Edinburgh Speech Tools
V1.1.0 August 1998
Table of Contents
General stuff
- EST_Content_Data A class for containing some other (arbitrary) class Not general enough to call itself a run-time type system Is designed to solve the problem of holding user specified information.
- EST_Contents More contents
- EST_DMatrix A matrix class for double precision floating point numbers.
- EST_DVector A vector class for double precision floating point numbers.
- EST_Discrete A class for managing mapping string names to integers and back again, mainly used for representing alphabets in n-grams and grammars etc.
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution A class for representing probability distributions for a set of discrete values.
- EST_FMatrix A matrix class for floating point numbers.
- EST_FVector A vector class for floating point numbers.
- EST_FeatureFunctionPackage Represents a named collection of named functions.
- EST_FeatureSample A class for containing arbitrary multi-dimensional feature data.
- EST_Featured A class with the mechanisms needed to give an object features and access them nicely.
- EST_Features A class for containing feature structures which can hold atomic values (int, float, string) or other feature structures
- EST_FringeServer A class providing mechanisms to talk to fringe.
- EST_Handleable Reference Counting Interface.
- EST_IMatrix A matrix class for integers.
- EST_Item A class for containing individual linguistic objects such as words or phones.
- EST_Item_Content A class for containing individual linguistic features and references to relations.
- EST_Option Provide a high level interface for String String key value lists
- EST_Pathname Class representing pathnames.
- EST_Regex A Regular expression class to go with the CSTR EST_String class.
- EST_Relation Relations are a container class for EST_Items.
- EST_SCFG A class representing a stochastic context free grammar (SCFG).
- EST_SCFG_Chart A class for parsing with a probabalistic grammars.
- EST_SCFG_Chart_Edge An internal class for EST_SCFG_Chart for representing edges in the chart during parsing with SCFGs.
- EST_SCFG_Rule A stochastic context free grammar rule.
- EST_SCFG_traintest A class used to train (and test) SCFGs is an extention of EST_SCFG.
- EST_Server Client-server interface.
- EST_ServiceTable A global table of known services.
- EST_SingleChannelWave An alias for wave which can be used to tell the compiler you know it is a simple one channel wave.
- EST_String A non-copyleft implementation of a string class to use with compilers that aren't GNU C++.
- EST_StringTrie A string tree index class for indexing arbitrary objects by strings of characters.
- EST_SuffStats A class for cummulating ``sufficient statistics'' for a set of numbers: sum, count, sum squared.
- EST_TBox Box for putting things in.
- EST_TBuffer Extending buffer class.
- EST_TDeque Double ended queue.
- EST_THandle A `smart' pointer which does reference counting.
- EST_TIterator
- EST_TKVI Templated Key-Value Item.
- EST_TKVL Templated Key-Value list.
- EST_TList
- EST_TMatrix Template Matrix class.
- EST_TSimpleVector A derived class from <tt>EST_TVector</tt> which is used for containing simple types, such as <tt>float</tt> or <tt>int</tt>
- EST_Token This class is similar to EST_String but also maintains the original punctuation and whitespace found around the token.
- EST_TokenStream A class that allows the reading of EST_Tokens from a file stream, pipe or string.
- EST_Track A class for storing time aligned coefficients.
- EST_TrackMap Track maps provide a mapping from symbolic track names to the actual position of the information within a track frame.
- EST_TrieNode An internal class for EST_StringTrie used to hold represent the node in an string index tree.
- EST_Utterance A class that contains <link linkend="est-item">EST_Items</link> and <link linkend="est-relation">EST_Relations</link> between them.
- EST_VTCandidate Internal class to EST_Viterbi_Decoder used to a represent a candidate.
- EST_VTPath Internal class to EST_Viterbi_Decoder used to a represent a link in a path the candidates.
- EST_VTPoint Internal class to \Ref{EST_Viterbi_Decoder used to a node in the decoder table
- EST_Val The EST_Val class is a container class, used to store a single item which can be an int, float, string or other user-defined class.
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder A class that offers a generalised Viterbi decoder.
- EST_WFST a call representing a weighted finite-state transducer
- EST_WFST_MultiState an internal class to EST_WFST used in holding multi-states when determinizing and find the intersections of other WFSTs
- EST_WFST_State an internal class for EST_WFST used to represent a state in a WFST
- EST_WFST_Transition an internal class for EST_WFST for representing transitions in an WFST
- EST_Wave A class for storing digital waveforms.
- EST_Window The EST_Window class provides functions for the creation and use of signal processing windows.
- EST_bracketed_string This class represents a bracted string used in training of SCFGs.
- EST_HashFunctions This is just a convinient place to put some useful hash functions
- EST_Hash_Pair This class is used in hash tables to hold a key value pair.
- EST_THash An open hash table.
- EST_TStringHash A specialised hash table for when the key is an EST_String.
- Safe feature access functions.
- EST_TVector
- XML_Parser An actual parser.
- XML_Parser_Class A Class of parsers, All parsers share callbacks and a list of known public IDs
- DefaultHashFunction The default hash function used by <classname>EST_THash</classname>
- delta Produce a set of delta coefficents for a track
- sigpr_acc Produce multiple sets of acceleration coefficents from a waveform
- sigpr_delta Produce multiple sets of delta coefficents from a waveform.
- EST_Content_Data::ref
- EST_Content_Data::the_refs
- EST_Content_Data::unref
- EST_Contents::refs
- EST_DMatrix:
- EST_DMatrix::copyin Copy 2-d array x of size rows x cols into matrix
- EST_DMatrix::est_load Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)
- EST_DMatrix::est_save Save in file in est format
- EST_DMatrix::load Load from file (ascii or binary as defined in file)
- EST_DMatrix::operator*= elementwise multiply by scalar
- EST_DMatrix::operator+= Add elements of 2 same sized matrices
- EST_DMatrix::operator-= Subtract elements of 2 same sized matrices
- EST_DMatrix::operator/= elementwise divide by scalar
- EST_DMatrix::save Save in file (ascii or binary)
- EST_DVector:
- EST_DVector::est_load Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)
- EST_DVector::load load vector from file <tt> filename</tt>
- operator*=:
- EST_DVector::operator+= elementwise add
- EST_DVector::operator/= elementwise divide by scalar
- EST_DVector::save save vector to file <tt> filename</tt>
- EST_Discrete:
- EST_Discrete::copy
- EST_Discrete::def_val set the default value when a name isn't found (-1 by default)
- EST_Discrete::index The int assigned to the given name, if it doesn't exists p_def_val is returned (which is -1 by default)
- EST_Discrete::init (re-)initialise
- EST_Discrete::length The number of members in the discrete
- name:
- EST_Discrete::operator =
- EST_Discrete::~EST_Discrete
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::clear Reset, clearing all counts and vocabulary
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::copy Copy all data from another DPD to this
- cumulate:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::entropy Return the entropy of the distribution

- frequency:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::get_discrete Returns discrete vocabilary of distribution
- init:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_end Used for iterating through members of the distribution
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_freq During iteration ruturns name and frequency given index
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_name During iteration ruturns name given index
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_next Used for iterating through members of the distribution
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_prob During iteration ruturns name and probability given index
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::item_start Used for iterating through members of the distribution
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::most_probable Return the most probable member of the distribution
- override_frequency:
- probability:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::samples Total number of example found
- set_frequency:
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::set_num_samples Sets the number of samples.
