Wolf Justice

by Doranna Durgin

ISBN: 0-671-87891-3 $5.99
Release Date: 9/98


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When his sovereign—and best friend—was killed, Ehren, First of the King's Guard, was far away. He had been sent on a wild goose chase by the First Level Ministry, whose number he now believes must contain at least one traitor. When a First Level wizard orders him to stop searching for the assassins and instead to find and neutralize the dead king's nephews, his suspicions deepen to near certainty. And Ehern is determined to find them—but only so that he may guard them with his life.

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A malfunctioning spell has brought a horse and her rider from a battlefield in another dimension to our world, and also transformed the horse into a young woman. She must find her lost rider while adapting to her new human form and self and complete their mission....

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Once she was the magnificent Dun Lady's Jess—until a malfunctioning spell not only transformed: her from her world to ours, but into human form in the bargain. After amazing adventures here she has been returned to her own world of Camolen, where she is sometimes a human called Jess and sometimes a horse called Lady.

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Charming Fantasy by Last Year's
Compton Crook Award Winner

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