way decribed in the previous section, but add the --main option. For example, assuming your Scheme file is MyProgram.scm:

kawa --main -C MyProgram.scm
This will create a MyProgram.class which you can either load (as decribed in the previous section), or invoke as an application:
java MyProgram [args]
Your Scheme program can access the command-line arguments args by using the global variable `command-line-arguments'.

The Scheme-Java interface

Kawa has extensive features so you can work with Java objects and call Java methods,

Scheme types in Java

All Scheme values are implemented by sub-classes of `java.lang.Object'.

Scheme symbols are implemented using java.lang.String. (Don't be confused by the fact the Scheme sybols are represented using Java Strings, while Scheme strings are represented by kawa.lang.Scheme. It is just that the semantics of Java strings match Scheme symbols, but do not match mutable Scheme strings.) Interned symbols are presented as interned Strings. (Note that with JDK 1.1 string literals are automatically interned.)

Scheme integers are implemented by kawa.math.IntNum. Use the make static function to create a new IntNum from an int or a long. Use the intValue or longValue methods to get the int or long value of an IntNum.

A Scheme "flonum" is implemented by kawa.math.DFloNum.

A Scheme pair is implemented by kawa.lang.Pair.

A Scheme vector is implemented by kawa.lang.Vector.

Scheme characters are implemented using kawa.lang.Char.

Scheme strings are implemented using kawa.lang.FString.

Scheme procedures are all sub-classes of kawa.lang.Procedure. Normally each function (lambda expression) in the source code is compiled to a separate sub-class of `Procedure'. The "action" of a `Procedure' is invoked by using one of the `apply*' methods: `apply0', `apply1', `apply2', `apply3', `apply4', or `applyN'. Various sub-class of `Procedure' provide defaults for the various `apply*' methods. For example, a `Procedure2' is used by 2-argument procedures. The `Procedure2' class provides implementations of all the `apply*' methods except `apply2', which must be provided by any class that extends Procedure2.

Calling Java methods from Scheme

Kawa provides a simple yet powerful "Foreign Function Interface", which allows you to call any (virtual or static) Java method as if it were a Scheme procedure.

These primitives require you to specify the parameter and return types. Type specifications are currently required to be string literals or one of the standard types (see section Standard Types). A type specifier can be a fully-qualified Java class name (for example <java.lang.StringBuffer>). In that case, the actual argument is cast at run time to the named class. The specification <String> is an exception: It causes the toString method of the actual argument to be invoked.

A type specifier can also be one of the primitive Java types. The numeric types <long>, <int>, <short>, <byte>, <float>, and <double> are converted from the corresponding Scheme number classes. Similarly, <char> can be converted to and from Scheme characters. The type boolean matches any object, and the result is false if and only if the actual argument is #f. The return type <void> indicates that no value is returned.

Syntax: primitive-constructor class (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will create a new object of the specified class, and will then call the constructor matching the specified argument types.

Syntax: primitive-virtual-method class method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the instance method whose name is the string method in the class whose name is class.

Syntax: primitive-static-method class method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the static method whose name is the string method in the class whose name is class.

Syntax: primitive-interface-method interface method rtype (argtype ...)

Returns a new anonymous procedure, which when called will invoke the matching method from the interface whose name is interface.

The macros return procedure values, just like lambda. If the macros are used directly as the procedure of a procedure call, then kawa can inline the correct bytecodes to call the specified methods. (Note also that neither macro checks that there really is a method that matches the specification.) Otherwise, the Java reflection facility is used.

Some examples using these primitives are `vectors.scm' and `characters.scm' the directory `kawa/lib' in the Kawa sources.

Low-level Operations on Object Fields

The following macros evaluate to procedures that can be used to access or change the fields of objects or static fields. The compiler can inline each to a single bytecode instruction (not counting type conversion).

Syntax: primitive-get-field class fname ftype

Use this to access a field named fname having type type in class class. Evaluates to a new one-argument procedure, whose argument is a reference to an object of the specified class. Calling that procedure returns the value of the specified field.

Syntax: primitive-set-field class fname ftype

Use this to change a field named fname having type type in class class. Evaluates to a new two-argument procedure, whose first argument is a reference to an object of the specified class, and the second argument is the new value. Calling that procedure sets the field to the specified value. (This macro's name does not end in a `!', because it does not actually set the field. Rather, it returns a function for setting the field.)

Syntax: primitive-get-static class fname ftype

Like primitive-get-field, but used to access static fields. Returns a zero-argument function, which when called returns the value of the static field.

Syntax: primitive-set-static class fname ftype

Like primitive-set-field, but used to modify static fields. Returns a one-argument function, which when called sets the value of the static field to the argument.

Low-level Operations on Java Arrays

The following macros evaluate to procedures that can be used to manipulate primitive Java array objects. The compiler can inline each to a single bytecode instruction (not counting type conversion).

