Lattice Graphics

[Package List] [Top] shingles
as.factorOrShingle shingles
as.shingle shingles
banking Banking
barchart Common Bivariate Trellis Plots
barley Data Sets in the Lattice library
bwplot Common Bivariate Trellis Plots
canonical.theme Initializing Trellis Displays
cloud 3d Scatter Plot
col.whitebg Simple Interfaces to modify Trellis Settings
contourplot Level Plots
densityplot Histograms and Kernel Density Plots
diag.panel.splom Default Superpanel Function for splom
dotplot Common Bivariate Trellis Plots
draw.colorkey Produce a Colorkey for levelplot
draw.key Produce a Legend or Key
environmental Data Sets in the Lattice library
equal.count shingles
ethanol Data Sets in the Lattice library
histogram Histograms and Kernel Density Plots
is.shingle shingles
larrows Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
Lattice Lattice Graphics
latticeParseFormula Parse Trellis formula
levelplot Level Plots
llines Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
lplot.xy Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
lpoints Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
lsegments Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
lset Simple Interfaces to modify Trellis Settings
ltext Lattice Replacements of base graphics functions
ltransform3dMatrix Default Panel Function for cloud
ltransform3dto3d Default Panel Function for cloud
melanoma Data Sets in the Lattice library
oneway Fit One-way Model
palette.shade Default Panel Function for cloud
panel.3dscatter Default Panel Function for cloud
panel.3dwire Default Panel Function for cloud
panel.abline Useful Panel Functions
panel.axis Useful Panel Functions
panel.barchart Default Panel Function for barchart
panel.bwplot Default Panel Function for bwplot Default Panel Function for cloud
panel.curve Useful Panel Functions
panel.densityplot Default Panel Function for densityplot
panel.dotplot Default Panel Function for dotplot
panel.fill Useful Panel Functions
panel.functions Useful Panel Functions
panel.grid Useful Panel Functions
panel.histogram Default Panel Function for histogram
panel.levelplot Default Panel Function for levelplot
panel.linejoin Useful Panel Functions
panel.lmline Useful Panel Functions
panel.loess Useful Panel Functions
panel.mathdensity Useful Panel Functions
panel.pairs Default Superpanel Function for splom
panel.parallel Default Panel Function for parallel
panel.qq Default Panel Function for xyplot
panel.qqmath Default Panel Function for xyplot
panel.qqmathline Useful panel function with qqmath
panel.rug Useful Panel Functions
panel.splom Default Panel Function for xyplot
panel.stripplot Default Panel Function for stripplot
panel.superpose Panel Function for Display Marked by groups
panel.tmd Panel function for tmd
panel.wireframe Default Panel Function for cloud
panel.xyplot Default Panel Function for xyplot
parallel Scatter Plot Matrices
plot.shingle shingles
prepanel.lmline Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice
prepanel.loess Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice
prepanel.qqmathline Useful Prepanel Function for Lattice
print.shingle shingles
print.shingleLevel shingles
print.trellis Print Trellis Objects
qq Quantile-Quantile Plots of Two Samples
qqmath Q-Q Plot with Theoretical Distribution
rfs Residual and Fit Spread Plots
Rows Extract `rows' from a list
shingle shingles
show.settings Graphical Parameters for Trellis Displays
simpleKey Function to generate a simple key
singer Data Sets in the Lattice library
splom Scatter Plot Matrices
strip.default Default Trellis strip function
stripplot Common Bivariate Trellis Plots
summary.shingle shingles
sunspot Data Sets in the Lattice library
tmd Tukey Mean-Difference Plot
trellis.device Initializing Trellis Displays
trellis.object Lattice Display Object
trellis.par.get Graphical Parameters for Trellis Displays
trellis.par.set Graphical Parameters for Trellis Displays
update.trellis Update Trellis Object
utilities.3d Default Panel Function for cloud
wireframe 3d Scatter Plot
xyplot Common Bivariate Trellis Plots
[.shingle shingles