Functions for use with frame based processing

o sig2coef
Produce a single set of coefficents from a waveform.
o sigpr_base
Produce multiple coefficients from a waveform by repeated calls to sig2coef.
o power
Calculate the power for each frame of the waveform.
o energy
Calculate the rms energy for each frame of the waveform.
o fbank
Mel scale filter bank analysis.
o melcep
Mel scale cepstral analysis via filter bank analysis.

In the following functions, the input is a EST_Wave waveform, and the output is a (usually multi-channel) EST_Track. The track must be set up appropriately before hand. This means the track must be resized accordingly with the correct numbers of frame and channels.

The positions of the frames are found by examination of the time array in the EST_Track, which must be filled prior to the function call. The usual requirement is for fixed frame analysis, where each analysis frame is, say, 10ms after the previous one.

A common alternative is to perform pitch-synchronous analysis where the time shift is related to the local pitch period.

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This page is part of the Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997