Log4j Project
Jakarta (parent project)
Log4j contributors
Log4j is the result of contributions from several dozen
developers and hundreds of users across the globe. Some of the
more prominent contributors are listed below in alphabetical
- Mathias Bogaert
While not lurking on the serverside,
Mathias mends the log4j documentation.
- James P. Cakalic
Jim is the original author of the PatternLayout and the
- Paul Glezen
Paul maintains the log4j extension manual while he is not
consulting for IBM.
- Ceki Gülcü
Ceki is the founder the log4j project which still takes
much of his time. He enjoys writing software altough he is
discovering that it is far more difficult than it looks. He
is also slowly building an IT services company called qos.ch.
- Anders Kristensen
Contributor of many enhancements, Anders takes a keen
interest in log4j and all things Java, OO, and XML. He is
currently specification lead for JSR 116, the SIP Servlet
expert group.
- Jim Moore
Jim is often seen answering tough question from log4j
- Jon Skeet
Jon is a software developer in his mid-twenties living in
the UK. He is a Java enthusiast and very active participant
in the comp.lang.java.* newsgroups as well as a moderator
for the log4j mailing lists. He is a committer for the Ant
project, involved (when time permits!) in tidying up the
code documentation.
- Chris Taylor
Chris is the author NTEventLogAppender. In around 1832,
he ported our previous GNU-make build system to at the time
unknown but promising jakarta-ant.