public interface


implements Freezable<T>


Nested Classes
interface Person.AgeRange The age range of the person. 
interface Person.Collection Constants to declare the collection of people to load. 
interface Person.Cover The cover photo content. 
interface Person.Emails  
class Person.Gender The person's gender. 
interface Person.Image The representation of the person's profile photo. 
interface Person.Name An object representation of the individual components of a person's name. 
class Person.ObjectType Type of person within Google+. 
interface Person.OrderBy Constants to declare the order to return people in. 
interface Person.Organizations  
interface Person.PlacesLived  
class Person.RelationshipStatus The person's relationship status. 
interface Person.Urls  
Public Methods
abstract String getAboutMe()
A short biography for this person.
abstract Person.AgeRange getAgeRange()
The age range of the person.
abstract String getBirthday()
The person's date of birth, represented as YYYY-MM-DD.
abstract String getBraggingRights()
The "bragging rights" line of this person.
abstract int getCircledByCount()
If a Google+ Page and for followers who are visible, the number of people who have added this page to a circle.
abstract Person.Cover getCover()
The cover photo content.
abstract String getCurrentLocation()
The current location for this person.
abstract String getDisplayName()
The name of this person, suitable for display.
abstract List<Person.Emails> getEmails()
A list of email addresses for this person.
abstract int getGender()
The person's gender.
abstract String getId()
The ID of this person.
abstract Person.Image getImage()
The representation of the person's profile photo.
abstract String getLanguage()
The user's preferred language for rendering.
abstract Person.Name getName()
An object representation of the individual components of a person's name.
abstract String getNickname()
The nickname of this person.
abstract int getObjectType()
Type of person within Google+.
abstract List<Person.Organizations> getOrganizations()
A list of current or past organizations with which this person is associated.
abstract List<Person.PlacesLived> getPlacesLived()
A list of places where this person has lived.
abstract int getPlusOneCount()
If a Google+ Page, the number of people who have +1'ed this page.
abstract int getRelationshipStatus()
The person's relationship status.
abstract String getTagline()
The brief description (tagline) of this person.
abstract String getUrl()
The URL of this person's profile.
abstract List<Person.Urls> getUrls()
A list of URLs for this person.
abstract boolean hasAboutMe()
Indicates whether the "aboutMe" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasAgeRange()
Indicates whether the "ageRange" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasBirthday()
Indicates whether the "birthday" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasBraggingRights()
Indicates whether the "braggingRights" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasCircledByCount()
Indicates whether the "circledByCount" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasCover()
Indicates whether the "cover" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasCurrentLocation()
Indicates whether the "currentLocation" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasDisplayName()
Indicates whether the "displayName" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasEmails()
Indicates whether the "emails" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasGender()
Indicates whether the "gender" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasHasApp()
Indicates whether the "hasApp" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasId()
Indicates whether the "id" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasImage()
Indicates whether the "image" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasIsPlusUser()
Indicates whether the "isPlusUser" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasLanguage()
Indicates whether the "language" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasName()
Indicates whether the "name" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasNickname()
Indicates whether the "nickname" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasObjectType()
Indicates whether the "objectType" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasOrganizations()
Indicates whether the "organizations" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPlacesLived()
Indicates whether the "placesLived" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasPlusOneCount()
Indicates whether the "plusOneCount" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasRelationshipStatus()
Indicates whether the "relationshipStatus" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasTagline()
Indicates whether the "tagline" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasUrl()
Indicates whether the "url" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasUrls()
Indicates whether the "urls" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean hasVerified()
Indicates whether the "verified" field is explicitly set to a value.
abstract boolean isHasApp()
If "true", indicates that the person has installed the app that is making the request and has chosen to expose this install state to the caller.
abstract boolean isPlusUser()
Whether this user has signed up for Google+.
abstract boolean isVerified()
Whether the person or Google+ Page has been verified.
Inherited Methods
From interface

Public Methods

public abstract String getAboutMe ()

A short biography for this person.