- EST_DiscreteProbDistribution::~EST_DiscreteProbDistribution Destructor function
- EST_FMatrix:
- EST_FMatrix::copyin Copy 2-d array x of size rows x cols into matrix
- EST_FMatrix::est_load Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)
- EST_FMatrix::est_save Save in file in est format
- EST_FMatrix::load Load from file (ascii or binary as defined in file)
- EST_FMatrix::operator*= elementwise multiply by scalar
- EST_FMatrix::operator+= Add elements of 2 same sized matrices
- EST_FMatrix::operator-= Subtract elements of 2 same sized matrices
- EST_FMatrix::operator/= elementwise divide by scalar
- EST_FMatrix::save Save in file (ascii or binary)
- EST_FVector:
- EST_FVector::est_load Load from file in est format (binary/ascii defined in file itself)
- EST_FVector::load load vector from file <tt> filename</tt>
- operator*=:
- EST_FVector::operator+= elementwise add
- EST_FVector::operator/= elementwise divide by scalar
- EST_FVector::save save vector to file <tt> filename</tt>
- f:
- f Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path
- f Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- operator() :
- operator() Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path
- operator() Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- val:
- val Look up directly without decomposing name as path (just simple feature)
- val Look up directly without decomposing name as path (just simple feature), returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- val_path:
- val_path Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path
- val_path Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- A:
- A Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_Features
- A Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_Features, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- F:
- F Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a float
- F Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a float, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- I:
- I Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as an int
- I Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as an int, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- S:
- S Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_String, returning <parameter>def</paramater> if not found
- S Look up feature name, which may be simple feature or path, and return as a EST_String
- load load features from already opened EST_TokenStream
- load_sexpr load features from sexpression, contained in already opened EST_TokenStream
- save save features in already opened ostream
- save_sexpr save features as s-expression in already opened ostream
- set:
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>dval</parameter>
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>ival</parameter>
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>fval</parameter>
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>f</parameter>, which itself is a EST_Features.
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>sval</parameter>
- set Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>cval</parameter>
- set_function Add a new feature feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>f</parameter>, which is the named of a registered feature function
- set_path Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>val<parameter>, where <parameter>name<parameter> is a path
- set_val Add a new feature or set an existing feature <parameter>name<parameter> to value <parameter>val<parameter>.
- clear Delete all features from object
- f.save
- length number of features in feature structure
- operator = Feature assignment
- present return 1 if the feature is present
- remove remove the named feature
- EST_FringeServer:
- EST_FringeServer::~EST_FringeServer Destroy the connection
- EST_IMatrix:
- EST_Item:
- EST_Item Most common form of construction
- EST_Item Default constructor
- EST_Item Copy constructure only makes reference to contents
- EST_Item Includes reference to relation
- ~EST_Item Deletes it and references to it in its contents
- as_relation View item from another relation (const char *) method
- in_relation TRUE if this item is in named relation
- relation The relation of this particular item
- relation_name The relation name of this particular item
- relations Access to the relation links
- same_item True if li is the same item ignoring its relation viewpoint
- A:
- A return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a EST_Features
- A return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a EST_Features, returning <parameter>def</parameter> if not found
- F:
- F return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a float
- F return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a float, returning <parameter>def</parameter> if not found
- I:
- I return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a int
- I return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a int returning <parameter>def</parameter> if not found
- S:
- S return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a EST_String
- S return the value of the feature <parameter>name</parameter> cast as a EST_String, returning <parameter>def</parameter> if not found
- set:
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>f</parameter>, a set of features, which is copied into the object
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>
- set set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>
- set_function set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>val</parameter>, a function registered in the feature function list.
- set_val set feature <parameter>name</parameter> to <parameter>f</parameter>, whose type is EST_Val
- evaluate_features find all the attributes whose values are functions, and replace them with their evaluation.
- f_present TRUE if feature is present, FALSE otherwise
- f_remove remove feature <parameter>name</parameter>
- EST_Item_Content:
- ~EST_Item_Content destructor
- EST_Item_Content::name return the name of the item, eg.
- EST_Item_Content::set_name set name
- EST_Option::add_iitem return value of type String relating to key.
- EST_Option::add_prefix add prefix to every key
- EST_Option::dval return value of type float relating to key.
- EST_Option::fval return value of type float relating to key.
- EST_Option::ival return value of type int relating to key.
- EST_Option::load read keyval list from file.
- EST_Option::override_fval add to end of list or overwrite.
- EST_Option::override_ival add to end of list or overwrite.
- EST_Option::override_val add to end of list or overwrite.
- EST_Option::remove_prefix remove prefix from every key
- EST_Option::sval return value of type String relating to key.
- operator = :
- EST_Regex:
- EST_Regex::compile Compile expression
- EST_Regex::compile_match Compile expression in a form which only matches whole string
- EST_Regex::operator const char * Cast operator, disambiguates it for some compilers
- EST_Regex::regularize Translate the expression into the internally used syntax
- EST_Regex::run Run to find a matching substring
- EST_Regex::run_match Run to see if it matches the entire string
- EST_Regex::size Size of the expression
- EST_Regex::tostring Get the expression as a string
- EST_Regex::~EST_Regex Destructor
- EST_Relation:
- EST_Relation::clear Clear the relation of items
- EST_Relation::empty return true if relation does not contain any items
- EST_Relation::evaluate_features Evaluate the relation's feature functions
- EST_Relation::evaluate_item_features Evaluate the feature functions of all the items in the relation
- EST_Relation::head Return the head (first) item of the relation
- load:
- EST_Relation::name Return the name of the relation
- EST_Relation::remove_item remove EST_Item <parameter>item</parameter> from relation
- EST_Relation::remove_item_feature remove all occurances of feature <parameter>name</parameter> from relation's items
- EST_Relation::root Return the root item of the relation
- save:
- EST_Relation::set_utt Set the <link linkend="est-utterance">EST_Utterance</link> to which this relation belongs
- EST_Relation::tail Return the tail (last) item of the relation
- EST_Relation::utt Return the <link linkend="est-utterance">EST_Utterance</link> to which this relation belongs
- EST_Relation::~EST_Relation default destructor
- EST_SCFG Initialize from a set of rules
- load Load grammar from named file
- save Save current grammar to named file
- find_terms_nonterms Find the terminals and nonterminals in the given grammar, adding them to the appropriate given string lists
- get_rules Return rules as LISP list
- nonterminal:
- num_nonterminals Number of nonterminals
- num_terminals Number of terminals
- prob_B The rule probability of given binary rule
- prob_U The rule probability of given unary rule
- set_rule_prob_cache (re-)set rule probability caches
- set_rules Set (or reset) rules from external source after construction
- terminal:
- terminal Convert terminal string to index
- terminal Convert terminal index to string form
- set_grammar_rules:
- setup_wfst:
- setup_wfst Initialize for parsing from relation using name feature setting up the "Well Fromed Substring Table"
- setup_wfst Initialize for parsing from s to e using name feature setting up the "Well Fromed Substring Table"
- extract_parse:
- extract_parse Extract parse tree and add it to syn linking leafs to word
- extract_parse Extract parse tree and add it to syn linking leafs to items s to e
- find_parse Return the parse in full LISP form
- parse Parses the loaded WFST with the loaded grammar
- EST_SCFG_Chart_Edge::d1 (Non)terminal of daughter 1
- EST_SCFG_Chart_Edge::d2 (Non)terminal of daughter 2
- EST_SCFG_Chart_Edge::pos Postion, 0 1 or 2, where 0 is empty, 1 is incomplete 2 is complete
- EST_SCFG_Chart_Edge::prob Edge probability
- EST_SCFG_Rule:
- EST_SCFG_Rule::daughter1 In a unary rule this is a terminal, in a binary rule it is a nonterminal
- EST_SCFG_Rule::daughter2
- EST_SCFG_Rule::mother
- EST_SCFG_Rule::prob The rule's probability
- EST_SCFG_Rule::set_prob set the probability
- set_rule:
- EST_SCFG_Rule::type rule type
- EST_SCFG_chart_load_relation Build a relation from a LISP list of items
- EST_SCFG_traintest::clear_io_cache Clear the cache for inside/outside values for sentence c
- EST_SCFG_traintest::cross_entropy
- EST_SCFG_traintest::f_I Lookup or caculate inside probability
- EST_SCFG_traintest::f_I_cal Caculate inside probability
- EST_SCFG_traintest::f_O Lookup or caculate outside probability
- EST_SCFG_traintest::f_O_cal Caculate outside probability
- f_P:
- EST_SCFG_traintest::init_io_cache Initialize the cache for inside/outside values for sentence c
- EST_SCFG_traintest::load_corpus Load a corpus from the given file.
