Contains classes that define Android location-based and related services.
For more information, see the Location and Maps guide.
GpsStatus.Listener | Used for receiving notifications when GPS status has changed. |
GpsStatus.NmeaListener | Used for receiving NMEA sentences from the GPS. |
LocationListener | Used for receiving notifications from the LocationManager when the location has changed. |
Address | A class representing an Address, i.e, a set of Strings describing a location. |
Criteria | A class indicating the application criteria for selecting a location provider. |
Geocoder | A class for handling geocoding and reverse geocoding. |
GpsSatellite | This class represents the current state of a GPS satellite. |
GpsStatus | This class represents the current state of the GPS engine. |
Location | A data class representing a geographic location. |
LocationManager | This class provides access to the system location services. |
LocationProvider | An abstract superclass for location providers. |