The Apocalypse Troll - Cover The Apocalypse Troll

ISBN: 0671-57782-4, $22.00 US
Release Date: 1/99
ORDER (hardcover)

ISBN: 0671-57845-6, $7.99 US
Release Date: 1/2000
ORDER (paperback)

Sample Chapters

The Honor Harrington series:

The adventures of the hottest female captain in the galaxy, modeled on Horatio Hornblower. "...remarkable...will appeal to readers interested in warfare, science, and technology of the future, or just in interpersonal relationships, an important part of the story. Gratifying, especially to female readers, is the total equality of the sexes!"--Kliatt

"...an outstanding blend of military/technical writing balanced by superb character development and an excellent degree of human drama....highly recommended...." -- Wilson Library Bulletin

"These yarns rather make one think of Star Wars as it might have been written by C.S. Forester, creator of Horatio Hornblower...fast paced entertainment."--Booklist

Field of Dishonor

ISBN: 0-671-57820-0 $4.99 US
Release Date 10/99

ISBN: 0-671-87624-4 $5.99 US
Release Date 10/94

Honor Harrington goes home to Manticore--and the fight of her life--in this new space adventure. Trapped at the core of a political crisis she never sought, betrayed by an old and victorious enemy she thought she'd vanquished forever, Honor stands alone. Now she must fight for justice on a battlefield for which she is ill prepared.

Field of Dishonor - Cover
Echoes of Honor - Cover Echoes of Honor

ISBN: 0671-87892-1, $24.00 US
Release Date: 10/98
ORDER (hardcover)

ISBN: 0671-57833-2, $7.99 US
Release Date: 10/99
ORDER (paperback)

Back from Hell!

Sample Chapters

On Basilisk Station

by David Weber

ISBN: 0-671-57793-X $18.00 US
Release Date: 2/99

(Hardcover) ORDER

ISBN: 0-671-57772-7 $1.99 US
Release Date: 10/94(Paperback)

Limited Edition

On Basilisk Station - Cover
Worlds of Honor - Cover Worlds of Honor

ISBN:0671-57786-7, $21.00 US

Release Date: 2/99
ORDER (hardcover)

Sample Chapters

More Than Honor

ISBN: 0-671-87857-3 $5.99 US
Release Date 1/1/98

(paperback) ORDER

David Weber
In just a few short years, David weber has shot to the forefront of science fiction with his top-selling novels of Honor Harrington, the toughest, smartest starship captain in the galaxy. Now two more military SF world-beaters join him in Honor's universe, bringing their own celebrated skills in this homage to Honor.


More than Honor - Cover

David Drake

Creator of Hammer's Slammer's
S.M. Stirling
Creator of the Draka

In Enemy Hands - Cover

In Enemy Hands

ISBN: 0-671-87793-3 $22.00 US
Release Date 7/97
ORDER (hardcover)

ISBN: 0-671-57770-0 $6.99 US
Release Date: 10/98
ORDER  (paperback)

The Road to Hell

Honor Harrington has faced ship-to-ship combat, assassins, political vendettas, and duels. She's been shot at, shot down, and just plain shot, had starships blown out from under her, and made personal enemies who will do anything to ruin her, and she's survived it all.

This time she's really in trouble

Honor Among Enemies

ISBN: 0-671-87723-2 $22.00 US
Hardcover - Release Date 2/1/95

ISBN: 0-671-87783-6 $22.00 US
Paperback - Release Date 2/1/95

For Captain Honor Harrington, it's sometimes hard to know who the enemy really is. Despite political foes, professional jealousies, and the scandal which drove her into exile, she's been offered a chance to reclaim her career as an officer of the Royal Manticoran Navy. But there's a catch. She must assume command of the "squadron" of jury-rigged armed merchantmen with crew drawn from the dregs of her service and somehow stop the pirates who have taken advantage of the Havenite War to plunder the Star Kingdom's commerce.

Honor Among Enemies - Cover

That would be hard enough, but some of the "pirates" aren't exactly what they seem... and neither are some of her "friends." For Honor has been carefully chosen for her mission--by two implacable and powerful enemies.

The way they see it, either she stops the raiders or the raiders kill her... and either way, they win.

The Honor of the Queen

ISBN: 0-671-72172-0 $5.99 US
Release Date 6/93


A new space adventure featuring the hottest female captain in the galaxy. It's hard to give peace a chance when the other side regards war as the necessary prelude to conquest, and a sneak attack as the best means to that end. But when Honor Harrington is sent to form an alliance with Grayson, no one informs her that the very presence of women is an intolerable affront.

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The Short
Victorious War

ISBN: 0-671-87596-5 $5.99 US
Release Date 6/93


The families who rule the People's Republic of Haven are in trouble. What they need is a short, victorious war to unite the people and fill the treasury. It's a card they've played often, and won. But this time they're up against Captain Honor Harrington and a Royal Manticoran Navy that's prepared to give them a war they'll never forget.

Flag in Exile

ISBN: 0-671-87681-3 $5.99 US
Release Date 10/94



Two irresistible forces are rushing together to crush Grayson between them. Only one woman--uncertain of her capabilities, weary unto death, and marked for murder--stands between her adopted planet and its devastation.

War God's Own - Cover

The War God's Own

ISBN: 0-671-87873-5 $22.00 US
Release Date 5/98
ORDER (hardcover)

ISBN: 0-671-57792-1 $7.99 US
Release Date 2/98
ORDER (paperback)

Sample Chapters


Oath of Swords

ISBN: 0-671-87642-2 $5.99 US
Release Date 2/1/95


Bahzell Bahnakson of the hrandani is no knight in shining armor and doesn't want to mix with anybody else's problems, let alone the War God's. Unfortunately, he isn't going to have any choice...

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In Death Ground - Cover

In Death Ground

ISBN: 0-671-8779-8 $6.99 US
Release Date 5/97


Sample Chapters

As Easy as

  • "In difficult ground,
    press on";
  • "In encircled ground, devise stratagems";
  • "In death ground,fight"

--Sun Tzu in The Art of War (circa 400 B.C.)


ISBN: 0-671-72024-4 $6.99 US
Release Date 6/93


Rousing space adventure
in the spirit of David Drake and Jerry Pournelle.

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ISBN: 0-671-72111-9 $6.99 US
Release Date 6/93


An ancient starship ignites an interstellar war to free Holy Mother Terra.

Heirs of Empire

ISBN: 0-671-87707-0 $6.99 US
Release Date 3/96

ORDER (paperback)

The long awaited sequel to The Armageddon Inheritance

The Armageddon Inheritance

ISBN: 0-671-72197-6 $6.99 US
Release Date 10/94

(paperback) ORDER

A crippled interstellar warship and a modern Air Force Lieutenant join forces to put down a millennia-old mutiny.

Mutineers' Moon

ISBN: 0671-72085-6 $5.99 US
Release Date 10/94
ORDER (paperback)

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Path of the Fury

ISBN: 0671-72147-X $6.99 US
Release Date 12/92
ORDER (paperback)

Hell hath no fury like a woman commando in quest of vengeance....
"Excellent...a thinking person's Terminator."--Kliatt

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