Commercial Sites Founded by MIT Community Members

By Request ONLY*

  1. Active Window Productions
  2. The Agora Technology Group, Inc.
  3. Applied Language Technologies (ALTech)
  4. Art Technology Group
  5. Bien Logic, Inc.
  6. Bolt, Beranek and Newman (BBN)
  7. Bronese Recording Studio
  8. Cafe Liberty
  9. Charles View Software
  10. Compugraf Tecnologia e Sistemas S.A.
  11. Condom Country
  12. Cygnus Support
  13. Eccosys Ltd. (Tokyo, Japan)
  14. Electronic Entertainment Network
  15. Four11 Online User Directory
  16. GCC Technologies
  17. InfoSeek
  18. Interport Communication
  19. Linksoft
  20. Mathsoft
  21. Mathworks
  22. NBX Corporation
  23. net.Genesis
  24. Newbury Comics
  25. Online Environs, Inc.
  26. Open Market, Inc.
  27. Project America
  28. PTCG Inc.
  29. Resources Engineering Systems
  30. Sensable
  31. Teknekron Software Systems, Inc.
  32. Universal Access Inc.
  33. VirtualNet Consulting
  34. Virtumall
*For example, we don't want to list places as diverse as National Enquirer and Bose unless they ask to be listed. (Hey, this list of examples is shrinking....)
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