Syntax: primitive-array-new element-type

Evaluates to a one-argument procedure. Applying the resulting procedure to an integer count allocates a new Java array of the specified length, and whose elements have type element-type.

Syntax: primitive-array-set element-type

Evaluates to a three-argument procedure. The first argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type; the second argument is an index; and the third argument is a value (coercible to element-type) which replaces the value specified by the index in the given array.

Syntax: primitive-array-set element-type

Evaluates to a two-argument procedure. The first argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type; the second argument is an index. Applying the procedure returns the element at the specified index.

Syntax: primitive-array-new element-type

Evaluates to a one-argument procedure. The argument of the resulting procedure must be an array whose elements have type element-type. Applying the procedure returns the length of the array.

Loading a ModuleBody

The "top" class created by kawa -C (see section Compiling Scheme to a set of .class files) extends the ModuleBody class. It is actually fairly easy to write a ModuleBody by hand in Java, and you can then use the Scheme load procedure to cause arbitrary actions. Here is an example. (Note that the details are subject to change!)

package MyDev;
import kawa.lang.*;
class MyDevFunc extends Procedure2
  public Object apply2 (Object arg1, Object arg2)
    ... stuff to control my device ...;

public class MyDevice extends ModuleBody
  public Object run (Environment env)
    throws WrongArguments, WrongType, GenericError, UnboundSymbol
    ... initialize my device here ...;

    // Declare (handle-my-device x y) to call MyDevFunc.apply2 (x, y):
    env.define ("handle-my-device", new MyDevFunc ());

    // Return the void value (i.e. no value).
    return Interpreter.voidObject;

If this text is in the file MyDev/MyDevice.java, and you compile it with javac, you will get MyDev/MyDevice.class and MyDev/MyDevFunc.class. Assuming the current directory is in your CLASSPATH, you can now do the following in Kawa:

(load "MyDev/MyDevice.class")
(load "MyDev.MyDevice")

This will cause the actions in MyDevice.run to be executed. The current environment is passed in as the parameter env. One of those actions is to define the procedure handle-my-device.

Evaluating Scheme expressions from Java

The following methods are recommended if you need to evaluate a Scheme expression from a Java method. (Some details (such as the `throws' lists) may change.)

Static method: Object Scheme.eval (InPort port, Environment env)

Read expressions from port, and evaluate them in the env environment, until end-of-file is reached. Return the value of the last expression, or Interpreter.voidObject if there is no expression.

Static method: Object Scheme.eval (String string, Environment env)

Read expressions from string, and evaluate them in the env environment, until the end of the string is reached. Return the value of the last expression, or Interpreter.voidObject if there is no expression.

Static method: Object Scheme.eval (Object sexpr, Environment env)

The sexpr is an S-expression (as may be returned by read). Evaluate it in the env environment, and return the result.

For the Environment in most cases you could use `Environment.current()'.

Reporting Bugs and the Kawa Mailing List

If you have a problem installing or using Kawa, send mail to kawa@cygnus.com

This mailing list is used for reporting bugs, patches, discussing changes to Kawa, and announcing snapshots. If you wish to subscribe (or later unsubscribe), send a request to kawa-request@cygnus.com.

Messages to the mailing list are now @uref{http://www.cygnus.com/ml/kawa/, archived}.


This is the license for the Kawa software:

Note that the Kawa distribution includes two packages @uref{http:../gnu.bytecode/,gnu.bytecode} and @uref{http:../gnu.math/,gnu.math} which have different terms than Kawa itself (but which impose no restrictions as long as you do not modify those two packages).

In general, If the license of Kawa or asociated packages causes difficulties, let me know.

This software is copyrighted by Per Bothner, Cygnus Support, R. Alexander Milowski, Copernican Solutions Incorporated, and other parties. The following terms apply to all files associated with the software unless explicitly disclaimed in individual files.

The authors hereby grant permission to use, copy, modify, distribute, and license this software and its documentation for any purpose, provided that existing copyright notices are retained in all copies and that this notice is included verbatim in any distributions. No written agreement, license, or royalty fee is required for any of the authorized uses. Modifications to this software may be copyrighted by their authors and need not follow the licensing terms described here, provided that the new terms are clearly indicated on the first page of each file where they apply.



Here is the license for this manual:

Copyright (C) 1996, 1997 Per Bothner
Parts of this manual were derived from the SLIB manual, copyright (C) 1993, 1994 Todd R. Eigenschink and Aubrey Jaffer.
Parts of this manual were derived from ISO/EIC 10179:1996(E) (Document Style and Specifical Language) - unknown copyright.

Permission is granted to make and distribute verbatim copies of this manual provided the copyright notice and this permission notice are preserved on all copies.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute modified versions of this manual under the conditions for verbatim copying, provided that the entire resulting derived work is distributed under the terms of a permission notice identical to this one.

Permission is granted to copy and distribute translations of this manual into another language, under the above conditions for modified versions, except that this permission notice may be stated in a translation approved by the author.