Last calculated, we were getting roughly 500,000 connections a week.
In closely related news, the Decstation 5000/25 which was www.mit.edu
was falling over (i.e., crashing) a lot. We swapped it with
a SparcStation,
and its performance has been much improved. The old Decstation (no
longer a web server) has been moved back into the SIPB office and
reinstalled as an ordinary Athena workstation, and has been renamed
bill-the-cat. :-)
What fun. A listing of some of the more frequently asked policy questions
pertaining to our server.
New listing, the Commercial Sites Founded by
MIT Community Members! Just what we needed, a new list to maintain
and more requests to handle....
The server machine is very hosed. As always, donations of service-contracted spiffy machines are very welcome. :-)
To reduce the load on the server, the graphics have been altered to
have fewer colors. Let us know what you think. You can still view
the originals in
rei's homepage.
Web fever is at an all time high! We get tons of homepage addition requests, plus over 200,000 connections a week! Wow!
Oh, and please don't use the comment gateway to send forged email. We might just have to hunt you down and make you add homepages for 29 hours in a row.
More silly and occasionally useful CGI scripts
than you know what to do with! All of the silly things that Matthew has been doing for the past few months
have been CGI scripts, and therefore not integrated into plexus. But
now, you can experience them too.
Hey! We actually got around to updating to NCSA HTTPD.
It's here, it works, it's faster and it's harder to pronounce than
'Plexus'. Thanks to Eric for actually
finishing this.
of MIT Workstation Clusters, with hyperlinks from each workstation
to a query about that
A cybermystic novella, vh485,
written by Nic Kelman, maintained by Richard Lachman.
Matthew and Jake's Adventures! With new installments!
The MIT What's Cool list. (MIT people, please
add stuff you provide to this list)
Matthew and Jake Fly a Kite
New Hardware!!! We upgraded to a dedicated DS5000/25(Maxine) named anxiety-closet. (of course
all URLs should still be via www.mit.edu) The server
should be less hosed, at least for a little while. :-)
Yipee! Classes are over. Finals have begun. Some of the webmasters don't have many finals, but some
of them do. We'll be playing around lots real soon, now that the term
is over.
Hey, we may have lost a couple webmasters, but we just got a new one,
too! Mike Bauer
(mjbauer@lcs.mit.edu) is our newest webmaster. Be nice to him.
Matthew has written a
zwrite gateway that lets you send zephyr messages
to MIT students.
A pair of new services, not fully polished, but functional: a finger gateway and a machine information
gateway. If you think that this is just another finger gateway, then
you should try fingering at athena.dialup.mit.edu
or any other hostname which resolves to more than one IP physical
A fun new toy ... Madlibs. Code by mkgray,
stories by various people ... and you, of course. (Still being
Undated stuff
Speaking of silly toys, rei just wrote one: "The
CyberMUD." (Hint: it's a game)
Please continue to send purely artistic criticism to Eri Izawa (rei@mit).
We upgraded our server to Plexus 3.0k.
Lots of MIT people are creating home pages. Web Fever has hit. :-)
Lots of new servers are popping up, too! Check these out!
Lots of people are using our server and it's holding up. It's cool.
Comments are appreciated, or you can send us mail! Or send us a Sparc 10 or an Alpha with a hard disk full of comments! Be creative.