public abstract Person.AgeRange getAgeRange ()

The age range of the person.

public abstract String getBirthday ()

The person's date of birth, represented as YYYY-MM-DD.

public abstract String getBraggingRights ()

The "bragging rights" line of this person.

public abstract int getCircledByCount ()

If a Google+ Page and for followers who are visible, the number of people who have added this page to a circle.

public abstract Person.Cover getCover ()

The cover photo content.

public abstract String getCurrentLocation ()

The current location for this person.

public abstract String getDisplayName ()

The name of this person, suitable for display.

public abstract List<Person.Emails> getEmails ()

A list of email addresses for this person.

public abstract int getGender ()

The person's gender. Possible values are: - "male" - Male gender. - "female" - Female gender. - "other" - Other.

public abstract String getId ()

The ID of this person.

public abstract Person.Image getImage ()

The representation of the person's profile photo.

public abstract String getLanguage ()

The user's preferred language for rendering.

public abstract Person.Name getName ()

An object representation of the individual components of a person's name.

public abstract String getNickname ()

The nickname of this person.

public abstract int getObjectType ()

Type of person within Google+. Possible values are: - "person" - represents an actual person. - "page" - represents a page.

public abstract List<Person.Organizations> getOrganizations ()

A list of current or past organizations with which this person is associated.

public abstract List<Person.PlacesLived> getPlacesLived ()

A list of places where this person has lived.

public abstract int getPlusOneCount ()

If a Google+ Page, the number of people who have +1'ed this page.

public abstract int getRelationshipStatus ()

The person's relationship status. Possible values are: - "single" - Person is single. - "in_a_relationship" - Person is in a relationship. - "engaged" - Person is engaged. - "married" - Person is married. - "its_complicated" - The relationship is complicated. - "open_relationship" - Person is in an open relationship. - "widowed" - Person is widowed. - "in_domestic_partnership" - Person is in a domestic partnership. - "in_civil_union" - Person is in a civil union.

public abstract String getTagline ()

The brief description (tagline) of this person.

public abstract String getUrl ()

The URL of this person's profile.

public abstract List<Person.Urls> getUrls ()

A list of URLs for this person.

public abstract boolean hasAboutMe ()

Indicates whether the "aboutMe" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasAgeRange ()

Indicates whether the "ageRange" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasBirthday ()

Indicates whether the "birthday" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasBraggingRights ()

Indicates whether the "braggingRights" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasCircledByCount ()

Indicates whether the "circledByCount" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasCover ()

Indicates whether the "cover" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasCurrentLocation ()

Indicates whether the "currentLocation" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasDisplayName ()

Indicates whether the "displayName" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasEmails ()

Indicates whether the "emails" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasGender ()

Indicates whether the "gender" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasHasApp ()

Indicates whether the "hasApp" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasId ()

Indicates whether the "id" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasImage ()

Indicates whether the "image" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasIsPlusUser ()

Indicates whether the "isPlusUser" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasLanguage ()

Indicates whether the "language" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasName ()

Indicates whether the "name" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasNickname ()

Indicates whether the "nickname" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasObjectType ()

Indicates whether the "objectType" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasOrganizations ()

Indicates whether the "organizations" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPlacesLived ()

Indicates whether the "placesLived" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasPlusOneCount ()

Indicates whether the "plusOneCount" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasRelationshipStatus ()

Indicates whether the "relationshipStatus" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasTagline ()

Indicates whether the "tagline" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasUrl ()

Indicates whether the "url" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasUrls ()

Indicates whether the "urls" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean hasVerified ()

Indicates whether the "verified" field is explicitly set to a value.

public abstract boolean isHasApp ()

If "true", indicates that the person has installed the app that is making the request and has chosen to expose this install state to the caller. A value of "false" indicates that the install state cannot be determined (it is either not installed or the person has chosen to keep this information private).

public abstract boolean isPlusUser ()

Whether this user has signed up for Google+.

public abstract boolean isVerified ()

Whether the person or Google+ Page has been verified.