| Index Entry | Section |
" | | |
| " | 6. Strings |
# | | |
| # | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #!optional | 1.3.7 Additional Notations |
| #!optional | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| #!rest | 1.3.7 Additional Notations |
| #!rest | 2.1 Lambda Expressions |
| #( | 8. Vectors |
| #\ | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\altmode | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\backnext | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\backspace | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\call | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\linefeed | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\linefeed | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\newline | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\newline | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\newline | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\newline | 6. Strings |
| #\page | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\page | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\page | 6. Strings |
| #\return | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\return | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\rubout | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\space | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\space | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\space | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\space | 6.5 Cutting and Pasting Strings |
| #\tab | 5.1 External Representation of Characters |
| #\tab | 5.6 Character Sets |
| #\tab | 6. Strings |
| #b | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #d | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #e | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #f | 1.2.5 True and False |
| #f | 2.7 Conditionals |
| #f | 10.1 Booleans |
| #i | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #o | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
| #t | 1.2.5 True and False |
| #t | 2.7 Conditionals |
| #t | 10.1 Booleans |
| #x | 4.4 Syntax of numerical constants |
% | | |
| %delete-dib | 18.3.1 DIB procedures |
' | | |
| ' | 2.6 Quoting |
| ' | 7. Lists |
( | | |
| ( | 7. Lists |
| () | 7. Lists |
) | | |
| ) | 7. Lists |
* | | |
| * | 1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax |
| * | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| * | 14.11.1 *Matcher |
| * | 14.11.2 *Parser |
| *default-pathname-defaults* | 15.1.3 Operations on Pathnames |
| *matcher | 14.11.1 *Matcher |
| *parser | 14.11.2 *Parser |
| *parser-canonicalize-symbols?* | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| *parser-radix* | 14.4 Input Procedures |
| *random-state* | 4.8 Random Numbers |
| *unparse-with-maximum-readability?* | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| *unparser-list-breadth-limit* | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| *unparser-list-depth-limit* | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| *unparser-radix* | 14.5 Output Procedures |
| *unparser-string-length-limit* | 14.5 Output Procedures |
+ | | |
| + | 1.4.4 Procedure Call Syntax |
| + | 4.2 Exactness |
| + | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| + | 14.11.1 *Matcher |
| + | 14.11.2 *Parser |
| +inf | 4.7.2 Flonum Operations |
, | | |
| , | 2.6 Quoting |
| , | 7. Lists |
| ,@ | 2.6 Quoting |
| ,@ | 7. Lists |
- | | |
| - | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| -1+ | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| ->namestring | 15.1.1 Filenames and Pathnames |
| ->pathname | 15.1.1 Filenames and Pathnames |
| ->pathname | 15.2 Working Directory |
| ->truename | 15.3 File Manipulation |
| -inf | 4.7.2 Flonum Operations |
. | | |
| . | 7. Lists |
| ... | 2.11.2 Pattern Language |
/ | | |
| / | 4.3 Implementation restrictions |
| / | 4.5 Numerical operations |
1 | | |
| 1+ | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| 1d-table/alist | 11.2 1D Tables |
| 1d-table/get | 11.2 1D Tables |
| 1d-table/lookup | 11.2 1D Tables |
| 1d-table/put! | 11.2 1D Tables |
| 1d-table/remove! | 11.2 1D Tables |
| 1d-table? | 11.2 1D Tables |
2 | | |
| 2d-get | 11.3 The Association Table |
| 2d-get-alist-x | 11.3 The Association Table |
| 2d-get-alist-y | 11.3 The Association Table |
| 2d-put! | 11.3 The Association Table |
| 2d-remove! | 11.3 The Association Table |
8 | | |
| 8-bit-alphabet? | 5.7 Unicode |
< | | |
| < | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| <= | 4.5 Numerical operations |
| <= | 5.4 Internal Representation of Characters |