W3C Amaya

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Configuring Annotation Settings

You open the Configuration for annotations dialog by choosing Configure from the Annotations menu. The following figure shows the Windows version of this dialog:

Configuring Annotations Dialog

The Unix version has a slightly different user interface, but the same functions.

Annotation user
The author of the annotation. By default, Amaya uses the login name of the user. This field enables you to change your user name to something more meaningful.
Annotation post server
This setting defines the server to which the annotations are posted. Local annotations are always saved to the local repository, and by default, this setting is empty. The post server is not automatically included in the list of servers, so you should enter the post server name in both places.
Annotation servers
A list of servers Amaya should contact when looking for annotations. You can specify one or more servers. The reserved server name localhost tells Amaya to search the local annotations, but does not necessarily mean that a local annotation server is running (or it would show a complete URL ).
Under Unix, the annotation servers are specified as a space separated list. Under Windows, you can add a new server name by clicking in the Annotations servers list, pressing the Enter key, and then typing the server name . By default, this list is initialized to localhost.

To temporarily disable an annotation server, add a "-" char before its URL. Amaya will ignore it.

Autoload local annotations/Autoload remote annotations
Whether Amaya should request annotations automatically (by querying the annotation server) every time you browse any URL. If it is not checked, then you can manually choose Load annotations from the Annotations menu.

If you check the Autoload remote annotations option, you may experience a delay in resolving the DNS name of the annotation servers. By default, both these options are turned off.

Disable remote autoload at each startup (for offline work)
Whether Amaya should reset the autoload remote annotationsoption at launch time. This option can be useful if you are working offline, but still want to autoload the local annotations as well as the remote ones.

See Also: