Destiny's Shield - Cover Destiny's Shield

with Eric Flint

ISBN: 0671-57817-0, $23.00 US
Publication July 1999
ORDER  (hardcover)

Sample Chapters

Sequel to
In the Heart of Darkness

In the Heart of

with Eric Flint

ISBN: 0-671-87885-9 $6.99
Release Date: 8/98

(paperback) ORDER

Sample Chapters

Sequel to
An Oblique Approach

In the Heart of Darkness - Cover
An Oblique Approach - Cover An Oblique Approach

with Eric Flint

ISBN: 0-671-87865-4, $6.99  US
Release Date 3/98

ORDER  (paperback)

Sample Chapters

Cross the Stars - Cover Cross the Stars

ISBN: 0671-57821-9, 1.99 US
Publication July 1999

Sample Chapters

With the Lightnings

ISBN: 0671-87881-6, $22.00 US
Release 7/98
(hardcover) ORDER

ISBN: 0671-57818-9, 6.99 US
Release Date: 7/99
(paperback) ORDER

Sample Chapters

0671-87881-6.jpg (9744 bytes)
The Reformer - Cover The Reformer

by S.M. Stirling
& David Drake

ISBN:0671-57804-9, $22.00 US

Release Date: 4/99
ORDER (hardcover)

Sample Chapters


Northworld Trilogy

David Drake

ISBN: 0-671-57797-5, $6.99 US
Release Date: 2/99
(paperback) ORDER

Sample Chapters

Northworld Trilogy - Cover
The Dragon Lord - Cover The Dragon Lord

by David Drake

ISBN: 0671-87890-5, $6.99 US
Release Date: 9/98

ORDER (paperback)

Birds of Prey

by David Drake

ISBN: 0-671-57790-5, $6.99 US
Release Date: 1/99
(paperback) ORDER

Birds of Prey - Cover
The Butcher's Bill - Cover The Butcher's Bill

ISBN: 0-671-57773-5, $6.99 US
Release Date: 11/98

(paperback) ORDER

Publisher's Note:The Butcher's Bill contains a novel, two novellas, four short stories, and a new novelette written for the collection, in addition to an to an introduction by the author. The works are arranged in the order the author finds most satisfactory
Destiny's Shield - Cover Destiny's Shield

with Eric Flint

ISBN: 0671-57817-0, $6.99 US
Publication July 1999
ORDER  (paperback)

Sample Chapters

Sequel to
In the Heart of Darkness

In the Heart of

with David Drake

ISBN: 0-671-87885-9 $6.99
Release Date: 8/98

(paperback) ORDER

Sample Chapters

Sequel to
An Oblique Approach

In the Heart of Darkness - Cover
An Oblique Approach - Cover An Oblique Approach

with David Drake

ISBN: 0-671-87865-4, $6.99  US
Release Date 3/98

ORDER  (paperback)

Sample Chapters

More than Honor - CoverORDER More Than Honor, 87857-3 $5.99

David Weber
In just a few short years, David weber has shot to the forefront of science fiction with his top-selling novels of Honor Harrington, the toughest, smartest starship captain in the galaxy. Now two more military SF world-beaters join him in Honor's universe, bringing their own celebrated skills in this homage to Honor.
David Drake
Creator of Hammer's Slammer's
S.M. Stirling
Creator of the Draka

ORDER The Tank Lords 87794-1 $6.99

Buy this book or Colonel Hammer will be Angry!

ORDER All the Way to the Gallows 87753-4 $5.99

No Noose is Good News

Redliners - CoverORDER Redliners (Hardcover) 87733-X $19.00

ORDER Redliners (Paperback) 87789-5 $5.99

They were the toughest fighters in
the galaxy -- until they got used up.

The mission: redemption -- or death,
The troops were walking dead already,
so there wasn't much of a downside.

Lest Darkness Fall - Cover ORDER Lest Darkness Fall - To Bring the Light 87736-4 $5.99

They were marooned in the past, trying to prevent the fall of civilization -- Exciting time travel adventure by de Camp & Drake!

Mark II CoverORDERMark II:
The Military Dimension (collection) 87697-X $5.99

Soldiers, doing the best they can in disasters where nothing is certain--least of all their own survival. Death wears a thousand screaming faces, and the only choice is to go on or go under. -- The universe won't care.

Enemy Of My Enemy Cover
ORDER Enemy of My Enemy:
Nova Terra I 87692-9 $5.99
with Ben Ohlander

A new hard-hitting military SF series set in the world of the Nova Terra computer game. Disgraced and all but disinherited by his clan, Ward Tuchman must redeem himself on the colony world New Hope, where viciously feuding clans are on the brink of total war.

Hammer's Slammers series:

ORDER Counting the Cost 65355-5 $4.95

ORDER The Warrior 72058-9 $4.95

ORDER The Sharp End (paperback) 87632-5 $5.99

Tales of the "meanest bunch of mercs who ever nuked a world for pay" by a Vietnam veteran.

ORDER Starliner 72121-6 $5.99

The Empress of Earth is the finest passenger liner in the galaxy--and a neutral pawn in an interstellar war....

Crisis of Empire series:

ORDER An Honorable Defense 69789-7 $4.9
with Thomas T. Thomas

The General (with S.M. Stirling):

ORDER The Forge 72037-6 $5.99

ORDER The Hammer 72105-4 $5.99

ORDER The Anvil 72171-2 $4.99

ORDER The Steel 72189-5 $5.99

The Sword - CoverORDER The Sword 87647-3 $5.99

Raj Whitehall was given the daunting task of uniting his planet and dragging it up out of the black hole of history into which it had fallen. But the computer in Raj's mind was God, and God was on his side.... Based on the life of the Byzantine general Belisarius.
Sample chapters of "The Sword"

The Chosen - Covers ORDER The Chosen 87724-0 $6.99

The hottest team in military SF is back inaction -- with Book I of a red-hot sequel to The General series!

also by Drake

ORDER Ranks of Bronze 65568-X $3.50

ORDER Old Nathan (fantasy) 72084-8 $4.50

ORDER Lacey and His Friends 65593-0 $4.99

ORDER The Undesired Princess and The Enchanted Bunny 69875-3 $4.99
with L. Sprague de Camp (fantasy)

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