Log4j 1.2.6

Class LoggingEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class LoggingEvent
extends Object
implements Serializable

The internal representation of logging events. When an affirmative decision is made to log then a LoggingEvent instance is created. This instance is passed around to the different log4j components.

This class is of concern to those wishing to extend log4j.

Ceki Gülcü, James P. Cakalic
See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
 String categoryName
          Deprecated. This field will be marked as private in future releases. Please do not access it directly. Use the getLoggerName() method instead.
 String fqnOfCategoryClass
          Fully qualified name of the calling category class.
 Priority level
          Deprecated. This field will be marked as private in future releases. Please do not access it directly. Use the getLevel() method instead.
 long timeStamp
          The number of milliseconds elapsed from 1/1/1970 until logging event was created.
Constructor Summary
LoggingEvent(String fqnOfCategoryClass, Category logger, long timeStamp, Priority priority, Object message, Throwable throwable)
          Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.
LoggingEvent(String fqnOfCategoryClass, Category logger, Priority priority, Object message, Throwable throwable)
          Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.
Method Summary
 Level getLevel()
          Return the level of this event.
 LocationInfo getLocationInformation()
          Set the location information for this logging event.
 String getLoggerName()
          Return the name of the logger.
 Object getMDC(String key)
          Returns the the context corresponding to the key parameter.
 void getMDCCopy()
          Obtain a copy of this thread's MDC prior to serialization or asynchronous logging.
 Object getMessage()
          Return the message for this logging event.
 String getNDC()
          This method returns the NDC for this event.
 String getRenderedMessage()
static long getStartTime()
          Returns the time when the application started, in milliseconds elapsed since 01.01.1970.
 String getThreadName()
 ThrowableInformation getThrowableInformation()
          Returns the throwable information contained within this event.
 String[] getThrowableStrRep()
          Return this event's throwable's string[] representaion.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public final transient String fqnOfCategoryClass
Fully qualified name of the calling category class.


public final String categoryName
Deprecated. This field will be marked as private in future releases. Please do not access it directly. Use the getLoggerName() method instead.

The category (logger) name.


public transient Priority level
Deprecated. This field will be marked as private in future releases. Please do not access it directly. Use the getLevel() method instead.

Level of logging event. Level cannot be serializable because it is a flyweight. Due to its special seralization it cannot be declared final either.

This field should not be accessed directly. You shoud use the getLevel() method instead.


public final long timeStamp
The number of milliseconds elapsed from 1/1/1970 until logging event was created.
Constructor Detail


public LoggingEvent(String fqnOfCategoryClass,
                    Category logger,
                    Priority priority,
                    Object message,
                    Throwable throwable)
Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.

Except timeStamp all the other fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed.

category - The category of this event.
level - The level of this event.
message - The message of this event.
throwable - The throwable of this event.


public LoggingEvent(String fqnOfCategoryClass,
                    Category logger,
                    long timeStamp,
                    Priority priority,
                    Object message,
                    Throwable throwable)
Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.

Except timeStamp all the other fields of LoggingEvent are filled when actually needed.

category - The category of this event.
timeStamp - the timestamp of this logging event
level - The level of this event.
message - The message of this event.
throwable - The throwable of this event.
Method Detail


public LocationInfo getLocationInformation()
Set the location information for this logging event. The collected information is cached for future use.


public Level getLevel()
Return the level of this event. Use this form instead of directly accessing the level field.


public String getLoggerName()
Return the name of the logger. Use this form instead of directly accessing the categoryName field.


public Object getMessage()
Return the message for this logging event.

Before serialization, the returned object is the message passed by the user to generate the logging event. After serialization, the returned value equals the String form of the message possibly after object rendering.



public String getNDC()
This method returns the NDC for this event. It will return the correct content even if the event was generated in a different thread or even on a different machine. The NDC.get() method should never be called directly.


public Object getMDC(String key)
Returns the the context corresponding to the key parameter. If there is a local MDC copy, possibly because we are in a logging server or running inside AsyncAppender, then we search for the key in MDC copy, if a value is found it is returned. Otherwise, if the search in MDC copy returns a null result, then the current thread's MDC is used.

Note that both the local MDC copy and the current thread's MDC are searched.


public void getMDCCopy()
Obtain a copy of this thread's MDC prior to serialization or asynchronous logging.


public String getRenderedMessage()


public static long getStartTime()
Returns the time when the application started, in milliseconds elapsed since 01.01.1970.


public String getThreadName()


public ThrowableInformation getThrowableInformation()
Returns the throwable information contained within this event. May be null if there is no such information.

Note that the Throwable object contained within a ThrowableInformation does not survive serialization.



public String[] getThrowableStrRep()
Return this event's throwable's string[] representaion.

Log4j 1.2.6

Copyright 2000-2002 Apache Software Foundation.