- EST_SCFG_traintest::reestimate_grammar_probs Do grammar restimation
- EST_SCFG_traintest::reestimate_rule_prob_B Re-estimate probability of binary rule using iniside-outside algorithm
- EST_SCFG_traintest::reestimate_rule_prob_U Re-estimate probability of unary rule using iniside-outside algorithm
- EST_SCFG_traintest::test_corpus Test the current grammar against the current corpus print summary.
- EST_SCFG_traintest::test_crossbrackets Test the current grammar against the current corpus.
- EST_SCFG_traintest::train_inout Train a grammar using the loaded corpus.
- EST_Server:
- EST_Server Create a server connection by explicitly saying where to connect to
- EST_Server Create a server connection by name, defaulting to "fringe", the default server name
- connect Connect to the server
- connected Are we connected at the moment?
- disconnect Disconnect
- address Dotted numeric IP address
- hostname Domain name of the server
- name Name of server
- port Port number
- servername Domain name or IP number
- type Type of server
- EST_Server::~EST_Server Destroy the connection
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::Entry Create an empty entry
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::operator EST_String A suitable human readable name for the entry
- list List the table to given stream
- names Return a list of server names
- read_table:
- write_table:
- EST_ServiceTable::create Create an entry for a server of the given name and type which is listening on the given socket
- EST_ServiceTable::lookup Return the entry for the server with the given name and type.
- EST_SingleChannelWave::EST_SingleChannelWave default constructor
- after:
- after Part after substring
- after Part after substring
- after Part after pos+len
- after Part after match of regular expression
- at:
- at Return part at position
- at Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)
- at Return part where substring found (not useful, included for completeness)
- at Return part matching regexp
- before:
- before Part before first match of regexp after pos
- before Part before position
- before Part before first matching substring after pos
- before Part before first matching substring after pos
- chop_internal:
- contains:
- contains Does it contain this substring?
- contains Does it contain this substring?
- contains Does it contain this character?
- contains Does it contain a match for this regular expression?
- matches:
- matches Exactly matches this regular expression, can return ends of sub-expressions
- matches Exatly match this string?
- matches Exatly match this string?
- EST_String::Double Convert to a double
- EST_String:
- locate:
- EST_String::Float Convert to a float
- freq:
- freq Number of occurances of substring
- freq Number of occurances of substring
- freq Number of matches of regular expression
- EST_String::FromChar Build string from a single character
- index:
- index Position of match of regexp (starting at pos)
- index Position of substring (starting at pos)
- index Position of substring (starting at pos)
- gsub:
- gsub Substitute string for matches of regular expression
- gsub Substitute one string for another
- gsub Substitute one string for another
- gsub Substitute one string for another
- gsub Substitute one string for another
- gsub Substitute string for matches of regular expression
- gsub Substitute string for matches of regular expression
- subst Substitute the result of a match into a string
- gsub_internal:
- EST_String::Int Convert to an integer
- EST_String::Long Convert to a long
- EST_String::NON_CONST_CHUNKPTR Simple utility which removes const-ness frommemory
- Number:
- operator += :
- operator = :
- operator () Function style access to constant strings
- operator [] Array style access to writable strings
- operator char* Cast to char *, may involve copying
- operator const char* Cast to const char * by simply giving access to pointer
- compare
- return
- quote Return the string in quotes with internal quotes protected
- quote_if_needed Return in quotes if there is something to protect (eg.
- unquote Remove quotes and unprotect internal quotes
- unquote_if_needed Remove quotes if any
- search:
- search Find a match of the regular expression
- search Find a substring
- search Find a substring
- EST_String::String comparison.::Case folded comparison.::fcompare
- compare
- EST_String::cat Concatenate a number of strings.
- EST_String::length Length of string (not length of underlying chunk)
- EST_String::shareing Is more than one String represented by the same memory?
- EST_String::space Size of underlying chunk
- EST_String::split_internal Split the string down into parts.
- EST_String::str Get a const-pointer to the actual memory
- EST_String::updatable_str Get a writable pointer to the actual memory
- EST_String::~EST_String Destructor
- EST_StringTrie:
- EST_StringTrie::add Add item indexed by key, overwriting previous contents
- EST_StringTrie::clear Delete the tree, apply deletenote function to each contentsDelete the tree
- EST_StringTrie::copy
- EST_StringTrie::lookup Find contents index by key, 0 if there is not contents
- EST_StringTrie::operator =
- EST_StringTrie::~EST_StringTrie
- EST_SuffStats:
- EST_SuffStats::copy
- EST_SuffStats::mean mean of currently cummulated values
- EST_SuffStats::operator + Used to cummulate new values
- EST_SuffStats::operator += Used to cummulate new values
- EST_SuffStats::operator =
- EST_SuffStats::reset reset internal values
- EST_SuffStats::samples number of samples in set
- EST_SuffStats::stddev standard deviation of currently cummulated values
- EST_SuffStats::sum sum of values
- EST_SuffStats::sumx sum of squared values
- EST_SuffStats::variance variance of currently cummulated values
- EST_TBox::EST_TBox This never happens
- b:
- b Simple access as a pointer
- b Read-only access when the EST_TBuffer is a constant
- operator() operator () is simple access
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::EST_TBuffer Create with size and increment.
- ensure:
- ensure Make sure there is enough space, copying if requested
- ensure Extend if needed, copying existing data
- ensure Make sure there is enough space, setting to a known value
- expand_to:
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::init Setup code
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::length Current available space
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::set Set to the given value.
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::~EST_TBuffer Destructor.
- EST_TDeque::clear Empty it out
- EST_TDeque::is_empty Is there anything to get?
- EST_TDeque::print print picture of state.
- current Return the element currentl pointed to
- n Return the current position
- next_element Return the current element and move the pointer forwards
- operator * The * operator returns the current element.
- EST_TIterator:
- at_end True when there are no more
- has_more_elements True if there are more elements to look at
- operator int Viewing the iterator as an integer (for instance in a test) sees a non-zero value iff there are elements still to look at
- next Next moves to the next entry
- operator ++ The increment operator does the same as next
- EST_TIterator::begin Set the iterator ready to run over this container
- EST_TIterator::beginning Reset to the start of the container
- operator = :
- add_item add key-val pair to list
- change_key change name of key pair
- change_val:
- key:
- key return first matching key, referenced by val
- key find key, reference by ptr
- key find key, reference by ptr
- remove_item remove key and val pair from list
- val:
- val return value according to ptr
- val return value according to key (const)
- val return value according to key (non-const)
- val return value according to ptr
- val_def value or default
- EST_TKVL::clear Empty list
- EST_TKVL::head Return First key value pair in list
- EST_TKVL::length number of key value pairs in list
- EST_TKVL::map apply function to each pair
- EST_TKVL::operator + make new concatenated list
- EST_TKVL::operator += add kv after existing list
- EST_TKVL::operator = full copy of KV list
- EST_TKVL::present Returns true if key is present
- first:
- first return reference to first item in list
- first return const reference to first item in list
- item:
- item return a const value associated with the EST_Litem pointer
- item return the value associated with the EST_Litem pointer.
- last:
- last return const reference to last item in list
- last return reference to last item in list
- nth:
- nth return the Nth value
- nth return a const Nth value
- operator () :
- operator () return const reference to item in list pointed to by ptr
- operator () return const reference to item in list pointed to by ptr
- append add item onto end of list
- insert_after add item after position given by ptr, return pointer to added item.
- insert_before add item before position given by ptr, return pointer to added item.
- prepend add item onto start of list
- EST_TList:
- exchange:
- exchange_contents exchange 3
- clear remove all items in list
- operator += Add list onto end of existing list
- operator= make full copy of list
- remove remove item pointed to by ptr, return pointer to previous item.
