public final class


extends Object

Class Overview

A polyline is a list of points, where line segments are drawn between consecutive points. A polyline has the following properties:

The vertices of the line. Line segments are drawn between consecutive points. A polyline is not closed by default; to form a closed polyline, the start and end points must be the same.
Line segment width in screen pixels. The width is constant and independent of the camera's zoom level. The default value is 10.
Line segment color in ARGB format, the same format used by Color. The default value is black (0xff000000).
The order in which this polyline is drawn with respect to other overlays, including GroundOverlays and TileOverlays, but not Markers. An overlay with a larger z-index is drawn over overlays with smaller z-indices. The order of overlays with the same z-index value is arbitrary. The default is 0.
Indicates if the polyline is visible or invisible, i.e., whether it is drawn on the map. An invisible polyline is not drawn, but retains all of its other properties. The default is true, i.e., visible.
Geodesic status
Indicates whether the segments of the polyline should be drawn as geodesics, as opposed to straight lines on the Mercator projection. A geodesic is the shortest path between two points on the Earth's surface. The geodesic curve is constructed assuming the Earth is a sphere

Methods that modify a Polyline must be called on the main thread. If not, an IllegalStateException will be thrown at runtime.


 GoogleMap map;
 // ... get a map.
 // Add a thin red line from London to New York.
 Polyline line = map.addPolyline(new PolylineOptions()
     .add(new LatLng(51.5, -0.1), new LatLng(40.7, -74.0))

Developer Guide

For more information, read the Polylines and Polygons developer guide.


Public Constructors
Polyline(IPolylineDelegate delegate)
Public Methods
boolean equals(Object other)
int getColor()
Gets the color of this polyline.
String getId()
Gets this polyline's id.
List<LatLng> getPoints()
Returns a snapshot of the vertices of this polyline at this time .
float getWidth()
Gets the width of this polyline.
float getZIndex()
Gets the zIndex of this polyline.
int hashCode()
boolean isGeodesic()
Gets whether each segment of the line is drawn as a geodesic or not.
boolean isVisible()
Gets the visibility of this polyline.
void remove()
Removes this polyline from the map.
void setColor(int color)
Sets the color of this polyline.
void setGeodesic(boolean geodesic)
Sets whether to draw each segment of the line as a geodesic or not.
void setPoints(List<LatLng> points)
Sets the points of this polyline.
void setVisible(boolean visible)
Sets the visibility of this polyline.
void setWidth(float width)
Sets the width of this polyline.
void setZIndex(float zIndex)
Sets the zIndex of this polyline.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public Polyline (IPolylineDelegate delegate)

Public Methods

public boolean equals (Object other)

public int getColor ()

Gets the color of this polyline.

  • the color in ARGB format.

public String getId ()

Gets this polyline's id.

When a map is restored from a Bundle, polylines that were on that map are also restored. However, those polylines will then be represented by different Polyline objects. A polyline's id can be used to retrieve the new instance of a Polyline object after such restoration.

  • this polyline's id.

public List<LatLng> getPoints ()

Returns a snapshot of the vertices of this polyline at this time . The list returned is a copy of the list of vertices and so changes to the polyline's vertices will not be reflected by this list, nor will changes to this list be reflected by the polyline. To change the vertices of the polyline, call setPoints(List).

public float getWidth ()

Gets the width of this polyline.

  • the width in screen pixels.

public float getZIndex ()

Gets the zIndex of this polyline.

  • the zIndex of the polyline.

public int hashCode ()

public boolean isGeodesic ()

Gets whether each segment of the line is drawn as a geodesic or not.

  • true if each segment is drawn as a geodesic; false if each segment is drawn as a straight line on the Mercator projection.

public boolean isVisible ()

Gets the visibility of this polyline.

  • this polyline's visibility.

public void remove ()

Removes this polyline from the map. After a polyline has been removed, the behavior of all its methods is undefined.

public void setColor (int color)

Sets the color of this polyline.

color the color in ARGB format

public void setGeodesic (boolean geodesic)

Sets whether to draw each segment of the line as a geodesic or not.

geodesic if true, then each segment is drawn as a geodesic; if false, each segment is drawn as a straight line on the Mercator projection.

public void setPoints (List<LatLng> points)

Sets the points of this polyline. This method will take a copy of the points, so further mutations to points will have no effect on this polyline.

points an list of LatLngs that are the vertices of the polyline.

public void setVisible (boolean visible)

Sets the visibility of this polyline. When not visible, a polyline is not drawn, but it keeps all its other properties.

visible if true, then the polyline is visible; if false, it is not.

public void setWidth (float width)

Sets the width of this polyline.

width the width in screen pixels

public void setZIndex (float zIndex)

Sets the zIndex of this polyline. Polylines with higher zIndices are drawn above those with lower indices.

zIndex the zIndex of this polyline.