Past Trips and Events


3/1: Slingerland's Hellhole and George's Surprise


12/14: George's Surprise

11/10: Selleck's Karst Preserve (Selleck's Cave and Cave 575)

10/26: Purgatory Pit (with the Boston Grotto)

10/12: Pompey's Cave

9/20-22: Fall NRO

9/15: Morris Cave

8/17: Onesquethaw Cave

7/27: McFail's Cave (with the Boston Grotto)

6/29: Knox Cave

6/22-23: Becker's Cave, Schoharie Caverns

6/16: Morris Cave

6/9: Clarksville Cave

5/17-19: Spring NRO (feat. Merlins, Bensons, Ella Armstrong, Onesquethaw)

3/2: Pittsford Ice Cave and almost Quarry Cave

1/29: Hannacroix Maze

1/17: Hannacroix Maze and Merritts Cave


12/29-31: Mammoth Cave in Kentucky (surveying)

12/22: Pompey's Cave

6/9-11: Spring NRO

1/28: Hannacroix Maze


12/11: Slingerland's Hellhole and George's Surprise

6/25: Clarksville Cave

5/20-22: Spring NRO

4/3: Slingerland's Hellhole

1/9: Pompey's Cave


11/24: Hannacroix Maze and Merrits Cave

10/22: Merlins Cave

9/14-15: Fall NRO

9/6-8: NCRC Orientation to Cave Rescue Class

8/10-11: Schoharie, Spider, Gage Caverns

8/3: Knox Cave

7/28: Selleck's Karst Preserve

7/6: Morris Cave

6/29: Morris Cave

6/17-21: NSS Convention

5/18-19: Spring NRO

5/12: Morris Cave

5/11: Clarksville and Bentley's

4/7: Weybridge Cave

3/3: Hannacroix Cave


12/9: Merrits and Hannacroix Caves

12/8: Selleck's Karst Preserve

11/17: Selleck's Karst Preserve

10/21: Pompey's Cave

9/30: Knox Cave

9/29: Bensons Cave

9/14-16: 2018 Fall NRO

8/4-5: Merritts Cave, Schoharie Caverns, Clarksville Cave

7/22: Bentley's Cave

7/8: Morris Cave

6/16: Bentley's Cave

5/13: Clarksville Cave

2/17: Pompey's Cave


11/19: Fall How to Rappel

9/8-10: Fall NRO

January-August undocumented :-(


All of 2016 undocumented :-(


February-December undocumented :-(

1/18: Onesquethaw Cave


10/18: Onesquethaw Cave

10/5: Clarksville Cave

10/27-28: Orientation to Cave Rescue

10/12-14: Fall NRO hosted by the Vermont Cavers Association

8/3: Gage Cavern

7/20: Boston Grotto Vertical Practice at College Rock

7/13: Morris Cave

7/5: Thacher Park cave locating and surveying work session

6/28: Schoharie Cavern preserve work day

6/7-8: Hannacroix Maze, Merritts Cave, Schoharie Cavern, Barber Cave, etc.

5/16-18: Spring NRO hosted by Met Grotto

5/10: Onesquethaw Cave

4/6: Clarksville Cave


12/14: Crossbones Cave

12/13: Clarksville Cave

10/28-29: Onesquethaw, NCC Barn Dance, Schoharie, and Gage

10/20-22: Fall NRO hosted by SCAG

10/15: Knox Cave

7/14: McFail's Cave

7/13: Merlin's Cave

7/5-13: National Cave Rescue Commission Weeklong Seminar

5/17-19: Spring NRO hosted by the Boston Grotto

4/27: Hasbrouck and Delaware Mines with the Boston Grotto (led by the Central Connecticut Grotto)

4/20: Clarksville Gregory Entrance cleanup with the NCC

Spring Break: West Virginia

3/17: Ella Armstrong

3/3: Clarksville

3/2: Sellecks Preserve

2/18: Clarksville

2/17: Freedlyville Quarry with the Boston Grotto

2/3: Bentley's and Dry Valley

2/2: Ella Armstrong

1/12: Onesquethaw


11/10: Clarksville with the Boston Grotto

11/3: Bentley's and Dry Valley

10/14: Onesquethaw

10/8: Quincy Quarries

9/30: Merlin's Cave

9/21-23: Orientation to Cave Rescue

9/14-16: Fall NRO

9/8: Merlin's Cave

8/4: Merlin's Cave Leader Training

7/7: Knox Cave

6/9: Knox Cave

4/16: Morris Cave

Spring Break: West Virginia

3/18: Clarksville and Ladder Dig

3/17: Ella Armstrong

3/10: Bentley's

2/25: Howe Caverns

2/19: Ken's Kave

2/1: Onesquethaw, Ladder Dig, and Clarksville

1/25: Clarksville

1/8: Morris Cave


November: Sellecks

9/30-10/2: Speleofest

9/16-18: Fall NRO

Spring Break: Caving Trip to West Virginia

3/13: Clarksville

2/15: Onesquethaw

1/8: Clarksville


12/15: Morris Cave

10/9: Knox Cave

10/3: Morris Cave

8/14: Morris Cave

7/11: ANC

7/3: Gage

6/19: McFail's

6/5: Onesquethaw

Spring Break: West Virginia

4/7: Onesquthaw/Clarksville

2/21: Freedlyville Quarry

2/14: Benson's Cave

1/30: Cole's Cave (Barbados)

1/23: Onesquethaw

1/15: Clarksville Cave


Nov: Clarksville Cave

Sep: Clarksville and Ladder Cave


September: Masshole

August: Clarksville Cave


April: Clarksville Cave


November: Benson Cave

6/28-29: MIT-SUOC speleofest

6/13-17: West Virginia Trip

5/16: Knox Cave


11/24: Morris Cave

11/11: Clarksville Cave

10/27: Clarksville Cave

10/20: Clarksville Cave

July: Onesquethaw Cave

July: Clarksville Cave

Spring Break: West Virginia

IAP: Clarksville


Spring Break: West Virginia

1/28: Clarksville Cave


9/3: Sketchy Trip to Clarksville

7/23: Morris Cave


Independence Day Weekend: Eagle Cave

Memorial Day Weekend: West Virginia Trip

4/24-25: Ella Armstrong, Crossbones, Clarksville, Schoharie Caverns

2/15: Clarksville Cave

2/7: Clarksville Cave


11/15: Gage's Caverns

10/26: Onesquethaw Cave

10/28: Becker's Cave, Schoharie Caverns

10/21: Morris Cave

10/13: Clarksville Cave

Four days in summer: Sharp's Cave and My Cave

May: Spring NRO, headquartered in Cobleskill, NY

May IOCA: Schoharie area

Spring Break: Two-day trip to upstate New York

February: Trip to Gage's and Speleobooks


Clarksville Cave

Morris Cave

Clarksville Cave

Spring Break: West Virginia

Please contact with any questions or concerns.

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