- remove_nth remove nth item, return pointer to previous item
- copy_column:
- copy_column Copy column c of matrix to buf.
- copy_column Copy column <parameter>c</parameter> of matrix to <parameter>buf</parameter>.
- copy_row:
- copy_row Copy row <parameter>r</parameter> of matrix to <parameter>buf</parameter>.
- copy_row Copy row r of matrix to buf.
- set_column Copy buf into column n of matrix.
- set_memory For when you absolutely have to have access to the memory
- set_row Copy buf into row n of matrix.
- EST_TMatrix:
- column Make the vector cv a window onto column c
- row Make the vector rv a window onto row r
- sub_matrix Make the matrix sm a window into this matrix
- a_check:
- a_check const element access function
- a_check non-const element access function
- a_no_check:
- a_no_check const access with no bounds check, care recommend
- a_no_check access with no bounds check, care recommend
- num_columns return number of columns
- num_rows return number of rows
- operator () :
- EST_TMatrix::add_rows The two versions of what might have been operator +=
- EST_TMatrix::copy private resize and copy function.
- EST_TMatrix::copy_data just copy data, no resizing, no size check
- EST_TMatrix::default_vals sets data and length to default values (0 in both cases)
- EST_TMatrix::fast_a_m quick method for returning x[m][n]
- EST_TMatrix::fill fill matrix with value v
- load load Matrix from file - Not currently implemented
- save save Matrix to file filename
- EST_TMatrix::just_resize resize the memory and reset the bounds, but don't set values
- EST_TMatrix::operator= assignment operator
- EST_TMatrix::resize resize matrix.
- EST_TMatrix::set_values Get and set values from array
- EST_TMatrix::~EST_TMatrix EST_TMatrix
- EST_TSimpleVector:
- EST_TSimpleVector::copy private copy function
- EST_TSimpleVector::empty Fill vector with default value
- EST_TSimpleVector::operator= assignment operator
- EST_TSimpleVector::resize resize vector
- EST_TSimpleVector::zero Fill entire array with 0 bits.
- EST_Token::::quoted TRUE is token was quoted
- EST_Token::::set_quoted Note that this token was quoted (or not)
- S Access token as a string
- String Access token as a string
- operator EST_String For automatic coercion to EST_String
- prepunctuation
- punctuation
- set_prepunctuation:
- set_punctuation:
- set_token:
- set_whitespace:
- whitespace
- EST_Token:
- EST_Token::col Line position in original EST_TokenStream
- EST_Token::filepos file position in original EST_TokenStream
- EST_Token::init
- EST_Token::lstring Return lower case version of token name
- operator != :
- operator = :
- operator == :
- EST_Token::pos_description A string describing current position, suitable for error messages
- EST_Token::row Line number in original EST_TokenStream
- EST_Token::set_col
- EST_Token::set_filepos Set file position in original EST_TokenStream
- EST_Token::set_row
- EST_Token::ustring Return upper case version of token name
- EST_TokenStream::::close Close stream
- open:
- EST_TokenStream::::open_string open a EST_TokenStream for string rather than a file
- EST_TokenStream:
- eof end of file
- eoln end of line
- filedescriptor For the people who *need* the actual description (if possible)
- filename The originating filename (if there is one)
- filepos current file position in EST_TokenStream
- linenum returns line number of EST_TokenStream
- operator >>:
- pos_description A string describing current position, suitable for error messages
- restart Reset to start of file/string
- seek seek, reposition file pointer
- tell tell, synonym for filepos
- fread Reading binary data, (don't use peek() immediately beforehand)
- get:
- get get next token in stream
- get get next token in stream
- get_upto get up to s in stream as a single token
- get_upto_eoln get up to s in end of line as a single token
- peek peek at next token
- quoted_mode query quote mode
- set_PrePunctuationSymbols set which characters are to be treated as (post) punctuation
- set_PunctuationSymbols set which characters are to be treated as (post) punctuation
- set_SingleCharSymbols set which characters are to be treated as single character symbols
- set_WhiteSpaceChars set which characters are to be treated as whitespace
- set_quotes set characters to be used as quotes and escape, and set quote mode
- EST_TokenStream::~EST_TokenStream will close file if appropriate for type
- a:
- a return amplitude of frame i, channel c
- a return amplitude of point i, in the channel named name plus offset.
- a return amplitude of time t, channel c.
- a_no_check return amplitude of frame i, channel c with no bounds checking.
- operator() :
- operator() return amplitude of frame i, channel c.
- operator() return amplitude of frame i, channel 0.
- operator() return amplitude of frame nearest time t, channel c.
- operator() return amplitude of frame nearest time t, channel 0.
- channel_position:
- channel_position Return the position of channel name if it exists, otherwise return -1
- channel_position Return the position of channel name if it exists, otherwise return -1
- has_channel:
- has_channel Returns true if the track has a channel named name, otherwise false
- has_channel Returns true if the track has a channel named name, otherwise false
- copy_setup copy everything but data
- resize:
- resize resize the track to have num_frames and num_channels.
- resize resize the track to have num_frames and num_channels.
- resize_aux resize the track's auxiliary channels
- set_aux_channel_name set the name of the auxiliary channel
- set_channel_name set the name of the channel
- set_num_channels Change the number of channels while keeping the number of frames the same.
- set_num_frames Change the number of frames while keeping the number of channels the same.
- EST_Track:
- ~EST_Track default destructor
- load:
- load Load a file called name of format type into the track.
- load Load character data from an already opened tokenstream ts into the track.
- load Load a file called name into the track.
- save:
- save Save the track to a file name of format type.
- save Save the track to a already opened file pointerFP and write a file of format type.
- channel:
- channel make fv a window to channel n in the track.
- channel make fv a window to the named channel in the track.
- copy_channel_in:
- copy_channel_out copy channel n into pre-allocated buffer buf
- copy_frame_in:
- copy_frame_out:
- copy_sub_track Copy contiguous portion of track into st.
- frame make fv a window to frame n in the track.
- sub_track:
- sub_track make st refer to a portion of the track.
- sub_track make st refer to a portion of the track.
- sub_track make st refer to a portion of the track.make st refer to a portion of the track.
- name name of track - redundant use access to features
- set_name set name of track - redundant use access to features
- change_type REDO
- end return time of last value in track
- fill fill all amplitudes with value v
- fill_time:
- fill_time set frame times to regular intervals of time t
- fill_time fill times with times of other track
- ms_t return time of framet i in milli-seconds
- sample resample track at this frame shift, specified in seconds.
- shift return an estimation of the frame spacing in seconds.
- start return time of first value in track
- t return time position of frame i
- empty returns true if no values are set in the frame
- equal_space return true if track has equal (ie.
- index return the frame index nearest time t
- index_below return the frame index before time t
- length return number of frames in track
- next_non_break starting at frame i, return the frame index of the first value frame after i.
- num_aux_channels return number of auxiliary channels in track
- num_channels return number of channels in track
- num_frames return number of frames in track
- prev_non_break starting at frame i, return the frame index of the first value frame before i.
- rm_excess_breaks If the contour has multiple break values between sections containing values, reduce the break sections so that each has a single break only.
- set_break set frame i to be a break
- set_value set frame i to be a value
- single_break return true if track has only single breaks between value sections
- track_break return true if frame i is a break
- val return true if frame i is a value
- EST_TrackMap:
- EST_TrackMap::channel_type Returns the type of the channel at the given position
- EST_TrackMap::clear Empty the map
- EST_TrackMap::copy copy an exiting map
- EST_TrackMap::get Get the position of a channel
- EST_TrackMap::has_channel Does the mapping contain a position for this channel?
