Haslanger Family
Hildebibble Family
Brophy Family
Dillon Tavitian
Brophy Family
Hildebibble Family
Dillon Tavitian
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MIT Benefits

For information on MIT's new adoption assistance program please refer to the MIT Adoption Benefits webpage. (2008)

For general information on family benefits at MIT please refer to the MIT Benefits Office website and the MIT Center for Work, Family & Personal Life. The MIT LifeSites family page is also a good resource for anyone at MIT.

Staff members: Some details on family leave for adoptive families can be found under Leaves Provided Under the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 in the personnel manual.

Faculty members: consult the Faculty Family Policies website for information on family leave, tenure clock extensions, and part time appointments for adoptive parents. There is information on faculty teaching relief and faculty appointment, promotion, and tenure guidelines.

State law provides 24 hours unpaid leave
This Tech Talk article covers The Small Necessities Leave Act (SNLA). This type of leave includes parent-teacher conferences, dental appts, etc.

Massachusetts Maternity Leave Act
These links provide more information on the MMLA. Note the wording in the definitions section"for the purpose of giving birth or adopting a child and subsequently caring for that newborn or adopted child."

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