Functions for Kriging and Point Pattern Analysis

[Package List] [Top]
anova.trls Anova tables for fitted trend surface objects
anovalist.trls Anova tables for fitted trend surface objects
correlogram Compute Spatial Correlograms
expcov Spatial Covariance Functions
gaucov Spatial Covariance Functions
Kaver Average K-functions from Simulations
Kenvl Compute Envelope and Average of Simulations of K-fns
Kfn Compute K-fn of a Point Pattern
plot.trls Regression diagnostics for trend surfaces
ppgetregion Get Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
ppinit Read a Point Process Object from a File
pplik Pseudo-likelihood Estimation of a Strauss Spatial Point Process
ppregion Set Domain for Spatial Point Pattern Analyses
predict.trls Predict method for trend surface fits
prmat Evaluate Kriging Surface over a Grid
Psim Simulate Binomial Spatial Point Process
semat Evaluate Kriging Standard Error of Prediction over a Grid
sphercov Spatial Covariance Functions
SSI Simulates Sequential Spatial Inhibition Point Process
Strauss Simulates Strauss Spatial Point Process
surf.gls Fits a Trend Surface by Generalized Least-squares Fits a Trend Surface by Least-squares
trls.influence Regression diagnostics for trend surfaces
trmat Evaluate Trend Surface over a Grid
variogram Compute Spatial Variogram