- EST_TrackMap::init Initialise the map
- EST_TrackMap::last_channel Returns the index of the last known channel
- EST_TrackMap::operator() Get the position of a channel
- EST_TrackMap::set Record the position of a channel
- EST_TrieNode:
- EST_TrieNode::add add item for key overwriting previous contents
- EST_TrieNode::copy_into copy all entries in trie node into trie
- EST_TrieNode::lookup Find the contents for given string, 0 if no current contents
- EST_TrieNode::~EST_TrieNode
- EST_Utterance default constructor
- load:
- load load an utterance from an ascii file
- load load an utterance from a already opened token stream
- save:
- save save an utterance to an ostream
- save save an utterance to an ascii file
- clear remove everything in utterance
- clear_relations clear the contents of the relations only
- init initialise utterance
- next_id return the id of the next item
- set_highest_id set the next id to be <parameter>n</parameter>
- create_relation create a new relation called <parameter>n</parameter>
- evaluate_all_features Evaluarte all feature functions in utterance
- id return EST_Item whose id is <parameter>n</parameter>
- num_relations number of relations in this utterance
- relation get relation by name
- relation_present:
- relation_present returns true if utterance contains named relations.
- relation_present returns true if utterance contains all the relations named in the list name.
- remove_relation remove the relation called <parameter>n</parameter>
- EST_Val:
- EST_Val Default constructor
- EST_Val Copy constructor for another EST_Val
- EST_Val Copy constructor for an int
- EST_Val Copy constructor for a float
- EST_Val Copy constructor for a double
- EST_Val Copy constructor for a string
- EST_Val Copy constructor for a string literal
- ~EST_Val Destructor
- operator EST_String Automatically cast val as an string
- operator float Automatically cast val as an float
- operator int Automatically cast val as an int
- if
- operator !=:
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the val a
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the string a
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the char * a
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the int a
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the float a
- operator != Test whether val is not equal to the double float a
- operator ==:
- F returns the value, cast as an float
- Float returns the value, cast as an float
- I returns the value, cast as an int
- Int returns the value, cast as an int
- S returns the value, cast as an string
- String returns the value, cast as an string
- string returns the value, cast as an string
- string_only returns the value, cast as an string
- type returns the type that the val is currently holding
- operator=:
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder:
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::add_cand_prune Add a new candidtate to list if better than others, pruning the list if required
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::copy_feature Copy named feature from the best path to related stream item
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::initialise Build the initial table from a EST_Relation
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::result Extract the result from the table and store it as a feature on the related EST_Item in the given EST_Relation named as n.
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::search Do the the actual search
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::set_beam_width Only for use in beam search mode: number of paths to consider
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::set_big_is_good Define is good scores are bigger or smaller.
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::set_cand_width Only for use in beam search mode: number of condidates to consider
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::set_debug Output some debugging information
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::set_pruning_parameters set beam widths for pruning
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::~EST_Viterbi_Decoder
- complement Build complement of a
- compose Build new WFST by composition of a and b.
- concat Build WFST that accepts a language that consists of any string in a followed by any string in b *
- determinize Build determinized form of a
- difference Build WFST that accepts only strings in a that aren't also accepted by strings in b.
- intersection:
- intersection Build intersection of WFSTs a and b The new WFST recognizes the only the strings that are recognized by both a and b list
- intersection Build intersection of all WFSTs in given list.
- minimize Build minimized form of a
- uunion:
- uunion Build union of WFSTs a and b.
- uunion Build union of all WFSTs in given list.
- cumulate Cumulation condition
- start_cumulate Clear and start cumulation
- stop_cumulate Stop cumulation and calculate probabilities on transitions
- epsilon_label LISP for on epsilon symbols
- final True if state i is final
- in_epsilon Internal index for input epsilon
- in_symbol:
- in_symbol Map input alphabet index to input symbol
- in_symbol Map input symbol to input alphabet index
- out_epsilon Internal index for output epsilon
- out_symbol:
- out_symbol Map output alphabet index to output symbol
- out_symbol Map output symbol to output alphabet index
- state Return internal state information
- clear clear removing existing states if any
- copy Copy from existing wfst
- init:
- init clear an initialise with given input and out alphabets
- init Clear with (estimation of number of states required)
- add_state Add a new state, returns new name
- build_and_transition Basic conjunction constructor
- build_or_transition Basic disjunction constructor
- build_wfst Basic regex constructor
- ms_type Given a multi-state return type (final, ok, error)
- add_epsilon_reachable Extend multi-state with epsilon reachable states
- apply_multistate Transduce a multi-state given n and out
- deterministic True if WFST is deterministic
- operator =
- remove_error_states Remove error states from the WFST
- find_transition Find (first) transition given in and out symbols
- transduce:
- transduce Transduce in to out (strings) from state
- transduce Transduce in to list of transitions
- transduce Transduce in to out from state
- transition:
- transition Find (first) new state given in/out string
- transition Find (first) new state given in and out symbols
- transition Find (first) new state given in and out strings
- transition_all Find all possible transitions for given state/input/output
- a return amplitude of sample <tt>i</tt> from channel <tt> channel</tt>.
- a_safe Version of a() that returns zero if index is out of array bounds.
- operator():
- operator() return amplitude of sample <tt>i</tt> from channel <tt> channel</tt>.
- operator() return amplitude of sample <tt>i</tt> from channel 0.
- t return the time position in seconds of the ith sample
- EST_Wave:
- load Load a file into the waveform.
- load_file Load a file of type <tt>filetype</tt> into the waveform.
- end return the time position of the last sample
- have_left_context Can we look N samples to the left?
- length return the size of the waveform, ie.
- name A string indentifying the waveform, commonly used to store the filename
- num_channels return the number of channels in the waveform
- num_samples return the number of samples in the waveform
- sample_rate return the sampling rate (frequency)
- sample_type returns the file format of the file from which the waveform was read.
- set_name Sets name
- set_sample_rate Set sampling rate to <tt>n</tt>
- clear clear waveform and set size to 0
- resample Resample waveform to <tt>rate</tt>
- rescale multiply all samples by a factor <tt>gain</tt>.
- resize resize the waveform
- EST_Wave::integrity
- EST_Wave::operator += Add to existing wave in serial.
- EST_Wave::operator = Assignment operator
- EST_Wave::operator |= Add wave in parallel, ie.
- creator Return the creation function for the given window type
- make_window:
- make_window Make a Buffer of containing a window function of specified type.
- make_window Make a EST_FVector containing a window function of specified type.
- window_signal:
- window_signal Window the waveform sig starting at point start for a duration of size samples.
- window_signal Window the waveform sig starting at point start for a duration of size samples.
- window_signal Window the waveform sig starting at point start for a duration of size samples.
- window_signal Window the waveform sig starting at point start for a duration of size samples.
- description Return the description for a given window type
- options_short Return a comma separated list of the available window types
- options_supported Return a paragraph describing the available windows
- EST_bracketed_string:
- EST_bracketed_string::length
- EST_bracketed_string::operator !=
- EST_bracketed_string::set_bracketed_string
- EST_bracketed_string::string
- EST_bracketed_string::symbol_at The nth symbol in the string
- EST_bracketed_string::valid If a bracketing from i to k is valid in string
- EST_bracketed_string::~EST_bracketed_string
- absval Absolute value
- absval Absolute value
- absval Absolute value
- absval Absolute value
- iceil Round up
- ifloor Round down
- irint Round to nearest integer
- irint Round to nearest integer
- max Larger of two doubles
- max Larger of two ints
- max Larger of two floats
- min Smaller of two doubles
- min Smaller of two ints
- min Smaller of two floats
- srint Round to nearest integer
- srint Round to nearest integer
- get_frame Get the start and end of a given frame (in seconds)
- get_frame Get the start and end of a given frame (in samples)
- get_frame_o Get the start and end of a given frame (in seconds)
- get_frame_o Get the start and end of a given frame (in samples)
- abs_error Calculate the mean absolute error between the same channel in two tracks.
