grid.get {grid}R Documentation

Get a Grid Graphical Object


Retrieve a grob or a descendant of a grob.


grid.get(gPath, strict=FALSE, grep=FALSE, global=FALSE, allDevices=FALSE) 
getGrob(gTree, gPath, strict=FALSE, grep=FALSE, global=FALSE) 


gTree A gTree object.
gPath A gPath object. For grid.get this specifyies a grob on the display list. For getGrob this specifies a descendant of the specified gTree.
strict A boolean indicating whether the gPath must be matched exactly.
grep A boolean indicating whether the gPath should be treated as a regular expression. Values are recycled across elements of the gPath (e.g., c(TRUE, FALSE) means that every odd element of the gPath will be treated as a regular expression). NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
global A boolean indicating whether the function should affect just the first match of the gPath, or whether all matches should be affected. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.
allDevices A boolean indicating whether all open devices should be searched for matches, or just the current device. NOT YET IMPLEMENTED.


A grob object.


Paul Murrell

See Also

grob, getGrob, addGrob, removeGrob.


grid.get(gPath("xa", "ticks"))

grid.draw(gTree(name="gt", children=gList(xaxisGrob(name="axis"))))
grid.get(gPath("gt", "axis", "ticks"))

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