

import com.sleepycat.db.*;

public DbTxnStat txn_stat() throws DbException;


The DbEnv.txn_stat method creates a DbTxnStat object encapsulating a statistical structure. The transaction region statistics are stored in a DbTxnStat object. The following data fields are available from the DbTxnStat object:

The transaction region statistics are stored in a structure of type DB_TXN_STAT. The following DB_TXN_STAT fields will be filled in:

public DbLsn st_last_ckp;
The LSN of the last checkpoint.
public DbLsn st_pending_ckp;
The LSN of any checkpoint that is currently in progress. If st_pending_ckp is the same as st_last_ckp there is no checkpoint in progress.
public long st_time_ckp;
The time the last completed checkpoint finished (as the number of seconds since the Epoch, returned by the IEEE/ANSI Std 1003.1 (POSIX) time interface).
public int st_last_txnid;
The last transaction ID allocated.
public int st_maxtxns;
The maximum number of active transactions possible.
public int st_nactive;
The number of transactions that are currently active.
public int st_maxnactive;
The maximum number of active transactions at any one time.
public int st_nbegins;
The number of transactions that have begun.
public int st_naborts;
The number of transactions that have aborted.
public int st_ncommits;
The number of transactions that have committed.
public int st_regsize;
The size of the region.
public int st_region_wait;
The number of times that a thread of control was forced to wait before obtaining the region lock.
public int st_region_nowait;
The number of times that a thread of control was able to obtain the region lock without waiting.
public Active st_txnarray[];
The array of active transactions. Each element of the array is an object of type DbTxnStat.Active, a top level inner class, that has the following fields:

public int txnid;
The Transaction ID.
public DbLsn lsn;
The Lsn of the begin record.

The DbEnv.txn_stat method throws an exception that encapsulates a non-zero error value on failure.


The DbEnv.txn_stat method may fail and throw an exception for errors specified for other Berkeley DB and C library or system methods. If a catastrophic error has occurred, the DbEnv.txn_stat method may fail and throw a DbRunRecoveryException, in which case all subsequent Berkeley DB calls will fail in the same way.


DbEnv, DbTxn

See Also

DbEnv.set_tx_max, DbEnv.set_tx_timestamp, DbTxn.abort, DbEnv.txn_begin, DbEnv.txn_checkpoint, DbTxn.commit, DbTxn.discard, DbTxn.id, DbTxn.prepare, DbEnv.txn_recover, and DbEnv.txn_stat.


Copyright Sleepycat Software