KernSmooth | Functions for kernel smoothing for Wand & Jones (1995) |
MASS | Main Package of Venables and Ripley's MASS |
base | The R Base Package |
boot | Bootstrap R (S-Plus) Functions (Canty) |
class | Functions for Classification |
cluster | Functions for clustering (by Rousseeuw et al.) |
ctest | Defunct Package for Classical Tests |
eda | Defunct Package for Exploratory Data Analysis |
foreign | Read data stored by Minitab, S, SAS, SPSS, Stata, ... |
graphics | The R Graphics Package |
grid | The Grid Graphics Package |
lattice | Lattice Graphics |
lqs | Resistant Regression and Covariance Estimation |
methods | Formal Methods and Classes |
mgcv | Multiple smoothing parameter estimation and GAMs by GCV |
mle | Defunct package for maximum likelihood estimation |
modreg | Defunct Package for Modern Regression: Smoothing and Local Methods |
mva | Defunct Package for Classical Multivariate Analysis |
nlme | Linear and nonlinear mixed effects models |
nls | Defunct Package for Nonlinear Regression |
nnet | Feed-forward Neural Networks and Multinomial Log-Linear Models |
rpart | Recursive Partitioning |
spatial | Functions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis |
splines | Regression Spline Functions and Classes |
stats | The R Stats Package |
stats4 | Statistical functions using S4 classes |
stepfun | Defunct Package for Step Functions, incl. Empirical Distributions |
survival | Survival analysis, including penalised likelihood. |
tcltk | Tcl/Tk Interface |
tools | Tools for Package Development |
ts | Defunct Package of Time Series Functions |
utils | The R Utils Package |