Oracle8i Administrator's Reference Release 8.1.5 for Sun SPARC Solaris A67456-01 |
Oracle Corporation recommends the Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) standard for Oracle8i. The OFA standard is a set of configuration guidelines for fast, reliable Oracle databases that require little maintenance.
OFA is designed to:
An OFA-compliant database provides the following benefits.
The file system is organized to allow easy administration and accommodate scalability for:
I/O loads are distributed across enough disk drives to prevent performance bottlenecks.
Hardware costs are minimized only when it does not conflict with operational considerations.
By spreading applications across more than one drive, drive failures impact as few applications as possible.
The following items can be distributed across more than one disk drive:
It is possible to add, move, or delete login home directories without having to revise programs that refer to them.
Categories of files are separated into independent UNIX directory subtrees so that files in one category are minimally affected by operations on files in other categories.
It is possible to execute multiple versions of applications software simultaneously, allowing the user to test and use a new release of an application before abandoning the previous version. Transferring to a new version after an upgrade is simple for the administrator and transparent for the user.
The ability to separate administrative information about one database from that of another ensures a reasonable structure for the organization and storage of administrative data.
Database files are named so that:
Tablespace contents are separated to:
I/O loads are tuned across all drives, including drives storing Oracle data in raw devices.
For Oracle Parallel Server Installations:
A careful naming strategy for database files eliminates data administration problems. The OFA rules provided here correspond to the original OFA recommendations published in The OFA Standard: Oracle8i for Open Systems.
Name all mount points using the syntax /pm, where p is a string constant and m is a unique fixed-length key (typically a two-digit number) used to distinguish each mount point. For example: /u01
and /u02
, or /disk01
and /disk02
If each disk drive contains database files from one application and there are enough drives for each database to ensure no I/O bottleneck, then use the syntax /q/dm for naming mount points, as explained in Table A-1.
q |
a string denoting that Oracle data is stored here |
dm |
the value of the initialization parameter DB_NAME (synonymous with the instance sid for single-instance databases) |
For example, mount points named /u01/oradata/test
and /u02/oradata/test
allocate two drives for the Oracle test database.
Name home directories using the syntax /pm/h/u, as explained in Table A-2.
pm |
a mount point name |
h |
a standard directory name |
u |
the name of the owner of the directory |
For example, /u01/app/oracle
is the Oracle server software owner home directory (also referred to as ORACLE_BASE
and defaulted by the OUI) and /u01/app/applmgr
is an Oracle applications software owner home directory.
Placing home directories at the same level in the UNIX file system is advantageous for the following reason: it allows the collection of applications owner login home directories on different mount points, to be referred to with the single pattern matching string, /*/app/*
Refer to explicit pathnames only in files designed specifically to store them, such as /etc/passwd
and the Oracle oratab
file. Refer to group memberships only in the /etc/group
In order to help fulfill the OFA requirement that it be possible to simultaneously execute multiple versions of application software, store each version of the Oracle8i Server software in a directory matching the pattern /pm/h/product
/v, as explained in Table A-3.
h |
a standard directory name |
v |
the version of the software |
For example: /u01/app/oracle/product/8.1.5
indicates the start of the directory structure where the Oracle8i Server files are located. Set the ORACLE_HOME
environment variable to this directory.
To facilitate the organization of administrative data, it is recommended that you store database-specific administration files in subdirectories according to h/admin
/d/a/, where h is the Oracle software owner's home directory, d is the database name (DB_NAME), and a is a subdirectory for each of the following database administration files described in Table A-4:
As an example, the subdirectory adhoc
would have the following pathname, /u01/app/oracle/admin/sab/adhoc/
if it were part of the database named sab.
The following naming convention for database files ensures that they are easily identifiable:
This syntax is explained in Table A-5.
Note: Do not store files other than a control, redo log, or data file associated with database d in the path /pm/q/d. |
Following this convention could produce, for example, a data file with the name /u03/oradata/sab/system01.dbf
, making it easy to see to which database the file belongs.
Separate groups of segments with different lifespans, I/O request demands, and backup frequencies across different tablespaces.
For each Oracle database, create the special tablespaces described in Table A-6. These tablespaces are in addition to those needed for application segments.
This method is effective because dictionary segments are never dropped, and no other segments that can be dropped are allowed in the SYSTEM tablespace. This ensures that the SYSTEM tablespace does not require a rebuild due to tablespace free space fragmentation.
Because rollback segments are not stored in tablespaces holding applications data, the administrator is not blocked from taking an application's tablespace offline for maintenance. The segments are partitioned physically by type, and the administrator can record and predict data growth rates without complicated tools.
Name tablespaces descriptively using a maximum of eight characters. Although Oracle8i tablespace names can be 30 characters long, portable UNIX file names are restricted to 14 characters. The recommended standard for a data file basename is tn.dbf
, where t is a descriptive tablespace name and n is a two-digit string. Because the extension plus the two-digit string occupy a total of six characters, only eight characters remain for the tablespace name.
Descriptive names allow the name of a data file to be associated with the tablespace that uses it. For example, the names GLD
and GLX
might be used for the tablespaces storing General Ledger data and indices, respectively.
Note: Do not embed reminders of the word "tablespace" in your tablespace names. Tablespaces are distinguishable by context, and names do not need to convey information about type. |
Table A-7 shows the syntax used for identifying classes of files.
Table A-8 shows an hierarchical file mapping of a sample OFA-compliant database, including each file's mount point, application, database, and tablespace. The file names indicate the file type (control, log, or data).
Choose a small set of standard sizes for all raw devices that may be used to store Oracle database files. In general, standardizing on a single size is recommended. If a single size is used, raw files can be moved from one partition to another safely. The size should be small enough so that a fairly large number can be created but large enough to be convenient.
For example, a 2 GB drive could be divided into 10 partitions of 200 MB each--a good balance between size and number. Any tablespace using raw devices should stripe them across several drives. If possible, do the striping should be done with a logical volume manager.
When using the Oracle Parallel Server, select one node to act as the Oracle administrative home for the cluster. The administrative home contains the administrative subtree. Create subdirectories for each instance accessing the database within the bdump
, cdump
, logbook
, pfile
, and udump
directories of ~/admin/
. Mount the admin
directory for the administrative home as the admin
directory for every instance. An example is shown in Table A-9.
ORACLE_BASE is the root of the Oracle directory structure. ORACLE_BASE directory structure and content is described in Table A-10. When installing an OFA-compliant database using the Oracle Universal Installer, ORACLE_BASE is by default set to /pm/app/oracle
administrative files |
online documentation |
subtree for local Oracle software |
Oracle software |
If you install an OFA-compliant Oracle Server, the ORACLE_HOME directory is /
release_number. ORACLE_HOME directory structure and content are described in Table A-11. Under UNIX, the ORACLE_HOME directory contains the following subdirectories, as well as a subdirectory for each Oracle product selected. You will have directories only for the products you have installed.
Each product subdirectory contains the subdirectories described in Table A-12:
Examples of product subdirectories and their contents are shown in Table A-13.
install, lib, admin, doc, mesg, log |
install, demo, lib, admin, doc, mesg |
The rdbms/admin
directory contains the SQL scripts shown in Table A-14.
A description of filename extensions is shown in Table A-15.
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