- align_to_track Move the start and end variables to the nearest frame
- align_to_track Move the start and end variables to the nearest frame
- differentiate Calculate the simple derivative of a track.
- get_frame_size Return the frame size in samples based on analysis of current time points.
- get_order How many coefficiants in track (looks for Coef0 and coefN channels)
- get_start_positions Find the start point in the signal of the sections of speech related to each frame
- get_time_frame_size Return the frame size in seconds based on analysis of current time points.
- move_start Move the track by shift seconds
- move_to_frame_ends Move the start and end variables to the start and end of the nearest frame
- nearest_boundary Index of the frame whose start boundary
- rms_error Calculate the root mean square error between the same channel in two tracks.
- rms_error Calculate the root mean square error between each channels in two tracks.
- set_start Move the track so that it starts at the indicated time
- sum_lengths Total the length channel values
- wave_combine_channels extract lkj lkjf lkj.
- wave_extract_channel extract lkj lkjf lkj.
- wave_subwave extract lkj lkjf lkj.
- E_step at last, some interesting functions
- sig2pow Calculate the power for a frame of speech.
- sig2rms Calculate the root mean square energy for a frame of speech.
- FIR_double_filter General purpose FIR double (zero-phase) filter.
- FIRfilter General purpose FIR filter.
- FIRhighpass_double_filter Quick function for one-off double low pass filtering.
- FIRhighpass_double_filter Quick function for one-off double low pass filtering.
- FIRhighpass_filter Quick function for one-off high pass filtering.
- FIRhighpass_filter Quick function for one-off high pass filtering.
- FIRlowpass_double_filter Quick function for one-off zero phase high pass filtering.
- FIRlowpass_double_filter Quick function for one-off zero phase high pass filtering.
- FIRlowpass_filter Quick function for one-off low pass filtering.
- FIRlowpass_filter Quick function for one-off low pass filtering.
- FFT Alternate name for slowFFT
- IFFT Alternate name for slowIFFT
- fastFFT Fast FFT An optimised implementation by Tony Robinson to be used in preference to slowFFT
- power_spectrum Power spectrum using the fastFFT function.
- power_spectrum_slow Power spectrum using the slowFFT function
- slowFFT Basic in-place FFT.
- slowIFFT Basic inverse in-place FFT int slowFFT
- design_FIR_filter Create an artibtrary filter or order order that attempts to give the frequecny response given by freq_response.
- design_highpass_FIR_filter Design a FIR highpass filter of order order and cut-off freqeuncy freq.
- design_lowpass_FIR_filter Design a FIR lowpass filter of order order and cut-off freqeuncy freq.
- Hz2Mel Convert Hertz to Mel.
- Mel2Hz Convert Mel to Hertz.
- fbank2melcep Compute the dicrete cosine transform of log Mel-scale filter bank output to get the Mel cepstral coeffecients for a frame of speech.
- fft2fbank Given a Mel filter bank description, bin the FFT coefficients to compute the output of the filters.
- make_mel_triangular_filter Make a triangular Mel scale filter.
- sig2fbank Calculate the (log) energy (or power) in each channel of a Mel scale filter bank for a frame of speech.
- sig2fft Calculate the energy (or power) spectrum of a frame of speech.
- EST_WindowFunc Function which creates a window
- add_after Add a item after node <parameter>n</parameter>, and return the new item.
- add_before Add a item before node <parameter>n</parameter>, and return the new item.
- first return first item in <parameter>n</parameter>'s relation
- first return first item of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- in_list Given a node <parameter>l</parameter>, return true if <parameter>c</parameter> after it in a list relation.
- last return last item in <parameter>n</parameter>'s relation
- last return last item of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- next return next item of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- next return next item of <parameter>n</parameter>
- prev return previous item of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- prev return previous item of <parameter>n</parameter>
- remove_item_list Remove the given item
- append_daughter Add a daughter to node <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>, after any existing daughters, and return the next daughter.
- append_daughter Add a daughter to node <parameter>n</parameter>, after any existing daughters, and return the next daughter.
- prepend_daughter Add a daughter to node <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>, before any existing daughters, and return the next daughter.
- prepend_daughter Add a daughter to node <parameter>n</parameter>, before any existing daughters, and return the next daughter.
- daughter1 return first daughter of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- daughter1 return first daughter of <parameter>n</parameter>
- daughter2 return second daughter of <parameter>n</parameter>
- daughter2 return second daughter of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- daughtern return last daughter of <parameter>n</parameter>
- daughtern return nth daughter of <parameter>n</parameter>
- daughtern return last daughter of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- first_leaf return the first leaf (terminal node) which is dominated by <parameter>n</parameter>.
- in_tree Given a node <parameter>t</parameter>, return true if <parameter>c</parameter> is under it in a tree
- last_leaf return the last leaf (terminal node) which is dominated by <parameter>n</parameter>.
- next_leaf Return next leaf in tree given <parameter>n</parameter>.
- next_sibling return next sibling (sister) of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- next_sibling return next sibling (sister) of <parameter>n</parameter>
- num_leaves Return number of leaves (terminal nodes) under <parameter>n</parameter>
- parent return parent of <parameter>n</parameter>
- parent return parent of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- prev_sibling return previous sibling (sister) of <parameter>n</parameter>
- prev_sibling return previous sibling (sistem) of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- root return root node of treeprevious sibling (sister) of <parameter>n</parameter>
- root return root of tree of <parameter>n</parameter> as seen from relation <parameter>relname</parameter>
- energy Calculate the rms energy for each frame of the waveform.
- fbank Mel scale filter bank analysis.
- melcep Mel scale cepstral analysis via filter bank analysis.
- power Calculate the power for each frame of the waveform.
- sig2coef Produce a single set of coefficents from a waveform.
- sigpr_base Produce multiple coefficients from a waveform by repeated calls to sig2coef.
- Hash Tables::EST_HashFunctions::DefaultHash A generally useful hash function
- Hash Tables::EST_HashFunctions::StringHash A hash function for strings
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::(*p_hash_function) The hash function to use on this table
- EST_THash:
- move_pointer_forwards Move pointer forwards, at the end of the bucket, move down
- point_to_first Go to start of the table
- points_at Return the key of this entry
- points_to_something We are at the end if the pointer ever becomes NULL
- skip_blank Shift to point at something
- move_pointer_forwards Move pointer forwards, at the end of the bucket, move down
- point_to_first Go to start of the table
- points_at Return the contents of this entry
- points_to_something We are at the end if the pointer ever becomes NULL
- skip_blank Shift to point at something
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::add_item Add an entry to the table
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::clear Empty the table
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::copy Copy all entries
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::dump Print the table to <parameter>stream</parameter> in a human readable format
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::map Apply <parameter>func</parameter> to each entry in the table
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::num_entries Return the total number of entries in the table
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::operator = Assignment is a copy operation
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::present Does the key have an entry?
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::remove_item Remove an entry from the table
- val:
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::~EST_THash Destroy the table
- Hash Tables::EST_TStringHash::EST_TStringHash Create a string hash table of <parameter>size</parameter> buckets
- inv_lpc_filter Filter the waveform using a single set of coefficients so as to produce a residual signal.
- inv_lpc_filter_ola Produce a residual from a track of linear prediction coefficients and a signal using an overlap add technique.
- lpc_filter Synthesize a signal from a single set of linear prediction coefficients and the residual values.
- lpc_filter_1 Synthesize a signal from a track of linear prediction coefficients.
- lpc_filter_fast Synthesize a signal from a track of linear prediction coefficients.
- ref2area An approximation of the area is calculate by skipping the denominator in the formula.
- ref2logarea The logs of the areas.
- ref2truearea The area according to the formula.
- lpc2cep Calulate cepstral coefficients from lpc coefficients.
- lpc2lsf Calculate line spectral frequencies from linear prediction coefficients.
- lpc2ref Calculate the reflection coefficients from the lpc coefficients.
