Chapter 3. Stores

Table of Contents
Class: Store
Class: BaseStore

Databases can be located in many different places: on a connected handheld, in a local directory, or even on an SQL server. Support for specific database access methods is provided by plug-ins in the Store collection. The core code for all Store plug-ins is found in the Pyrite.Store module.

Store plug-ins operate in a two-tiered fashion. Each plug-in represents a general type of database storage, and can be used to generate objects representing a particular "live" instance of that storage. For example, the Directory plug-in represents the general concept "databases stored in a local directory", and it generates store objects which can be used to access a specific, existing directory. The base class for Store plug-ins is Pyrite.Store.Store; the base class for live store objects is Pyrite.Store.BaseStore.

Class: Store

The Store class is a subclass of Pyrite.Plugin, which is a subclass of Sulfur.Plugin.

Class Attributes

store_class (class object)

The class from which to generate live store objects by default.


__call__ (*, **)

Create a live store object. All parameters are passed to that object's __init__ method.