Logo by Felipe Barscevicius
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Photos taken by Tristan Honscheid
Welcome! The MIT Caving Club is a group of students, alumni, and partners who all love the adventure of seeing things you only can if you're dozens of feet under the earth, up to your shins in mud, and shining a dim light into the darkness of a squeezy tunnel. We go on various trips throughout the year to caves in the northeastern United States.

Upcoming Events

Check out our calendar for a full list of Caving Club trips and events.

How to Get Involved

The MIT Caving Club is open to all members of the MIT and surrounding community. To subscribe to our mailing list, either add yourself to caving-discuss@mit.edu on Webmoira or email caving-officers@mit.edu. We announce all practices, caving trips, and other events there.


4/9: Spring NRO is 17-19th of May. Sign up to at https://helderberghudsongrotto.regfox.com/spring-2024-nro

6/30: Orientation to Cave Rescue will be Sept 20-22 in WV. You can find more info here.

Cave Quotes

"You're half wet!!"..."I'd like to think I'm half dry." ~judebone, Gage Caverns

"Can I put mud all over my face and then you take my picture?" ~dtontici, Morris Cave

"What is this knot, and why does it exist???" ~truchane, Selleck's Karst Preserve

"This is wet. And terrifying. Why do I love this?" ~ejporter, Bensons

"I had an existential crisis. Am I a human or a worm?!?" ~feroz, Bensons New Dig

"This is the part I don't like about caving...confined spaces." ~tristanh, Bensons

"Why would I want to go into a hole that leads to nowhere? ...oh wait that;s what all of this is." ~mayalk, Bensons

"So what do I do with my body now?" ~amigdal, Clarksville Thook Entrance

"If you can't find the path, lower your standards." ~mayalk, Finding Xanathu

"I feel like I'm being born." ~maristep, Morris wet pinch

Please contact caving-officers@mit.edu with any questions or concerns.

Site designed by truchane.

Copyright © 2020 MIT Caving Club