- lsf2lpc Calculate line spectral frequencies from linear prediction coefficients.
- ref2lpc Calculate the linear prediction coefficients from the reflection coefficients.
- sig2lpc Produce a set linear prediction coefficients from a frame of speech waveform.
- sig2lpc Produce the full set of linear prediction coefficients from a frame of speech waveform.
- sig2ref Produce a set of reflection coefficients from a frame of speech waveform.
- simple_mean_smooth Filters the waveform by means of median smoothing.
- EST_post_deemphasis Post process to get the original back (eg after resynthesis)
- EST_pre_emphasis Pre process to emphasise higher frequencies
- getFloat:
- getInteger:
- getString:
- getVal:
- default_pda_options Create a set sensible defaults for use in pda and icda.
- icda Top level intonation contour detection algorithm.
- pda Top level pitch (F0) detection algorithm.
- smooth_phrase Smooth selected parts of an f0 contour.
- smooth_portion Smooth all the points in an F0 contour
- srpd Super resolution pitch trackerer.
- neg_zero_cross_pick Find times where waveform cross zero axis in negative direction.
- pitchmark Find pitchmarks in Larynograph (lx) signal.
- pitchmark Find pitchmarks in Larynograph (lx) signal.
- pm_fill Produce a set of sensible pitchmarks.
- pm_min_check Remove pitchmarks which are too close together.
- post_emphasis Post-emphasis filtering.
- post_emphasis Post-emphasis filtering.
- pre_emphasis Pre-emphasis filtering.
- pre_emphasis Pre-emphasis filtering.
- raw_spectrogram Compute the power-spectrogram
- scale_spectrogram Manipulate the spectrogram to
- EST_TVector:
- a_check:
- a_check read/write non-const access operator: with bounds checking
- a_check read-only const access operator: with bounds checking
- a_no_check:
- a_no_check read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
- a_no_check read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
- a_no_check_1:
- a_no_check_1 read/write non-const access operator: without bounds checking
- a_no_check_1 read-only const access operator: without bounds checking
- length number of items in vector
- n number of items in vector
- num_columns number of items in vector
- operator () read-only const access operator: return reference to nth member
- operator [] read/write non const access operator: return reference to nth member
- Template vector::EST_TVector::copy private copy function, called from all other copying functions
- Template vector::EST_TVector::copy_data just copy data, no resizing, no size check
- Template vector::EST_TVector::copy_section Copy data in and out.
- Template vector::EST_TVector::default_vals sets data and length to default values (0 in both cases)
- Template vector::EST_TVector::empty Fill vector with default value
- Template vector::EST_TVector::fast_a_v quick method for returning \(x[n]\)
- Template vector::EST_TVector::fill Fill entire array will value <parameter>v</parameter>
- Template vector::EST_TVector::integrity
- Template vector::EST_TVector::just_resize resize the memory and reset the bounds, but don't set values
- Template vector::EST_TVector::memory For when you absolutely have to have access to the memory
- Template vector::EST_TVector::operator != is true if vectors are not equal size or a single elements isn't equal
- Template vector::EST_TVector::operator == is true if vectors are equal size and all elements are equal
- Template vector::EST_TVector::operator= assignment operator
- Template vector::EST_TVector::resize resize vector.
- Template vector::EST_TVector::save Save vector to file <parameter>filename</parameter>
- Template vector::EST_TVector::set_values Get and set values from array
- Template vector::EST_TVector::sub_vector Create a sub vector
- Template vector::EST_TVector::vcell_pos The memory access rule, in one place for easy reference
- Template vector::EST_TVector::~EST_TVector destructor
- default_rfc_params Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
- fill_rise_fall_values Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
- rfc_analysis Produce a set of RFC parameterized events given approximate event boundaries and a smoothed F0 contour.
- rfc_synthesis Generate an F0 contour given a list RFC events.
- rfc_to_tilt Convert a single set of local RFC parameters to local tilt parameters.
- rfc_to_tilt For each tilt events in ev_rfc, produce a set of Tiltparameters.
- tilt_analysis Fill op with sensible default parameters for RFC analysis
- tilt_synthesis Generate an F0 contour given a list Tilt events.
- tilt_to_rfc For each tilt events in ev_tilt, produce a set of RFC parameters.
- tilt_to_rfc Convert a single set of local tilt parameters to local RFC parameters.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::XML_Parser Creator used by XML_Parser_Class::make_parser()
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::context Get the name of the nth enclosing element.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::get_error Get the error message for the last error
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::go Run the parser.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::open Open.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::track_contents Keep track of the content of open elements.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::track_context Request that parser keep track of the currently open elements.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::~XML_Parser Destructor, may close input if required
- make_parser:
- make_parser Create a parser for a stdio input stream, giving a description for use in errors
- make_parser Create a parser for the RXP InputSource
- make_parser Create a parser for the RXP InputSource
- make_parser Create a parser for a stdio input stream
- cdata Called for unparsed character data sequences
- document_close Called at the end of a document
- document_open Called when starting a document
- element Called for empty elements.
- element_close Called when an element ends
- element_open Called when an element starts
- error Called when there is an error in parsing
- pcdata Called for parsed character data sequences
- processing Called for processing directives
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::XML_Parser_Class Create an object representing the class of parsers.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::error This can be called from any of the callbacks to present "message" as an error through the error callback, thus getting filename and line information into the message
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::get_error Get the error message for the last error
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::open_entity Do any neccessary remappings and open a stream which reads the given entity
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::register_id Add a mapping from entity ID (SYSTEM or PUBLIC) to filename.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::registered_ids Fill in the list with the known entity ID mappings
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::try_and_open Utility which tries to open an entity called ID at places specified in the mapping of this parser class
- add elementwise add
- add elementwise add
- build_RelationList_hash_table hashed relation lists for super speed
- count_bracket_crossing Cummulate cross bracketing information between ref and test
- cov_prod matrix product of two vectors (rows = length of first vector, cols = length of second vector)
- cov_prod matrix product of two vectors (rows = length of first vector, cols = length of second vector)
- diagonal extract leading diagonal as a vector
- diagonal extract leading diagonal as a vector
- diagonalise extract leading diagonal as a matrix
- diagonalise extract leading diagonal as a matrix
- est_seed the user should use est_seed to seed the random number generatorthe user should use est_seed to seed the random number generator
- eye make already square matris into I without resizing
- eye make already square matris into I without resizing
- inplace_diagonalise inplace diagonalise
- inplace_diagonalise inplace diagonalise
- inverse inverse
- inverse inverse
- make_random_diagonal_matrix used for variance
- make_random_diagonal_matrix used for variance
- make_random_matrix all elements are randomised
- make_random_matrix all elements are randomised
- make_random_symmetric_matrix used for covariance
- make_random_symmetric_matrix used for covariance
- make_random_vector all elements are randomised
- make_random_vector all elements are randomised
- matrix_max find largest element
- matrix_max find largest element
- operator* vector dot product
- operator* vector dot product
- polynomial_fit least squares fit
- polynomial_fit weighted least squares fit
- polynomial_fit least squares fit
- polynomial_fit weighted least squares fit
- pseudo_inverse pseudo inverse (for non-square matrices)
- pseudo_inverse pseudo inverse (for non-square matrices)
- quote_string Quote a string with given quotes and escape character
- scfg_bracketing_only From a full parse, extract the string with bracketing only
- scfg_parse Parse the given string using the given EST_SCFG
- scfg_parse Parse a given string using the given grammar
- scfg_parse Parse named features in (list) relation Word into (tree) relation Syntax
- set assignment operator: fill track with values in list <parameter>s</paramater>
- singular not implemented ??
- singular not implemented ??
- stack_matrix stack columns on top of each other to make a vector
- stack_matrix stack columns on top of each other to make a vector
- subtract elementwise subtract
- subtract elementwise subtract
- sum sum of elements
- sum sum of elements
- symmetrize enforce symmetry
- symmetrize enforce symmetry
- transpose exchange rows and columns
- transpose exchange rows and columns
- utterance_xml_try_and_open Export some RXP functionality for use in festival.
- vector_max find largest element
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_duration Duration of section of signal
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_energy RMS energy of section of signal
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_f0 F0 in Hz
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_frame Number of related frame in another track
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_length Length of section in samples
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_offset Offset from frame center to center of window
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_order order of analysis
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_peak Peak amplitude
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_power RMS power of section of signal
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_time Time in seconds this frame refers to
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_unknown Value to return for errors, never occurs in TrackMaps
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::channel_voiced Voicing decision
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::first_channel_type So we know how many there are
- Channel Types::EST_ChannelType::num_channel_types Can be used to size arrays etc
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_cepstrum Cepstral coefficients
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_fbank Mel Scale filter bank
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_filter Unknown filter type
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_first guaranteed to be the first known type
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_free Guaranteed to be one more than last legal coefficient type
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_lpc Linear prediction filter
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_lsf Line spectral pairs
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_melcepstrum Mel Scale Cepstrum
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_reflection reflection coefficients
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_tubearea Tube areas for filter
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_user1 Free for experimentation
- Channel Types::EST_CoefficientType::cot_user2 Free for experimentation
- set number of samples to be held in object and allocate space for storing them
- EST_Item_Content::f General features for this item
- EST_Regex::compiled The compiled form
- EST_Regex::compiled_match Compiled form for whole string match
- EST_Relation::f Features which belong to the relation rather than its items
- rules The rules themselves
- EST_SCFG_Chart::edges Index of edges by vertex start x vertex end x nonterminal
- EST_SCFG_Chart::emptyedge An empty edge, denotes 0 probability edge
- EST_SCFG_Chart::grammar pointer to grammar
- EST_SCFG_Chart::grammar_local TRUE is grammar was created internally, FALSE is can't be freed
- EST_SCFG_Chart::n_vertices Number of vertices (number of words + 1)
- EST_SCFG_Chart::wfst Index of basic symbols indexed by (start) vertice
- EST_SCFG_traintest::d Partial (denominator) for reestimation
- EST_SCFG_traintest::inside Index for inside probabilities
- EST_SCFG_traintest::n Partial (numerator) for reestimation
- EST_SCFG_traintest::outside Index for outside probabilities
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_client Client end of the connetion
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_fork For off a process for each client
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_interleaved Answer requests from several clients, as requests arrive
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_sequential Answer one client at a time
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_threded Muti-threaded (not implemented)
- EST_Server::Mode::sm_unknown Bizzare state
- EST_Server::p_entry Then server we are connected to
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::address Numeric IP address ()
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::cookie A random string to send as authorisation
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::hostname Human readable hostname
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::name Name of the server
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::port TCP port number
- EST_ServiceTable::Entry::type Type of server (eg `fringe')
- EST_ServiceTable::entries Table of available Fringe servers
- EST_String::Empty Constant empty string
- b
- max
- EST_String::memory Smart pointer to actual memory
- EST_String::size Size of string
- EST_String::version Global version string
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::p_buffer Pointer to memory
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::p_size Current size
- EST_TBuffer.h::EST_TBuffer::p_step Amount to grow by (if negative it is a percentage)
- EST_TDeque::Filler Used to fill empty spaces when possible
- EST_TIterator::cont The container we are looking at
- EST_TIterator::pointer Structure defined by the container class whcih contains the current state of the iteration
- EST_TIterator::pos Position in the structure.
- EST_TKVL::default_key default value, returned when there is no such entry
- EST_TKVL::default_val default value, returned when there is no such entry
- EST_TMatrix::p_num_rows Visible shape
- EST_TMatrix::p_row_step How to access the memory
- EST_Token_Default_PrePunctuationSymbols
- EST_Token_Default_PunctuationSymbols
- EST_Token_Default_SingleCharSymbols
- EST_Token_Default_WhiteSpaceChars The default whitespace characters
- Table of type to position pairs
- EST_TrackMap::p_map The map itself
- EST_TrackMap::p_offset Subtracted from the values in the parent
- EST_TrackMap::p_parent Parent is looked at if this map doesn't define the position
- EST_TrieNode::w
- EST_Utterance::Utterance access
- f Utterance level features
- relations The list of named relations
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::debug very detailed info - for developers
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::do_pruning pruning parameters
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::f For holding vlaues to pass to user called functions
- EST_Viterbi_Decoder::trace less detailed info than debug - for users
- EST_connect_status::connect_error The file was not written successfully
- EST_connect_status::connect_not_allowed_error Connection failed
- EST_connect_status::connect_not_found_error Connection failed
- EST_connect_status::connect_ok Connection made
- EST_connect_status::connect_system_error System failure of some kind
- EST_default_channel_names Definition of standard names we use for channels
- EST_error_behaviour::est_errors_allowed Function will throw errors when feature doesn't exist
- EST_error_behaviour::est_errors_checked Function will not normally return an error unless something really bad has gone wrong.
- EST_error_behaviour::est_errors_never No fatal errors allowed.
- EST_read_status::read_error An error occurred while reading
- EST_read_status::read_format_error The file exists but is not in the format specified
- EST_read_status::read_not_found_error The file does not exist
- EST_read_status::read_ok The file was read in successfully
- EST_rw_state::rws_failed failed
- EST_rw_state::rws_ok ok
- EST_rw_state::rws_partial partial
- EST_write_status::write_error The file was not written successfully
- EST_write_status::write_fail The file was not written successfully
- EST_write_status::write_ok The file was written successfully
- EST_write_status::write_partial A valid file was created, but only some of the requested data is in there
- Hash Tables::EST_Hash_Pair::k The key
- Hash Tables::EST_Hash_Pair::next Pointer used to chain entries into buckets
- Hash Tables::EST_Hash_Pair::v The value
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::Dummy_Value Something to return when there is no entry in the table
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::p_buckets Pointer to an array of <variable>p_num_buckets</variable>buckets
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::p_num_buckets Number of buckets
- Hash Tables::EST_THash::p_num_entries Total number of entries
- Non core feature funtionality.::Safe feature access functions.::EST_feat_status::efs_error An error occured and was caught
- Non core feature funtionality.::Safe feature access functions.::EST_feat_status::efs_not_set No value for feature, default returned
- Non core feature funtionality.::Safe feature access functions.::EST_feat_status::efs_ok All OK, value returned
- RXalpha Sequence of alphabetic characters
- RXalphanum Sequence of letters and/or digits
- RXdouble Floating point number
- RXidentifier Initial letter or underscore followed by letters underscores or digits
- RXint Integer
- RXlowercase Sequence of lower case alphabetic characters
- RXuppercase Sequence of upper case alphabetic characters
- RXwhite White space
- Template vector::EST_TVector::def_val default value, used for filling matrix after resizing
- Template vector::EST_TVector::error_return A reference to this variable is returned if you try and access beyond the bounds of the matrix.
- Template vector::EST_TVector::p_memory Pointer to the start of the vector.
- Template vector::EST_TVector::p_num_columns Visible shape
- Template vector::EST_TVector::p_offset How to access the memory
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::current_bit The piece of markup being processed
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::data Arbitrary data which can beused by callbacks
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::initial_entity The entity we started from.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::p The RXP parser object
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::p_context If context is being tracked, this is a stack of element names
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::p_error_message Last error message from the parser
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::p_track_contents Set true when contents is being remembered.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::p_track_context Set true when context is being remembered
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::pclass The class to which this parser belogs.
- XML Parser::XML_Parser::source Where we are reading from
- XML Parser::XML_Parser_Class::known_ids Map PUBLIC and SYSTEM IDs to places on the local system
- esps_channel_names Definition of the names ESPS programs use for channels
Enums, Unions, Structs
Hierarchy of classes
This page is part of the
Edinburgh Speech Tools Library documentation
Copyright University of Edinburgh 1997